





范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 43831 字

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兰雪堂:是东部的主要厅堂,堂名取意于李白“独立天地间,清风洒兰雪”的诗句。始建于明崇祯八年(1635),据园主王心一《归园田居》记载,兰雪堂为五楹草堂,“东西桂树为屏,其后则有山如幅,纵横皆种梅花。梅之外有竹,竹临僧舍,旦暮梵声,时从竹中来”,环境幽僻。堂前两棵白皮松苍劲古拙,墙边修竹苍翠欲滴,湖石玲珑,绿草夹径,东西院墙相连。堂坐北朝南三开间,“兰雪堂”匾额高挂 ,长窗落地,堂正中有屏门相隔,屏门南面为一幅漆雕《拙政园全景图》,屏门北面为《翠竹图》,全部采用苏州传统的漆雕工艺,屏门两边的隔扇裙板上刻有人物山水。




秫香馆:秫香,指稻谷飘香,以前墙外皆为农田,丰收季节,秋风送来一阵阵稻谷的清香,令人心醉,馆亦因此得名。秫香馆为东部的主体建筑,面水隔山,为单檐歇山结构,室内宽敞明亮,长窗裙板上的黄杨木雕,共有 48幅,缘据行家考证,一部为《西厢记》,另一部为《金玉如意》。其中《西厢记》一出中,有“张生跳墙会鸳鸯”、“拷红”、“长亭送别”等场景,雕镂精细,层次丰富,栩栩如生。夕阳西下,一抹余辉洒落在秫香馆的落地长窗上。加上精致的裙板木雕,把秫香馆装点得古朴雅致,别有情趣。




















波形廊:在西花园与中花园交界处的一道水廊,是别处少见的佳构。从平面上看,水廊呈“L”形环池布局,分成两 段,临水而筑,南段从别有洞天入口,到卅六鸳鸯馆止;北段止于倒影楼,悬空于水上。这里原来是一堵 分隔中、西园的水墙,作为两园之间的分界横在那里,如何规划成景颇费踌躇。聪明的工匠借墙为廊,凌水而建,以一种绝处求生的高妙造园手法来打破这墙僵直、沉闷的局面,将廊的下部架空,犹如栈道一般,依水势作成高低起伏、弯转曲折状,使 景观空间富于弹性,具有韵律美和节奏美。由南往北,经过一系列形态变化之后,突然出现大幅度转折,把它拉离园墙一段距离,使之突出于水池之上,低贴水面,左右凌空,廊顶变化如亭盖,临水处立小石栏柱两根,犹如钓台一般,在波形廊靠近倒影楼的近终点处,在其下部设一孔水洞,让廊跨越而过,使园的中、西部水系相通,廊体也拔高至最高点。若远看水廊,便似长虹卧波,气势不凡。

卅六鸳鸯馆:是西花园的主体建筑,精美华丽,南部叫“十八曼陀罗花馆”,北部叫“卅六鸳鸯馆”。一座建筑同时有两个名字,这是古建筑中的一种鸳鸯厅形式,以屏风、罩、纱槅将一座大厅分为两部,梁架一面用扁料, 一面用圆料,似两进厅堂合并而成,其作用是南半部宜于冬、春,北半部宜于夏、秋。鸳鸯厅面阔三间,外观为硬山顶,平面呈方形,四隅均建有四角攒尖的精巧耳房,又叫暖阁。北半部挑出于水面,由8根石柱撑住馆体架于池上。馆之中央的银杏木雕玻璃屏将大厅一隔为二。北厅(后厅)临清池,夏、秋时推窗可见荷池中芙蕖浮动,鸳鸯戏水,东汉时大将军霍光“(在)园中凿大池,植五色睡莲,养鸳鸯卅六对,望之灿若披锦”,馆名取其意,匾额为清同治年间苏州状元洪钧题写。苏州自古出人才,明清时期状元人数居全国前列,洪钧就是其中之一。他在民间传说中成了一个带有传奇色彩的人物,大多是因他娶了一代名妓赛金花为妾。赛金花的故事后来被人写成小说,洪钧也就更加出名了。南厅是十八曼陀罗花馆,宜于冬、春居处,厅南向阳,小院围墙既挡风又聚暧,并使室内有适量的阳光照射。曼陀罗花即山茶花。清代末年,张履谦建此馆时曾栽种18株名贵的山茶花,冬季百花凋零,山茶却如傲雪的腊梅嫣红斗雪,“树头万朵齐吞火,残雪烧红半个天。”表现出蓬勃的生命力,展示着独特的美,此馆匾额是晚清苏州的另一个状元陆润庠所题。陆状元和洪状元在苏州话里洪、陆谐音“红、绿”这一红(洪)一绿(陆)同邑两状元为同一建筑写匾额,为厅堂增色不少。卅六鸳鸯馆内顶棚采用连续四卷的拱型状,既弯曲美观,遮掩顶上梁架,又利用这弧形屋顶来反射声音,增强音响效果,使得余音袅袅,绕梁萦回。主人在此宴友、会客、休憩,环境优雅,在厅中铺就一方红氍毹,吹笛弄箫,吟歌唱曲。陈设古色古香,书画挂屏、家具摆设配置精当。


与谁同坐轩:小亭非常别致,修成折扇状。苏东坡有词“与谁同坐?明月、清风、我”,故名“与谁同坐轩”。轩依水而建,平面形状为扇形,屋面、轩门、窗洞、石桌、石凳及轩顶、灯罩、墙上匾额、鹅颈椅、半栏均成扇面状,故又称作“扇亭”。轩内扇形窗洞两旁悬挂着杜甫的诗句联“江山如有待,花柳自无私。”扇亭地处山麓水边,地理位置甚佳,树高而雄,石幢静立,人在轩中,无论是倚门而望,凭栏远眺,还是依窗近视,小坐歇息,均可感到前后左右美景不断。在扇亭后的土山上还有一小亭,称“笠亭”。“笠”即箬帽,亭作浑圆形,顶部坡度较平缓,恰如一顶箬帽,掩映于枝繁叶茂的草树中,摒弃了一切装饰,朴素无华。山小亭微,搭配匀称,衬以亭前山水,俨然一戴笠渔翁垂钓,悠然自得。前人曾写词赞道:“花间萝蹬一痕青,烟棱云罅危亭。笠檐蓑袂证前盟,恰对渔汀。 红隐霞边山寺,绿皱画里江城。槐衙柳桁绕珑玲,坐听啼莺。”与谁同坐轩和笠亭是两种不同的园林建筑艺术造型,也是在古典园林中较少见的象形建筑。亭、轩结合,浑然一体。笠亭山上有一座八角形双层建筑,高大气派,煞是引人注目。山上林木茂密,绿草如茵,建筑好像浮动于一片翠绿浓荫之上,因而叫做“浮翠阁”。造型高耸凌空,立面槅扇饰有精美图画。登阁眺望四周,但见山清水绿,天高云淡,满园青翠,一派生机盎然,令人心旷神怡,乐不思返。扇亭、笠亭、浮翠阁,地理位置依次是临水、山中、山巅,它们形态各异,大小不一,由低至高,循序渐进,犹如音阶中的哆、唻、咪,一气呵成,使人陶醉在这动听的旋律里。

留厅阁:为单层阁,体型轻巧,四周开窗,阁前置平台,阁内最值得一看的是清代银杏木立体雕刻松、竹、梅、鹊飞罩,浮雕、镂雕、圆雕相结合,刀法娴熟,技艺高超,构思巧妙,将“岁寒三友”和“喜鹊登梅”两种图案柔和在一起,接缝处不留痕迹,浑然天成,是园林飞罩不可多得的精品。从整体外形看,留听阁是一个抽象化的船厅,厅前平台如船头。左侧池塘中种满了荷花,荷花生长期间其叶、蕾、花、果皆有姿有态,观赏期特长,从春末夏初池面冒出点点绿钱到盛夏时节的满池华盖,直至秋意浓浓的枯叶残花,每一个阶段都有其独到的美。俗话说,花无百日红,再美的鲜花最终也是“零落成泥碾作尘”,残花败叶的凄凉晚景让人不忍卒睹,唯独秋塘枯荷却别有一种残缺美的意境,李商隐有“留得残荷听雨声”的名句,留听阁就是取此诗意而名。花谢了,人已老,景犹在,情难忘,触人心境,发人幽思。《红楼梦》第四十四回里 ,贾宝玉与林黛玉乘着姑苏驾娘撑动的木舫在水中游赏,黛玉看到满池荷花时说,我最不喜欢李义山的诗,只喜他一句“留得残荷听雨声……”林黛玉是个极有文化修养的姑娘,多愁善感,聪明绝顶,但又孤傲清高,不愿随波逐流,所以才会对李商隐这句表达冷寂清幽之美的诗句产生共鸣。这虽然是文学作品里的描述,但她所欣赏的如此富有诗意的境界也出现在拙政园的西花园里。大自然的天籁之音,在中国园林中奏出了或恢宏或欢快或喜悦的美妙乐章。

塔影亭:此亭从顶部到底座及四周窗格均为正八角图案,是园中最精致华丽的建筑物之一。在留听阁船台,回头望塔影亭,顿觉美妙至致。狭长的纵向水系拉开了层次,隔了一定的距离,水湾的纵深感就增强了,那攒尖的八角亭印入水中,宛如宝塔,端庄怡然。真亭假塔,虚实相连,不失为西部花园中一个别致的景观。在拙政园中,有两处景观与宝塔有关。一处是在倚虹亭看远借的园外北寺塔,还有一处便是这借水景而成的塔影亭。在中花园中看到的宝塔是实体,而在西花园中看到的宝塔是虚体。不论是真塔远望,还是假塔近观,都让人产生丰富的联想,留下深刻的印象。塔影亭所处的位置并不显眼,已到了花园的尽头。聪明的主人在水源将尽处筑了一个小亭,若将整个西园比作一首旋律优美的乐曲,那么塔影亭 就是最后一节音符。嘎然而止的乐曲让人觉得突兀,而此处有了塔影亭则组成了完整的乐章。更妙的是,不光有亭,还有影,就如曲终遗音余韵不绝,让人回味。


Humble administrators garden was built in the Ming dynasty, Wang Xianchen master the zoo first. Him in jiajing, zhengde years in the supervision of the empire, in official career is not satisfied, come back from the office to buy land landscape, borrow the recluse "" compensated" place of the sentence, humble administrators garden. Park main attractions are: LanXueTang, pavilions, Shu sweet lotus pavilion, looking pavilion, far from the hall, small, pavilions, green blue waves pavilion, etc.

Dominated points east, middle, west, home four parts. The residence is a typical residence in suzhou, now decorate for garden museum exhibition hall. East and lively open and bright, with flat, distant mountains, pine forest lawn, bamboo dock water is given priority to. The main attractions are: LanXueTang, compose yunfeng, pavilions, day spring pavilion, lotus Shu incense pavilion, etc. Humble administrators garden in essence, the water area accounts for a third, give priority to with water, wide pool tree alum, natural view, arrangement of the water in the form is differ, strewn at random discretion, primary and secondary and clear. The main attractions are: far hong tong, xiangzhou, wind pavilion, small mountains tower, the flying all around, loquat garden, etc. Western main body building for near the home side longmont yuanyang pavilion, pool assumes the rue droit-mur, its main characteristics for the Chinese Taiwan pavilion points ups and downs, corridor, the reflection waves, interest, beautifully decorated. Main attractions: thirty six yuanyang pavilion, reflection, and who sat with hin, water corridor, etc.

East garden is introduced

LanXueTang: is the main hall, the east TangMing take meaning on li bai "independent between heaven and earth, the wind is aspersed LanXue" verse. Was built in Ming chongzhen eight years (1635), according to the Lord Wang Xinyi "belongs to the garden and field in" records, LanXueTang for five jacaranda thatched cottage, "something means to screen, then there are mountain, such as painting, and all kinds of clubs. Mae have bamboo, bamboo SengShe, DanMu brahman, when" from the bamboo, secluded environment. Hall before two tree pinus bungeana and vigorous like, verdant bamboo wall, and Shi Linglong lake, green grass clamp diameter, wall is linked together. Hall sits three studio, "LanXueTang" plaque hanging high, long window to the ground, the center of the hall divided by screen door, screen door to the south for a pair of carved lacquerware, panoramic view of the humble administrators garden, "north for the bamboo figure, screen door are all made of suzhou traditional carved lacquerware craft, screen door on both sides of the partition board and skirt board inscribed with characters.

Compose yunfeng: LanXueTang north, peaks tower in the shadow of the green bamboo, mountain northwest bimodal coexistence, named "wall". Compose yunfeng, couplet peak to belong to the garden and field wall in garden scenic spot. Wang Xinyi "belongs to the garden and field", before LanXueTang pool, "fanaw have peak, cloud compose Miao trees, yue compose yunfeng. The name given to the pool they left two peaks, like the palm like sails, peak of united wall." Fold two peaks of the late Ming dynasty stone masters Chen works like a cloud, the lake stone, exquisite, renew the Zhao Songxue at the end of the yuan dynasty landscape painting as template. Compose yunfeng form gradually from bottom to top shape is large, its top YouWei, such as cloud, bully independence, no support. Summer night in 1943, compose yunfeng suddenly Pi. Later, in the garden, under the guidance of experts Wang Xingbo to pile into the up to two zhangs, and exquisite YaoJiao qifeng, peeling, and now the peak moss vines mixed and disorganized, there is no lack of ancient meaning.

The pavilions of the lotus: pavilions is a very beautiful ancient Chinese architectural form, with the surrounding scenery, constitute, and flexible in form. Hibiscus pavilions for volume shed roof rested on the top of the hill, the four corners to fly up, half built on the bank, half into the water, the spirit empty frame on the water wave, stands near the water, beautiful qian qiao. This wonderful facing wide pool, pool, is a good place to admire the lotus in summer. Walk lotus pavilions, pinglan, finding, visible green pool, make-up water, romantic beauty like a graceful fairy on mesh face-physick out of China and the United States, the breeze suddenly, a piece of green waves, sent the fragrant lotus,... Enjoy a taste of the lotus flower is beautiful, elegant and noble character.

Day spring pavilion, is a double-hipped roof was fixed, the eaves tall and external form the cloister, solemn plain, has the sit sill wai column, can take a rest. Pond surrounded by lawns, flowers and trees. Small pavilion beiping hills, slope, lush vegetation. Pavilion is "day spring" this name, because it has a well under, CiJing perpetual desiccation, water quality sweet, thus known as "spring". According to "the qianlong cheung chau county annals" records, the yuan dynasty, a teacher and a temple with a temple called big macro. For hundreds of years, ze monk living there, and set up a "east". Spring has well before lent, referred to as "day". Suzhou is a gesturing across, river, bridge, and well, but the history is rare. Wang Xinyi built "belongs to the garden and field house", has kept it, also make the garden smooth add how much pastoral scenery.

Shu incense pavilion: Shu incense, paddy fragrance, wall before all is farmland, the harvest season, autumn wind sent waves of rice fragrance, is glorious, the pavilion also hence the name. Shu incense pavilion for the main architecture of the east, hills of flour and water, as the structure of single eaves jehiel mountain, indoor capacious and bright, long window on the apron boxwood carving, a total of 48, according to expert textual research, one for "the west chamber", another one is "good luck". There, in "the west chamber" a "will yuanyang ying-ying went jumping the wall", "copy red" and "pavilion farewell" scenarios, such as fine chase, rich layers, lifelike. The setting sun, with a long afterglow on in Shu incense pavilion floor window. With delicate apron woodcarving, decorated Shu incense pavilion of primitive simplicity is elegant, full of interest.

Han qing ting: garden architecture, with the change of the booth. Pavilion is a kind of roof without wall of the hut, and exquisite lighter, generally by the roof, scape and stylobate of three parts. Point of view, the view in the garden, and for a nap, enjoy the cool, rain shelter. Humble administrators garden pavilion more not only, and have different forms. Han qing pavilion at the corner, the space is relatively narrow range. But gardening bottom with tall, white wall, built a modular half pavilion, a second from Lord, pick out the main pavilion flat seat above the water, is like a waterside pavilion, both sides vice pavilion slightly backward, toward the left and right sides, like a gallery, the gallery, the main pavilion hair two peak, vice pavilion a peak, the entire pavilion is like a phoenix, wings to fly to flat, drab wall added flying electromotive force. Leaning TingBian beauty by small sit, the skylight cloud water, brocade carp, lotus lotus QingDang.

In the garden is introduced

Lean on rainbow pavilion: in the straight porch corridor to the west, sitting east toward the west, behind the gallery &, shuimu KuangYuan before, is an excellent after enter in the garden. Bamboo pavilion is the right of living, passing a have a stone Bridges, the name "rainbow bridge", bridge, stone reflects the style of the Ming dynasty, is a relic of humble administrators garden in Ming dynasty. Standing in the middle of the pavilion, open water, winding division of the water. Midsummer, pond full of lotus red type green cover, a piece of jiangnan amorous feelings. Peep of deep shade, a beautiful, exquisite pagoda, this is the technique of using borrow scene, outside the garden thousands of metres north temple tower borrowing in the garden. Is "far" borrow scene "borrow" of the case.

The bamboo of living: the unique architectural style, clever chic the bamboo is a square, as the central ChiDong accent. The gallery pavilion peripheral red white walls, cornices, newborn back against the corridor, in the face of wide pool, a phoenix tree shade, bamboo, the living feeling. Pavilion wonderful place is surrounded by white walls opened four circular burrows, hole ring hole, hole hole, can be seen in different Angle of overlapping circle ring, ring, even the strange landscape. Four round David already fully, daylighting, elegant, and formed four beautiful window, framed by a small bridge flowing water, lakes and mountains, the bamboo of classical beautiful scene images, it interesting. "The bamboo of living" plaques for Wen Zhiming body. Concept of "cool, cool breeze Ming borrow move water watch mountain" couplets for the qing dynasty famous calligrapher zhao zhiqian written books, a laparoscope, usually connected to a part two borrowed words, points out the human and romantic, intimate love in harmony with nature; Bottom allied with a quiet move, one virtual real mutual foil, contrast, set each other off becomes an interest.

Snow sweet YunWeiTing: incense, refers to the plum blossom. YunWei, flowers and trees flourish. This pavilion is suitable for early spring to admire the plum, pavilion next to the plant may, fragrant. Bamboo grove around the green, lush trees, around the stream plate line, to have the taste of city forest. Pavilion is rectangle, on the pool Midwest heaped-up mountains, plain appearance and light, booth in plaques "between" mountain wild birds for contemporary artists Qian Juntao book.

Autumn harvest pavilion: garden grow a lot of loquat, loquat pregnant bud, bloom in winter, the spring as a result, the mature in summer, containing the gas of the four seasons, formed a pill with gold. Harvest pavilion, both for the praise of the jiangnan gardens, and harvest festival. Outside the pavilion wall in the middle of a square humanly scaled, humanly scaled side is accompany, stone beside the winter wintersweet, summer has a banana, and form a natural three-dimensional picture. Through the loquat garden burrows, harvest pavilion and fragrant snow YunWeiTing formed a set of places and this is one of the art of gardening technique.

Listen to woo hin

In the east of harvest pavilion, with the surrounding building corridors connect. Hin before a congested water, plant have lotus; After the pool has a banana, bamboo, porch also grow a clump of banana, set each other off. Five dynasties south down the poet Li Zhongyou poems said: "rain fall bamboo, a monk by old chess". Song dynasty poet compose poems said: "autumn rain sigh" rain "in half yellow lotus leaf green, two a voice". Modern suzhou horticulturist Zhou Shoujuan "banana" poems said: "the banana was raining on the rain, in the dream of broken jade ring." Here has a banana, bamboo, lotus leaf, whether spring, summer, autumn and winter, as long as it is a rainy night, because of the rain falls on different plants, coupled with the rain of different state of mind, since can hear the rain of each has its appeal, wonderful, do not have lasting appeal.

Haitang spring basin: lean on rainbow winding corridor, exquisite pavilion east tracery wall separating independent yard is haitang spring basin. The scroll type brick of chic modelling, embedded in the courtyard south of the wall. Nosocomial haitang several strains of spring flower is abundant, blushing like small jasper show appearance brilliant quality, superb unique kind of beauty. The estrogen acura of men of letters. The courtyard floor with green red and white three color cobble Mosaic and ChengHaiTang pattern. In the tea table decoration patterns are the Chinese flowering crabapple pattern. Everywhere there are attractions, the courtyard is small, quiet and tastefully laid out, is an ideal place to study have a rest.

Far hong tong: far hong tong for all hall, the humble administrators garden is the central part of the subject construction, in the original MingZhengDe if the site of a luxury hall, built by qing emperor qianlong, bluestone foundation is the time of the original object. And its surface water building, single eaves jehiel the top of the hill, width between the three. The spacious hall of Peiping, kuang lang clear the pond. HeChi broad, red type green cover, pleasant fragrance. TangMing take zhou dunyi "wang" of "XiangYuan yi qing" in the sentence, the water through the plant lotus, due to the lotus name. Summer in the pool of lotus leaf tiantian, Dutch wind lifted, fragrant far, is the good place of appreciation. Park owner borrow from yu, expressed the landowners sentiments. Inside the hall decoration transparent and exquisite glass French window, specifications, due to the long window nearby, around the scene of each has its appeal, mountain light watermark, panoramic view, like viewing landscape scroll. Elegant and refined indoor display.

Is water, small flying: suzhou humble administrators garden is water park, water and bridge. In the humble administrators garden masonry bridge, stone bridge, etc., small flying style is very special. Is the only covered Bridges in suzhou garden. In the song dynasty of the northern and southern dynasties BaoZhao "baiyun" poem "the flying jams Qin He, generic fog light string named". Scarlet bridge are reflected in the water, water waves, like the flying, so the thought of. Rainbow, it is after a storm comes a calm after a brilliant we across the land, the ancients to rainbow YuQiao, wonderful. It is not only a connection channel of water and land, and constitute a unique landscape with the center of the bridge. Little fly to hongqiao for three cross Shi Liang body, slightly arched, show eight word. Bridge deck railing on both sides with a swastika, three, eight columns, covered corridor room, decorated with upside down under eaves fang lintel, connected with song gallery on both ends of the bridge, is a beautiful covered Bridges.

Small: blue waves surging wave in northern song dynasty? Su Shunqin "surging waves pavilion called" cabinet, moral claustral retirement. Width between the three small pavilion, south north window sill, two face water, appearance is very chic, like room the room, like a ship FeiChuan, like bridge, the bridge, is entirely a ShuiGe planes on the surface of the water. ShuiGe across the pool, to divide the water again, builds the garden water in the end of the end, seemingly endless artistic skill. Ting corridor around, open water quiet courtyard. Formerly suzhous old city numerous scholars, senators, both values house and general housing, all pay special attention to small space decorate, this little space is the courtyard, and the water garden is the unique small blue waves, on the one hand, it embodies the jiangnan amorous feelings, on the other hand, because the water landscape, yard inside and outside borrow scene with each other and build a special cool and refreshing environment.

Wind ShuiGe: pine, bamboo and plum in Chinese traditional culture is referred to as "poetic age", the literati freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese garden, especially love planted this kind of plant to "than", to express thoughts and feelings of the master. The cold depth, stays, the ancients will have noble moral sentiment, "the. Loose the vigorous like that attitude is drawn into the figure, often is one of the main species of Chinese garden. Wind ShuiGe also known as "listen to the wind place", is to look at the pine listen to the tao. The ShuiGe pavilion, your space is closed, the small discrepancy between gallery, the remaining three sides on the structure wall plus half the window. Roof eaves super-large, cornices case become warped, especially high, show the elegant demeanour that fluttered about, elegant light spirit, the entire building is not using structured south north direction, but the oblique Angle of 45 degrees, volley in the water, can avoid Yang ventilation, viewing the most suitable for the summer. Pavilion side of the plant have large number of strains, the wind blows over, pine away, song tao, color is ready, a landscape is a distinctive flavour.

Xiangzhou: xiangzhou is "matter" type structure, there are two layers of the tank floor, perfect the elegant and free and easy, its motions are reflected in the water, more appear center and graceful. Xiangzhou ideals and sentiments of the literati. Xiangzhou, with qu yuans "FangZhou" allusions, chu "in" with qin xi biddy mining FangZhou xi rico, "sentences. Ancient often vanilla metaphor as lofty, vanilla with lotus landscape metaphor here, is also very appropriate. In numerous beautiful in Chinese classical garden, the humble administrators garden xiangzhou is probably the most beautiful one shape. Is a bow, front is a pavilion, in the cabin for the pavilions, stern is cabinet, cabinet on the floor, line downy, proportion size is proper, reminiscent of the ancient suzhou, hangzhou, mountain water, yangzhou region soft, original scene like a cloud. Xiangzhou located in the water, as the stream of east, west and north and south river interchange, bounded by water on three sides, one side in accordance with the shore, of article three stone springboard "ship", standing in the bow, wave ripples, surrounded by open and bright, garden xiuse, makes the heart. The hot sun hot summer here but lotus gusty wind, lifted up his eyes, and cool and refreshing. There is written Wen Zhiming TiE xiangzhou bow, also specifically for the inscription of later generations. Xiangzhou this land boat, construction technique and elegant delicate, fascinating, make the person feel a kind of pursuit of noble personality.

Lotus pavilion: all around wind pavilion name due to load, is located in the central park pool island, budai, water in the lake lotus graceful net plant, the shore willow branches filar silk dance, pavilion single eaves hexagon, connect fully, all pavilion with column in the league: "lotus flowers all around three and a half face willow, tam colchicine well." In here is very appropriate. Especially the word "wall" in the league, pavilion buildings is the most open and without the wall between the column, so the line of sight from the shade, bright feel empty, although no wall, but three Banks of the river willows thrive, and surrounded by lotus surrounded, not collected around became a green wall of the soft? Moving exaggeration and rich imagination, gave the island pavilion even more colorful, slim and graceful. The wind wall motion, and the green waves rolling, fragrance 4 excessive, color, aroma, delicate shape. Spring willow light, summer lotus yan, autumn, winter hill is static, Dutch wind pavilion is not only the most appropriate summer heat, and is suitable for four seasons. If the wind from a height overlooking the lotus pavilion all around, but saw booth out of the water, cornices rippers andalusite tall and straight, base white jade, is clearly full TangHe holding a shone bright pearl.

See mountains: mountain building surrounded on three sides by water, on both sides of the mountain, from the west by flat roads into the underlying, while upstairs after climbing the mountain corridor or rockery stair. It is a residential buildings, the jiangnan style double-hipped roof tent, rested on the top of the hill, gentle slope, white wall tiles, colour quietly elegant, MingWa upstairs window, the wind of of primitive simplicity. The bottom is called the "lotus root shaughnessy", set the prince on the verandah along the water, when a nap may can view of thought, to admire the lotus, far the picturesque scene is grounds generally unfolds before our eyes. To the upper floor to see mountain, tao yuanming a yue: "picking tori, carefree and see nanshan." High building open, can be in the garden scenery panoramic view. The spring garden new cui, outstanding displays; Summer is the wind xu, fragrant lotus fragrance of; Autumn poolside rushes the wind chill bleak; Pleasant winter house full of warm Yang, snow. Previously, no tall buildings in suzhou city, telescopic, the building can be out of the outskirts of mountains. Legend has it the king of the taiping heavenly kingdom zhong qing xianfeng years building of political office. See mountain building and not dangerous, and smooth, with the surrounding scenery constitute a balanced picture.

Yulan hall, yulan hall, is an independent closed quiet courtyard, the master in the humble administrators garden residential area and the border area of the garden, is the Lord met with the guests and handle the daily affairs of the main places, yulan hall tall and spacious yard cabinet and delicate. South wall tall, like paper, rattan grass painting on the wall, under the wall with a flower bed, tianzhu and bamboo grove, the lake stone number peak, yulan and osmanthus flowers, color, aroma and pleasant. Yulan hall has a "pen flower hall", and Wen Zhimings former residence "pen flower hall" in the same name. This shows that when the Lord Wang Xianchen with Wen Zhiming between different general close relationship; Moreover, "the dream having flowers" is the ancient literati, a pursuit of creative inspiration. Reading in the painting, is a great enjoyment in life.

West park is introduced

Proper two pavilion: in the new world, on the left there is a rockery. Along the rockery stone, there is a hexagonal pavilion is located in the top of the mountain, that is "appropriate two pavilion". It faces Yu Zhongyuan and west park boundary cloud wall, pavilion base is higher, six sides, buy window pane for plum flower pattern. On appropriate two pavilion, overlooking the central scenery. Garden view, from the view of the progressive transformation unfolds, appropriate two pavilions highlighted on the gallery ridge, make whole garden scenery become stretches, form a very profound landscape space, this is a gardening technique on a typical example of "neighbor borrowed". "Appropriate" from an interesting story. Bai juyi in the tang dynasty and yuan ZongJian neighborship, there are tall willows leaned out of the walls in the yard, can enjoy it for two. Bai juyi wrote poems to praise way: "good moon night with three diameter, and the green Yang Yi for two spring", to the analogy between neighborhoods in harmony. That year, the humble administrators garden in central and western all belong to two, west park owners do not build high-rise buildings, instead, piled mountain pavilion. He can see his envy in the pavilion in the garden scenery, and in the garden owner in the garden can be overlooking pavilions towering appeal, borrow the pavilion into the landscape, landscape, rich far zai! A pavilion should be two, add more add scene, and in this way, a good poem, a much-told story, makes a wonderful pavilion, a scenery.

Waveform corridor: garden border in XiHuaYuan and a water corridor, is rare elsewhere. Look from the surface, the water gallery is "L" ring pool layout, divided into two segments, built by the water, the south from the entrance to the new world, to longmont yuanyang pavilion; Section in reflection floor, dangling in the water. Here is a space, west park in water wall, as the boundary between the two garden cross there, how to plan a scene is a pause. Clever artisan borrow wall of corridor, ling water and build, with a unique place of survival is safe technique to break the wall rigidity, depressing situation, the gallery of the overhead, like plank road, according to the water made winding ups and downs, ways, make the landscape space full of elasticity, has the rhythm and rhythm. From south to north, and, after a series of morphological changes, a sudden sharp turn, pull it away from the garden wall, make the highlight on the tank, low water, or air, the gallery roof changes such as pavilion cover, the water in the vertical columns column, two small like DiaoTai, on the reflection waveform corridor near the floor near the end, one hole is set in the lower part of the tunnel, let corridor cross over, in the garden, west water system are interlinked, the gallery body too high to high. If far water corridor, is like changhong lying wave, splendid.

XiHuaYuan longmont yuanyang pavilion: is the main part of building, the elegant and luxuriant, called "18 datura flower pavilion", south north called "longmont yuanyang pavilion". A building at the same time, there are two names, this is a form of the mandarin duck hall of ancient building, in order to screen, cover, yarn Ge, a hall can be divided into two beams with flat, with round, like a merger of two into the hall, and its role is the southern half like in winter and spring, the northern half like summer, autumn. Mandarin duck hall width between the three, appearance is hard to the top of the hill, the plane square, the four corners of corner all have sophisticated wing of the pavilion, also called NuanGe. The northern half of pick out of the water, shored up by eight pillar pavilion built in the pool. In the middle of the hall of ginkgo wood carving glass screen will hall a separated in two. Which (hall) after linqing pool, summer, autumn when pushed lotus of the visible HeChi floating window, girlfriend, when the eastern han dynasty general huo guang "chisel (in) the garden pool, five-color water lily, yuanyang thirty six pairs, hope it can is if the beatles kam", the pavilion in its meaning, plaques is clear to manage to originate in suzhou top HongJun inscribed. Suzhou out talents since ancient times, the Ming and qing dynasties top ranked among the top nationwide, HongJun is one of them. He in folklore became a legendary figure, mostly because he was married to a generation of famous prostitute "golden flower to be his wife. The story of the golden flower was later people write novels, HongJun is that much more famous. South hall is 18 datura flower pavilion, like the winter and spring, remaining hall south xiangyang, yard fence is wind and warm, and make the interior has the right amount of sunlight. Datura flower camellia. Qing dynasty, Zhang Lvqian built this pavilion has 18 strains of rare plant camellia, winter flowers wither, camellia is as proud of snow wintersweet purples dou, "tree head thousands of flower of fire, cx to burn the red half a day." Showed vigorous vitality, showing a unique beauty, this pavilion plaques is suzhou in late qing dynasty by another top Liu Runxiang. Top and hong top lu hong in the suzhou dialect, homophonic "red, green" lu this red (flood) a green (lu) with two of them for the same city construction write plaques, for the hall. Longmont yuanyang pavilion ceiling adopts four volumes of arched shape, bending and beautiful, both on the top of the cover frame, and use the curved roof to reflect a sound, enhance the sound effect, make the lingering sound waves, leaves a has been. Master friends dinner, receive a visitor, have a rest here, the environment elegant, paved a square red woollen blanket in the hall, the flute flute, sing sing song. Display antique, calligraphy and painting hanging panel, furniture configuration is exact.

Reflection: reflection is given priority to with watching the water reflection of attractions. Floor is divided into two layers, the downstairs is for "worship" of wen yi shen, refers to the Wen Zhiming, shen refers to shen Chou (ishida), the two are of suzhou, a famous painter, shen Chou or Wen Zhimings teacher. Humble administrators garden is famous jiangnan, is with the great painter, the poet Wen Zhiming inseparable. , west park garden advocated more modest to express their admiration of love, Yu Guangxu 20 years (1894) was built to commemorate the building, his collection of Wen Zhiming, Shen Shitian portrait and the wangs humble administrators garden, rubbings and YuSu lu books stone fill garden, embedded in the two wall around downstairs. Banqiaos calligraphy and painting an original middle apron on. On one side of the surface water in the column installed between fully and exquisite window, window contains wooden low hurdles. Relies on the bar, but by water view. Left accompanying waveform promenade, right "sit with who xuan", especially the reflection of the scenery picturesque, all in the eyes. Underwater moon, the cloud pool, wave shadow floating, scenery. Upstairs is park owner daughter-in-law wangs study. Around the building through planting osmanthus flowers numerous, autumn to admire the remaining of the reward given, cinnamon, such as drinkers wager game people drunk. Reading, copying, or poetry, and viewing joyful painting, all environment but person, dark sweet and lovely.

Sit with who hin: a small pavilion very chic, restore folding fan. Su dongpo words "sit with who? The moon, the wind, I", so named "sit with who xuan". Hin, water and plane shape for the fan, roof, porch door, humanly scaled, stone desk, stone, porch roof, chimney and wall plaques, gooseneck chair, half bar into arc shape, so it is also called the "fan pavilion". Hin in both sides of the fan humanly scaled hang du fus poem league "Jiang Shanru needs, take willow from selfless." Eg fan pavilion is located in the foothills near the water, the geographical position, tree height and the males, stone house stood still, people in the porch, whether it is leaning against the door and looked at, pinglan overlook, or in accordance with the window myopia, small sit and rest, can feel the beauty around. After the fan pavilion heaped-up mountains there is a small pavilion, said dai li pavilion ". "Dai li" is a broad rimmed bamboo hat, pavilion as round shape, at the top of the slope is gentle, like a top a broad rimmed bamboo hat, in the flourishing grass tree, slam the door all decoration, simple. Mountain kiosk, collocation is symmetrical, lined by passing a landscape, peremptory a dai fisherman fishing, carefree. Predecessors had written word shout: "flowers she push a mark green, smoke cloud edges lot latent pavilion. Au before dai li eaves domain safety certificate, just for fishing. Red chardonnay edge yamadera Cain, green wrinkled river in the picture. My official willow tree girder around LongLing, sat listening to warbler." Sit with who hin and dai li ting is two different landscape architecture art, is also relatively rare in the classical gardens of pictographic architecture. Pavilion, porch, one integrated mass. Dai li has an octagonal two-storey pavilion, lofty style, really is remarkable. Lush trees on the mountain, lush, building seems to be floating on a piece of green shade, therefore is called "floating cui pavilion". Modelling towering volley, facade Ge fan decorated with beautiful pictures. s cabinet look around, but see clear aqua green mountains, clear sky, garden green, a vibrant, relaxed and happy making a person, do not think to return. Fan pavilion, pavilion, the floating pavilion, the geographical position is in turn by the water, mountains, mountain, they come in all shapes and sizes, from low to high, step by step, like the scales of duo, for, microphones, coherent whole, make people intoxicated in this beautiful melody.

Leave room cabinet: for single cabinet, tiny, round window, cabinet front platform, the most worthy of a look in the cabinet is the qing dynasty ginkgo wood three-dimensional carved pine, bamboo and plum, magpie fly cover, embossing, engraved look, round, the combination of the art of using saber skilled, skilled and clever, the age of "poetic" and "magpie on mei" soft together two kinds of design, juncture place a trace, like nature itself, is the garden cover rare high-quality goods. Looked from the overall appearance, leave to pavilion is an abstraction of ship hall, hall, a former platform such as the bow. On the left side of the pond full of lotus, lotus laid during the growth, bud, flower, fruit is appearance state, ornamental period of expertise, from late spring pool surface emitted a little green canopy with pool money to summer, until the autumn thick leaves and flowers, each stage has its unique beauty. As the saying goes, no one hundred days red, beautiful flowers and eventually make dust "completion" zero mud ground, flowers and dry bleak outlook for difficult to see, only the autumn withered lotus pond but dont have a kind of incomplete beauty artistic conception, li shangyin has "left to the remaining listen to the rain" sentence, listen to cabinet is take the poetic and name. The flower faded, people already old, king of judah in, love unforgettable, touch the person state of mind, people who does. 44 back to a dream of red mansions, jia baoyu and Lin daiyu in gusu niang supports dynamic role of wood in the water with the touring, dai jade see full lotus pool, said I dont like most Li Yishan poem, just like his "keep the remaining listen to the rain..." Lin daiyu is a girl of great culture, sensitive, clever, but aloof and arrogant, dont want to go with the flow, so would the expression of li shangyin this cold quiet quiet beauty of poem. This is the description in the literary works, but she appreciates such a poetic realm XiHuaYuan also appear in the humble administrators garden. The sounds of nature of nature, played in the Chinese garden or grand or joy or delight in the beauty of music.

Shadow pavilion: the pavilion from the top to the end and all round the pane are are octagon pattern, is one of the most beautiful buildings in the garden. Listen to it on the cabinet slipway, turn head tower shadow pavilion, feel wonderful to send. Narrow vertical drainage leading up to the level, have a certain distance, the depth of water bay is enhanced, the pavilion was fixed into the water, like a pagoda, dignified and pleasurable. True pavilion false, false or true is linked together, can yet be regarded as a unique landscape in the west garden. In the humble administrators garden, there are two landscape related to pagoda. One is in lean on rainbow pavilion to see far outside the garden of north temple tower, one is this shadow pavilion by water. See in the garden in the pagoda is the entity, and see in XiHuaYuan pagoda is incorporeal. Whether false or true lookout tower tower house that let a person produce rich lenovo, leave deep impression. Shadow pavilions position is not prominent, has reached the end of the garden. Smart master in water will far built a small pavilion, if compared the entire west park to the beautiful music melody, so their shadow pavilion Is the final quarter note. Screeching halt music let a person feel abrupt, and here are the shadow pavilion is form the complete movement. Even better, not only have a booth, but, as the song heritage sound aftertaste, aftertaste letting a person.

In the humble administrators garden for a walk, the feeling is good, scenery is very beautiful, no matter which Angle is a picture.



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The word "hutong" (胡同) means "water well"(水井) in Mongolian. The Mongolians keep thenomadic tradition of settling down around springs or wells. A hutong is the passage formed by lines of siheyuan (四合院, four-side enclosed courtyards). Strictly, hutong alleys are less than nine meters wide. Most hutongs in Beijing run in an east-west or north-south direction, with most houses facing south to take in as much sunshine as possible.

A standard siheyuan usually consists of houses on its four sides with a yard in the center. The gates are usually painted red and have large copper door rings. Usually, a whole family lives in compound. The elder generation lives in the main house standing at the north end, the younger generations live in the side houses, and the south house is usually the family sitting room or study.

Hutong joins hutong, and siheyuan meets siheyuan to form a block. Blocks join with blocks to form the whole residential constructions.



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Hello, everyone. Welcome to Lushan. My name is Qiu. You can call me Qiuguide. Its a great honor to be your guide. Let me show you the charm of LushanMountain.

Lushan Mountain is located in the south of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Provincein Central China, bordering on the Yangtze River and Panyang Lake in the north.The total area of the whole mountain forest is 302 square kilometers. It is longfrom north to South and narrow from east to west. There are more than 90 peaksin the whole mountain. The highest peak is dahanyang peak, 14734 meters abovesea level. There are many valleys, caves and streams scattered among the peaks,and the topography is complex. Lushan Mountain is famous for its wonderful,beautiful, dangerous and majestic scenery in the world. It has 12 scenic spots,37 scenic spots and 230 scenic spots. Lushan has long been a legend of the landof immortals.

Lushan Mountain is a famous mountain for thousands of years, whichintegrates Hill scenery, Wei Hua, religion, education and politics. It is thecradle of Chinese landscape poetry. Since ancient times, countless scholars havevisited Lushan Mountain, leaving more than 4000 poems and songs for them. Whenwe come to Donglin temple, I begin to introduce: Huiyuan, a famous monk of PudaiDynasty (334-416 A.D.), established Donglin temple in the mountains, created thePure Land Sect in Buddhism, and made Lushan an an important religious resort infeudal China. Bailudong academy, which remains today, is the central institutionof education in ancient China. The Mount Lu also features architecturalmasterpieces of various styles, including the Rome style and brothers stylechurches, the Byzantine architecture that combines the eastern and Western artforms, and the Japanese architecture and Islamic temple. Lushan Mountain notonly has beautiful natural scenery, but also has rich and splendid culturalconnotation. Then we swam the hero slope, the plant circle`

Tourists, todays tour is over. Thank you for visiting the worldheritage.



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the red star pavilion in the pipasha park, the kansheng pavilion in theeling park, and a place called yikeshu on the nanshan mountain are vintagepoints for observing the nocturnal scenes of the mountain city of chongqing. atnight the entire city is inundated in an ocean of lights, which form a colorfulthree-dimensional painting, with waves of the yangtze and jialing riversglistening against the moonlit, star spangled sky.

sites of the provisional capital

chongqing figured importantly in modem chinese history. during the war ofresistance against japan, it was the "provisional capital" of china under thekuomintang rule from november 1937 to october 1945. vestiges of that period arestill there in and around the city. these include the red crag village and 50zengjiayan, as well as chiang kai-shek’s mansion, guiyuan garden, linyuangarden, and the mansion of c.c. kong, the embassies of various countries tochina, as well as former residences of important politicians, generals andcultural figures.

martyrs’ mausoleum at mount gele the former headquarters, radio station andprison of the bureau of investigation and statistics of the military council (acolossal secret service of the kuomintang) at the foot of the gele mountain inshapingba district have become the mausoleum for those who died a martyr’s deaththere in china’s dark days. in the dying years of world war 11, it was the siteof the "sino0us institute for cooperation in special technology".

dazu grottoes

the dazu grottoes in the county of the same name is best known for thestone carvings on the baodingshan and beishan mountains, which are fine exampleof grotto sculpture in the late years of chinese feudalism. the sculptures, donein fastidious chisel work and gracious imagery, are marked by a new sculpturallanguage that eschews religious taboos and espouses true life.

yangtze river’s three gorges sailong down the yangtze from chongqing toyichang allows visitors to see the spectacular scenery of the three gorges alongwith its splendid cultural heritage and fabled local folklore. the cruise, whichcombines sightseeing with scientific, artistic and folklore exploration, is anational-caliber tourist program. the 193-km-long three gorges, consisting ofthe majestic qutangxia, statuesque wuxia and ferocious xilingxia gorges, is oneof and ferocious xilongxia gorges, is one of the world’s major canyons. alongthe way there are such scenic attractions as the fengdu mountain. baidi city,shibao village, zhang fel’s temple, qu yuan’s temple, and the three gorgesdam.

lesser three gorges

the daning river is the largest yangtze tributary, which rises in thesouthern side of the daba mountain and flows for 250km before emptying itselfinto the yangtze at the western entrance to the wuxia gorge. the lesser threegorges on the daning river, a 50km-long affair covering the longmenxia, bawuxiaand dicuixia gorges in the lower reaches of the river, is billed as one ofchina’s 40 best scenic resorts thanks to its gorgeous mountains, elegant peaks,turbulent rapids, limpid water, exotic rock imagery and serene scenery.

diaoyu city, hechuan established in 1242, or the 2nd year of the chunyoureign of the southern song, diaoyu city covers 2.5 square km up the diaoyumountain on the southern shore of the jialing river in hechuan city’s heyangtown. in 1258, the mongols launched a three-way attack on the song, and infebruary the next year diaoyu city found itself besieged. the song army mounteda valiant counterattack that last3ed for 36 years, and made world war history byrebuffing a strong enemy with a weak force. this prompted some europeanhistorians to laud diaoyu city as the "mecca of the east" and "where god brokehis whip". the ruins of the ancient battlefield of diaoyu city are well keptthere.

jinyun mountain nicknamed "less mount emei", jinyun mountain is a nationalscenic resort 55km from downtown chongqing.

furong cave, wulung the furong (hibiscus) cave is located by the furongriver in wulung county. the main part of the cave is 2,700 metres in length and3.7 square metres in area. the splendid cave is the most impressive. housed init are nearly 30 varieties of stalactites chiseled into every manner of exoticimagery by the cunning labor of nature. major attractions are gold throne hall,leifeng pagoda and sky-reaching jade pillar.

chongqing museum located at pipashan street, the chongqing museum is in thepossession of more than 100,000 cultural artifacts, including 10,000 or sovaluable ones.

chongqing nature museum

local natural history and fauna and flora samples are on display in thechongqing nature museum in beibei district, which includes a display room fordinosaurs that have been founding sichuan.

other scenic attractions

other scenic attractions include the south and north hot springs, red cragvillage, simian (four-face) mountain, jinfo (golden buddha) mountain, earth’schasm at tianjing gorge, and heavenly crate at xiaozhai village.

three gorges tourist festival

time: june every year

what’s on: cruise on the three gorges of the yangtze river, the ghost cityat fengdu, dazu grottoes, shibao village, zhang fei’s temple, baidi city atfengjie and lesser three gorges. other activities include float parade,full-length variety show and tourist business talks.



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Dear tourists

Hello, everyone. Im No.3 tour guide. My name is Tian Yihan.

Welcome to Mount Tai. Its a great honor for me to show you the beautifulscenery of Mount Tai. I hope you can have a good time and have a good time.Please remember my contact number, 5383028.

Mount Tai, known as the "Five Sacred Mountains", is located in the centralpart of Shandong Province. of great momentum. With a total area of more than 420square kilometers and an altitude of 1545 meters, it ranks the third afterHuashan and Hengshan. It has a solemn and dignified momentum, attractingcountless tourists to visit here.

Now, Ill show you how to climb and watch. There are many places ofinterest in Mount Tai. The first one is Dai Temple. Cultural relics areconcentrated here. It is a palace like building complex. Chinese calligraphy artis concentrated here.

We are now in front of the main building of Dai Temple, which is 223 metershigh and 48 meters long. 7 meters, 19 wide. 79 meters. Hall a total of 9,Diaolianghuadong, yellow tile cover top, resplendent.

Yuhuangding is the highest peak of Mount Tai. We can see the sea of clouds,the sunrise, the strange peaks and the Yellow River there. Its sobeautiful!

Let me introduce you here first. Please follow me and have a good time. Ihope you can have a good time in the past few days in Mount Tai and become yourbest memory in the past few days.



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About chongqing cities first. Billed as the "mountain city" of chongqing, really liked. The city built around the mountain, so the road is not like our suzhou made peace, but the ups and downs. There, you are hardly out of difficulty, is going downhill. If you want to compare the two houses of the high and low is very difficult, because that the foundations of the house were not the same level. Chongqing is a city on a three-dimensional, three-dimensional, once I was walking by the road, I saw a roadside hotel, went in to have a rest, drink a cup of coffee, that a stepped in, here is the 11th floor. Mentioned that the house, chongqing buildings more than suzhou, people walk in it, such as tunnel vision. Chongqing is a famous jiangbei, 26 meters high, that is the tallest building in the city of chongqing, but now surrounded by tall buildings, chicken is made a swoop. Chongqing night scene is beautiful, in the evening we go to the "tree" the view, standing on a mountain, the mountain city lights, hand in photograph reflect with river water. Which chongqing sheraton hotel building special type, like two big bamboo shoots, very funny.

Chongqing is famous for its food all over the world. Go to chongqing, my mother and I are deeply regrets, suzhou is really no good snacks. Chongqing cuisine stand much more special, variety, and the price is cheap. My mother and I all the way walk all the way to eat. I think is the most inexpensive corn crisp, 5 dollars can buy a big bag. I ate a lot of meat string, taste very sweet. The most memorable or old oil hot pot of chongqing. This hot pot we are in the roadside stalls to eat. The hot pot after nine, so also called scratchable latex hot pot. Put a lot of chili hot pot, but also good, no imagination of spicy. Hot pot in the old oil is really old, chopsticks dip out, have a few seconds, chopsticks, you married a thick layer of fat. Drop a drop of oil in the water, also like wax immediately condense into a block. It is said that the oil has been eaten N times, is not very health, but it tastes really good, we eat very comfortable.

Because of the time, we only went to the ChaoTianMen in town, the jiangbei, HongYa hole, arhat temple, 18 ladder. Arhat temple is the most fun, there is a 500 arhat hall, lohan, of different fun. I also calculate life there, it is said that will dry out a career, but fortune-teller warned me, cant fall in love before starting work, ha ha! We only went to the outside "tiankeng" (claims to be the worlds second-largest tiankeng group). There is very far away from chongqing, three hours drive, but impressive view, worth a visit.

Chongqing dialect also has distinguishing feature very much, we can only communicate in mandarin there, chongqing people can understand basic mandarin, but all say not standard, we must be prepared to fight often can understand. If you ask I want to go to chongqing, Ill answer loudly: "be!



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Today, we "wolong guide club" came to the beautiful and magical lijiang, lijiangs many historical and cultural heritage, is the famous lijiang seven big temple, namely Wen Fengsi, fu temple, mountain.analysis, jade peak temple, refers to the cloud temple, XingHua temple and temple. Secondly, north YueMiao, since the ancient jiao group, three saint palace, longquan temple building is also famous. So that the central plains culture and local national culture and the combination of the characteristics of Tibetan culture.

From the lijiang ancient city 15 kilometers north-west, is the snowy jade dragon snow mountain. ShanZiDou xiaojin jade dragon snow mountain, elevation five thousand five hundred and ninety-six meters, into the blue sky, north and south of yulong thirteen peak looks like a dragon of suspension, it not only grand century, and tall and beautiful, modelling is exquisite, also over time and alternation of rain or shine, the landscape also fickle, and sometimes the cloud steaming fog chung, jade dragon at hidden, and sometimes glimmering pearls like water, cloudless, peaks as been taken scrub, glittering and translucent silver, anti yao, sometimes, a jade belt waist, xuefeng glistening white above, gangluan green below. Oriental YuXiao, peak early morning, colorful sunglow reflects the xuefeng, snow is flushed and diffused green flashing; In the evening the afterglow dye xuefeng like donning the GongSha, clouds with the sunset glow strange color, FeiGui GuHe between peak, the playing of a musical, infinite changes.

The jinsha river, we will also see spectacular tiger leaping gorge, it is made up of jinsha river split jade dragon snow mountain and haba snow mountain. Tiger leaping gorge 17 km, up and down drops two hundred meters, the river on both sides of the xuefeng by more than three thousand meters, its potential breathtaking absolute, terrifying spirits, in the tiger leaping gorge at the entrance of upper reaches of the Yangtze river, there is a stone lying jiangxin, only 30 meters wide torrent from stones on both sides of the passing through, the murmured in blasting, whitewater, legend tigers often rely on jiangxin boulders onto the other side, so the tiger leaping gorge.

On looking at gorge, gorge in the mind. Therefore down to the river beach, cross-strait cliff sew crowded into a high day, great river squeezed more than 30 meters wide, the river on the lists of the five meters across the tiger jump stone, the water like an arrow, this is the tiger jump. Big holes on the east side, there is the ancient rock paintings, animal image.

Look from the gorge on jade dragon mountain, like heaven battlements. River gently, like RouJing girl, but a into the throat and surf boats, become violent of angry men. Tiger the first to jump, a falling organ Gao Kan for the ribbons, candy on both sides of cliffs qingtian, forming two giant shek mun, a tiger jump of triangular stands of stone, jinsha rivers from now on their way out of it, leaped over Gao Kan, take trend and breaking down and Gao Kan, wave qian wan, swing back. Look at the scene, terrifying. Forward, soon see all over the sky star beach, beach, half a mile long, reefs, ManJiangYin waves, murmured in blasting, looks like the Milky Way stars, so its name. Whole gorge have such dangerous shoals 18, on average less than a mile there is a pool. O to tells the middle valley of chang, walnut orchard village have simple family house for room and board. Dozens of family houses are covered with green flag, like at the same place and elegantly map hanging on the wall. Go away from the village went to the river, to the risks, strange tiger jumped in. See the Lao trees stand, dangerous shore four shrugged, the clouds cover day, wave cragginess tiger jumped stone like ghosts play. Riptide reef, crystal empty empty, rough roar, e.g.

Lijiang ancient city with a long history, of primitive simplicity is picturesque, the capacity of water, and the appearance of mountain city, there is water in the city, in the mountain city, the city of mountain, landscape, road to freedom, deep lanes, along the river, willows breeze water ` ` ` ` ` ` ` deserves to be Chinas famous historical and cultural city, a world cultural heritage.



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Alone le temple located in jixian city WuDing north side, it was YuTianBao eleven years, liao reconstruction. About alone le temple of named, here are three kinds of views, the first scenario is the main architecture of the music alone temple is ten side, it is a combination of internal star stands alone; pear tree towering The second argument is that war against tang troops stationed, here is pledging to "cover thought alone, he Shared with people without music," friend name alone le temple: another theory "buddhist less-desired, alone to self-salvation for le" friend name alone le temple. The whole alone le temple has three parts, road is the qing emperors monarch palace, built in the west is monk room, by the middle of the entrance, guanyin restaurant, BaJiaoTing, lie shrive, three shrive composition. The whole building layout is concise, subject is outstanding, the majestic. There are five alone le temple of most: GuanYinGe is Chinas only to save the oldest timberwork high-rise castles, Kuan Yin like China the biggest only to save one of ancient clay sculpture, For the earliest extant entrance, the highest level of Wu house top entrance, Entrance is ridge has the earliest ChiWen; Alone le temple to the first national key units of cultural relics protection.


Now we arrived.


Now, lets see the building entrance, he is 10 m tall, surface broadly three rooms, descend two rooms, sitting among ChuanTang, both sides are a little room. At the entrance YanXia a plaque proclaiming, "alone le temple" three words, YanSong descriptions for Ming university, he is said to be in the northern leave only six words, another three word is Beijings "six will dwell" three word.


In the first two slightly have between two honour the king kong lux stood like liao, namely we commonly known as the HengHa will be two, from their ZuiXing and can be seen on the left hand form, this statue silent, the handshake for "hum" will, on the right hand to mouth, "ha" will, they are all 4.5 meters high, muscle uplift, power and grandeur, clinging to the entrance, they stand here is more than a thousand years of history. We see the two root in the middle, said to the column before there was a gate, because is ages ago, this door and shall not be saved, but here is inside the cabinet and guanyin boundaries, the standing in this side watching the threshold restaurant, only see avalokitesvara local, across the threshold step, big ge panorama is panorama. You might as well try, it is widely used in wei-jin period, the frame type structure. Entrance slightly between the north is flanked by guangxu period of four major Kings like drawing. First look at the east: the south, holding the sword; growth lalitasana Oriental lalitasana, holding the pipa hold kingdom. West two honour: north WenTian wu, holding an umbrella more, Western wide eyes lalitasana, hand measures. Four major Kings hand held by the content composition an idiom "good", expressed our common peoples wishes.


We went to see the main architecture. In front of us is the main architecture of the music alone temple the pavilion "view sound", it connects tall 23 metres, from appearance on look into fluctuation two layer, is actually three layers, in its middle have a dark layer, the whole big pavilion, the most outstanding characteristic is not a nail, are SunMao structure, we see this one is for wood, quadrate Romanesque capitals which should GongMu measures, strip for arch, the whole big ge share now 152 flower Romanesque capitals which should. Big ge roof for nine mountain ridge jehiel, YanXia have a plaque type of "ge" view sound, its li bais authentic, this plaque, have income national name plaque daqo, below this plaque is "a full five pureland sutras" it is written, xianfeng mean inside the goddess of mercy has practice perfection, have become Buddha conditions.


Well check it from this location, got the whole entrance is consisted of 12 root massive columns branch stand of, the stigma all inward tilt. It is our country ancient building a characteristic, called lateral Angle, make the building more stable, the entrance is in two ridge decorations, tail inward tilted and like birds, like fish than the birds, fish called ChiWen. Legend as one of the nine dragon born son, can spray waves into rain, take water-jet earthquake fire with.


Now we walk in the cabinet inside check. In front of us are ten side kuan Yin, it connects tall 16 meters, standing on the lotus stage, through the dark layer, direct ge crest. Kuan Yin has 33 change form. Ten to one side guanyin, this genre elsewhere is absolutely cannot see, because national terms, only where is ten side guanyin, it in the world only to save and honour. We see the entire guanyin slightly lean forward, give a person with tenderness. Its two ribbon from wrist hung to lotus Chinese Taiwan, is actually played above supporting role. We said this guanyin is clay sculpture, and its not to say it is completely with mud the heaped, its inside human body skeleton are imitated timberwork, outside carved is mud. Ten side kuan Yin is the good fortune, both sides of the dragon female two nov.19 bodhisattva, their waist micro twist, head the five-buddha crown, appear lively, give a person with reality, these three statue adds the previous HengHa will be two, alone le temple there were five honour liao statue of expert evaluation alone le temple early statue is "fewer but better, artistic value high".


Inside to see, each inter-specific has a large cabinet, whole Romanesque capitals which should 152 flower Romanesque capitals which should, 24 types, distribution in the big ge each place, it seems people joints are the same, and that is the pavilion over 1000 years guanyin the ups and downs, and 28 earthquakes, still safe and sound reasons.


The whole big ge is in one of three art, it is an ancient architectural TongLan figurine, full of metope color murals. This group of mural drawing in the yuan dynasty, 1972, it is found out in a layer of mud have been protection, it found inside have high historical value and scientific value and artistic value. It has been copying income Treasury, mural by buddhist 16 arhat and two Kings as the theme, with Buddhism between relevant myth, secular subjects composed of groups each have independent and each connected non-imperial scenes.


On-site interpretation to the end, the following time, everybody can oneself tour.



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The French capital Paris is one of the top ten cities in the world. It is located in the middle of the basin in northern France in Paris, the city across on both sides of the Seine. There are small points of Paris, a greater Paris. Small Paris in Paris city within the big ring road, covers an area of 105 square kilometers, population of more than 200; A greater includes seven provinces around the city, an area of 120xx square kilometers and a population of about 10 million, almost one 5 of the population. Is the largest city in France, it is also one of the worlds most populous metropolis.

Paris celebrates its 1400 years of history, the city has 20xx years of history. People roaming the city, is one of the most profound impression: it retains much of the world famous historical monuments, and there are many magnificent modern buildings, there are "flowers" laudatory name.

Paris is Frances political, economic and cultural center. In terms of cultural facilities, Paris has built the worlds largest with electronic computer control of modern art and cultural center - pompidou national center for art and culture, also has many world famous monuments and artistic construction. Like the Eiffel Tower, the Notre Dame DE Paris, place DE la Concorde, the Louvre, Versailles palace, is to let people regretted leaving. The economic life, reconstruction and rebuilding the old central business district, such as the construction of the 210 meters high, 58 layer of manas skyscrapers. Construction and expansion of the satellite city of Paris around, make people have a more spacious and comfortable living environment.

Paris is not only the political, economic and cultural center of France, and is also an important part in international activities. The various types of international conference held here; Various international competitions, performances held here; Professional exhibition from all walks of life held here. Permanent international organizations are also many, such as the headquarters of the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization is based in here.

Today in Paris, France is not alone, but also Western Europes political, economic and cultural center, is the worlds attention.



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Headquarters of Wuhan University

1、 Gate of Wuhan University

Wuhan University is located on the Bank of the East Lake and the foot ofLuojia mountain, covering an area of more than 5500 mu. Its predecessor was theself-improvement school founded by Zhang Zhidong, governor of Huguang in 1893.After several changes, it was officially named national Wuhan University in1928. At that time, in August 20__, Wuhan University merged with WuhanUniversity of water resources and hydropower, Wuhan University of Surveying andMapping Science and technology, and Hubei Medical University to form a new WuhanUniversity, which became a new comprehensive university covering 11 disciplinessuch as arts, science, engineering, agriculture and medicine. (on the way to thegate)

As the "Facade" of Wuhan University, the gate archway of Wuhan Universitycan be said to combine atmosphere and ancient charm. On the memorial archway,the six characters of "national Wuhan University" are written in traditionalChinese from right to left. On the stele under the memorial archway, the mottoof Wuhan University is engraved: "self-improvement, perseverance, seeking truthand innovation", which encourages the teachers, students and staff of the wholeuniversity to keep their spirit, study hard, study rigorously, open up and forgeahead. On the back of the memorial archway, there are six big characters, whichsummarize the basic discipline classification of Wuhan University. From right toleft, they are "literature, law, science, engineering, agriculture andmedicine".

2、 Luojia Cultural Plaza and College of Physics

This is the largest green square "Luojia square" in Colleges anduniversities in China. It looks like the green eyes of Wuhan University, and itis also the center of culture and leisure activities. Its green all year round.On sunny evenings, people often fly kites in the square. On weekend evenings,there are also elderly people who come to dance together.

This is the school of physics. The building of the College of physics isdifferent from other college buildings in that there is a flagpole on the roofof the top floor. It is said that this is because our college of physics is theone that receives the most Nobel Prize winners. There is a statue of Einstein infront of the physics college building.

3、 Teaching 5 and Library

Our front left is the fifth teaching building, and the front right is thelibrary. In terms of conditions and equipment, the fifth floor is the bestteaching building in Wuhan University. Therefore, before the big exam, it hasalways been a place for students to compete for self-study.

On the right is the new library with green tiles and blue bricks. The newlibrary, built in the 1980s, has a collection of more than one million books,covering various disciplines such as grammar, science, engineering, agricultureand medicine. It also has an electronic reading room, a periodical reading roomand an audio-visual reading room. If you have any questions about learning, orwant to find a professional book, come to the library, there are a large numberof all kinds of books.

4、 Weiming Lake

The little lake we see now is called "Weiming Lake" by the students ofWuhan University because it has no fixed name. Generally, we all know that thereis a Weiming Lake in Peking University, but when it comes to the Weiming lake ofWuhan University, its always a bit like following suit. Therefore, the schoolhas carried out the activity of naming Weiming lake. Now Weiming lake has manynew names, but people are used to calling it Weiming lake, so most people stillcall it Weiming lake. On the other side of the lake is the educationaladministration department of our school. In the future, many examinations willhave to go through the relevant procedures here. 5、 Lovers slope

Weiming lake that a large green hillside is known as "Wuda love best place"lover slope. The beauty of lovers slope lies not in the delicacy, but in therandom and miscellaneous. There are all kinds of trees and flowers planted onthe slope. In the blooming season every year, it is like a small botanicalgarden, with snow-white plum flowers, enchanting peach flowers, elegant orchids,passionate camellia and cool plum flowers. Stone paved path winding in the smallslope, tall and straight trees for stone bench stone table wind and shade, is agood place to read, chat. Now go to lovers slope, you will find the unknown bigred flowers blooming everywhere, very beautiful!

6、 Bronze statue of Li Da

When we get here, I think we must be a little tired. We can go to thecamphor forest in front to have a rest. I dont know if youve noticed thatthere are many camphor trees on both sides of the road since you enter thecampus. In fact, camphor trees have a natural mosquito repellent effect, whichis why there are few mosquitoes on the campus of Wuhan University in summer. Itis also called "Lida garden". Every morning, when the sun shines down from thecrevices of the leaves, it seems very quiet. Therefore, it is called "naturalstudy room" by the students. It is a good place for morning reading andself-study

In the middle of the camphor forest is a bronze statue, which is the firstpresident of Wuhan University after the founding of the peoples Republic ofChina, Li Da. When it comes to Li Da, we have to mention Mao Zedong, a closefriend of his and the leader of our party. According to historical records,Chairman Mao and President Li have been good friends for 40 years. In the 1950sand 1960s, Chairman Mao would meet Li Da whenever he passed by Wuhan. After thefounding of new China, Chairman Mao only visited two universities, WuhanUniversity is one of them. In order to always remember this unforgettable day,Wuhan University named the playground where Mao Zedong met teachers and studentsas "9.12 square" and commemorated it in Leshi.

7、 9.12 playground

Now lets go to the playground on September 12. This building with obviousEuropean style is the landmark of Wuhan University. The emblem of WuhanUniversity is based on it. Its architectural style adopts the Byzantine style ofWestern Europe, which is in sharp contrast to the domed Romanesque School ofarchitecture across the 9.12 playground. In fact, this should be consistent withthe saying that "the sky is round and the place is round". Behind theadministration building are the former law school and business school. Now thenew office building has been built and put into use in September 20__, making itone of the best office buildings in Wuhan University.

On the back of the administration building is Luojia mountain. Luojiamountain was not originally called Luojia mountain. It was once said that therewere several names: Luojia mountain, Luojia mountain, Luojia mountain and Luojiamountain. The word "Luojia" was picked up by Mr. Wen Yiduo, the first Dean ofthe school of liberal arts of Wuhan University. It is a Buddhist pearl. Althoughthe sound is the same, it is thousands of miles away. It is said that there usedto be many villas on Luojia mountain, which were specially prepared for theprofessors of Wuhan University. At that time, it was the dream of many teachersto live on Luojia mountain. Now Luojia villa, a hotel on the hillside, wasChiang Kai Sheks Rear Headquarters during the revolutionary period.

8、 Cultural Museum, Cherry Avenue

We call this white building with mountain shaped cloister the humanitiesMuseum, also known as Yifu Building and bell tower. Its now the College ofliterature and history, and the College of philosophy. Go on, we come to CherryAvenue. When it comes to Wuda, the most famous is cherry blossom. Although thisyears cherry blossom period has long passed, but ahead of the fragrantosmanthus will make you feel worthy of this trip!

At the end of March every year, tourists from all over the world come toWuda to enjoy the scenery. The history of cherry blossoms in Wuhan Universitycan be traced back to 1938, when Wuhan was occupied and Wuhan University wasforced to move to Leshan, Sichuan Province. Wuhan campus became the rearhospital of the Japanese army. A large number of Japanese soldiers were admittedto cherry garden dormitories. In order to comfort the wounded peopleshomesickness, a large number of cherry trees were transplanted from Japan tocherry garden in the spring of 1939. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War,Wuhan University did not use these cherry trees as a warning People. In 1972,China and Japan resumed diplomatic relations. At that time, Japanese PrimeMinister Ikeda presented Premier Zhou with 150 red cherry trees and Premier Zhoupresented Wuda with 50. These cherry blossoms are a symbol of friendship betweenChina and Japan.

9、 Old zhaishe, old library, Wen Yiduo statue

YingYuan dormitory is also called laozhaishe. It is also one of the oldestbuildings in Wuhan University. Cherry castle is built on the hillside of lionmountain. In terms of architectural style, it is similar to the Potala Palace inTibet.

On the top of the mountain is the old library, which used to be the highestpoint of the building of Wuhan University. The 108 steps from the bottom showthat there is a road to the mountain of books. It is worth mentioning that theroof of the old studio is made into a plane, forming a broad platform, andconnecting with the front area of the library to form a large square. This notonly saves the project cost, but also effectively expands the library andcultural area The scope of space in front of the teaching area of the collegeand the law school has expanded the venues for activities. The shape of the oldlibrary is similar to that of the Forbidden City in Beijing, and its internalheating method is also very similar to that of the Forbidden City: there is aheating channel under the wooden floor of the reading room on the first floor ofthe hall. In the cold winter, when the stove is burned, the hot air enters theheating channel to make the floor hot, and the reading room is warm as spring.Unfortunately, the heating system can no longer be used because of its age. Theold library of Wuhan University is not only a treasure house of knowledge and asymbol of academic status for teachers and students, but also an important placefor visitors from all over the world to visit. Cai Yuanpei, Hu Shi, Chen Duxiu,Dong Biwu, Zhou Enlai, Guo Moruo, Zhu De, Luo Ronghuan and other people from allwalks of life, as well as foreign heads of state, are bound to climb thisbuilding when they come to Wuda. As a national key protected cultural relic, alandmark building and spiritual symbol of Wuhan University, the value and charmof the old library are increasingly attracting worldwide attention.

On the left and right sides of the old picture are the school of foreignlanguages and the school of mathematical statistics. Some people who likeFengshui once studied Wuda. They said that the YingYuan dormitory, thehumanities hall and the administration building constitute a giant dragon lyinghorizontally. The YingYuan is the dragon body, the humanities hall is the Dragonhorn, and the administration building is the dragon head. Here is a statue ofWen Yiduo, a famous poet, scholar, patriotic and democratic fighter who onceserved as the dean of the school of Arts of Wuhan University.

10、 Kunpeng square, Songqing Gymnasium

After the cherry garden, we came to Kunpeng square. Kunpeng square is amust place for all previous graduates to take group photos, and it is also thevenue of English corner every Wednesday night. Ahead is Song Qing gymnasium. Weknow that Song Qing is the character of Li Yuanhong, President of the Republicof China. He said that Li Yuanhong was from Huangpi, Wuhan. He loved WuhanUniversity very much before he died and hoped that he could be buried in WuhanUniversity after he died. But the school is a school after all, and of course wecant agree to his request. So later, Li Yuanhongs son donated money to buildthe stadium and named it after his father. Although he cant sleep here forever,he can at least keep his name behind. To fulfill my fathers unfulfilled wish.Now Li Yuanhongs body is buried in Zhuodaoquan park near East Lake.

11、 Statue of Li Siguang, Jiaosi

Through Songqing gymnasium, we have returned to the main school road. Thisstatue depicts Li Siguang riding a donkey. At that time, there was Ye Yage. Atthe beginning, Luojia mountain was a barren land, but a treasure land that LiSiguang found by donkey. It could be said that it was bole of Wuhan University.With the preciseness of scientists, the strategies of educators and theromanticism of artists, the pioneers of Wuhan University, led by Ye Yage and LiSiguang, chose the Fengshui treasure land of Wuchang Luojia mountain as the newsite of national Wuhan University. Later, Wen Yiduo, the first president of theschool of Arts of national Wuhan University, took it as a poet Jiashan wasrenamed Luojia mountain, which combines hardness with softness and has a longmeaning.

Across the road is our fourth teaching building.

The pavilion in front of the building is the memorial Pavilion of the June1 massacre. It was built in November 1947 in memory of the martyrs killed in theJune 1 massacre. The pavilion is surrounded by Holly and green grass. Thepavilion is about 7 meters high. The top of the pavilion is a wooden structure,and the lower red column is made of cement. There is a stone monument in themiddle of the pavilion, 1.46 meters tall and 0.58 meters wide



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云谷寺到了,请大家注意安全随我下车。嗨朋友们这边有个歌厅想要唱歌的朋友请到这边来,十分钟后我们到这里集合,排队等候缆车——哦十分钟过去了,大家都打起了吧!咱们上缆车,始信峰到了,请大家拿好自己的行李下车。 始信峰海拔1683米,在黄山36大峰中排行第35名,算是个小老弟,但他的风姿卓越,既有阳刚之气又有阴柔之美,充满了诗情画意,就连他的名字也充满了传奇色彩。相传古时候有位先生云游与此,感觉好像进入画境,但又真真切切确实存在,这才相信黄山风景美丽奇绝,于是题了一幅对联“岂有此理,说也不信,真正绝妙,到此方知”。意思就是说到了始信峰才相信皇上天下奇,于是始信峰这个名字就叫开了


竖琴松的传说,我们再来看看更有魅力的黑虎松,相传早先有位僧人路过这里忽然看见一只黑虎卧于松顶,一转眼这只黑虎便不知去向留下这颗古松,于是便给它取名黑虎松。看完了黑虎松我们再来欣赏享有松魅之称的连理松这颗古松象征爱情的忠贞不渝,看扣栏上已被扣了千万把锁,大家可以在这拍照留恋。 好了 看了这么多相信大家都累了吧?希望大家中午吃好喝好,下午我们将继续我们的行程。

Huangshan Mountain

Hello, every visitor. Welcome to beautiful Huangshan Mountain. At first, please allow me to introduce myself. I’m your tour guide Wang Ping from Anhui Travel Service. You can call me Xiao Wang or Guide Wang. I’m honored to lead you to visit today. If you have any demand or advice during this tour, please tell me immediately. I’ll do my best to help you. Next to me is our driver Master Gao. She is a highly experienced and responsible person, so you can rest assured on her bus. Again wish you a happy tour. You came here joyfully and you will have a satisfying trip.

How time flies. Our bus has arrived at the destination. Please take along your personal belongings and get off the bus following me. Be careful and keep safety. Now we are at the gate of Huangshan Mountain. Please look at this coloured decorated archway. The two words “黄山” look powerful and vigorous. They were the handwriting of Marshal Chen Yi. Do you know where does the name of Mount Huang come from? Yes, you are right. It was granted by Tang Ming Huang. Actually Huangshan Mountain was not named this in the first place. It was called Yishan Mountain “黟山”. The word yi “黟” is made up of “黑” which means black and “多” which means abundant. It was named so because the rock in Huangshan Mountain is black and abundant. According to legend, Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, the ancestor of the Chinese nation had gathered medical herbs here, made pills of immortality, bathed in hot spring and finally attained the Tao and become an immortal. Tang Ming Huang Li Longji believed in this legend, so he changed the name from Yishan Mountain to Huangshan Mountain in the sixth year of Tianbao i.e. 747 A.D. and it has been used to this day.

As the saying goes, “Return from the five great mountains and then you won’t go to see other mountain; return from Huangshan Mountain and then you won’t go to see the five great mountains”. Is it so charming of Huangshan Mountain? If you have experienced the five wonders, you’ll have to admire her beauty. Does anyone know what the five wonders really are? You get it right. They are strangely-shaped pines, grotesque rock

formations, seas of clouds, hot springs and winter scenery. Well, everyone must want to see her beauty in haste after the introduction. Ok, please stand in line. The transportation of the scenic area is waiting for us.

We’ll take bus to Cloud Valley Temple, and get to Shixin Peak by cable car. I will accompany you to have a taste of the beautiful scenery. Please get on the bus in line. Don’t worry and keep safety. The beautiful scenery is right before your eyes and we’ll see it right away.

Here is Cloud Valley Temple. Please get off the bus following me. There is a singing hall. Anyone who wants to sing could come this way. We’ll assemble here in ten minutes and queue up for cable car. Now, ten minutes have passed. Everybody is here. We get on the cable car and now here is Shixin Peak. Please take your belongings and get off the car.

Shixin Peak is 1683 meters above sea level, ranking 35th in 36 main peaks of Huangshan Mountain and being the little brother of all the peaks. However, its charm is very remarkable, having both masculine and feminine characteristics, full of poetic beauty. Even the name of it is legendary. It is said that in ancient times, a man wandered here, feeling like coming into a picture. However, everything was just real. Only then did he believe the wonder of the beautiful scenery. So he wrote a Chinese couplet “岂有此理,说也不信,真正绝妙,到此方知” which means that he didnt believe the wonder of Huangshan Mountain until he saw Shixin peak. Since then the name Shixin Peak spread widely.

As the saying goes, you won’t see Huangshan Pine until in Shixin Peak. The pines in Shixin Peak are really grotesque. Next I will lead you to admire the grotesque Huangshan Pines. Everybody, please watch carefully. Is this ancient pine like a man opening his arms? This is Greeting Pine with a hearty welcome for us. Look at this pine and you will find its five strong rootlets are exposing in the air, just like the firm claws of black dragon, having a dignified air. This is the Dragon Claw Pine. Over here is a Harp Pine. Legend has it that several immortals were drinking and playing the harp here, just amusing themselves. When they drank happily, they heard the sudden call of Heaven. Therefore they returned to the Court of Heaven immediately. In a hurry they left the harp there. Then this harp turned into a pine, namely this Harp Pine before us. Having heard the story of the Harp Pine, we can have a look of this charming Black Tiger Pine. According to legend in the past a monk passed here and saw a black tiger lie on the top of a pine. In a second the black tiger disappeared without a trace and the pine was left. So he named the pine Black Tiger Pine. Next we will see the Couple Pine with the reputation of being the spirit of the pine. This ancient pine symbolizes unswerving loyalty of love. The fences have been buckled tens of thousands of locks. We can take photos here.

Well, I believe that everybody must be tired now. Have a good lunch and we will continue in the afternoon.



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Hello everyone! This is located in the middle of Lijiang ancient city,called "Sifang Street". Sifang street used to be another alias, and there is alittle story about its name. Before, there was a small pavilion in the middle ofSifang street, and there was a small pool beside the pavilion. In summer, thelotus blossoms in the small pool; in autumn, the small pool is covered with redleaves, which is a good place for poets to sing wine. Because the pavilion issquare, "Fang" is homonymous with "Fang", so it is renamed "Sifang Street".

Lets see, there was no city wall in Lijiang, because the rulers surnameat that time was "Mu". If the ancient city built walls, then "Mu" would becomethe word "trapped", which was very unlucky, so the city wall was not built.

OK! Lets go to the next scenic spot. Lets see, there are several wellsconnected together. Isnt it a bit odd. The first well is the cleanest fordrinking; the second well is the water from the first well for washingvegetables; and then it flows into the third well for washing hands. Its beenused like this for thousands of years.

Lets not scribble around. Im finished. Lets play separately for an hourand gather here after playing.



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Dear visitors, now we have come to is known as "the pearl of the bohai sea BaYuJuan, yalong bay in north China" title BaYuJuan area, it is in the south of yingkou city, namely, yingkou economic and technological development zone, is a national economic and technological development zone. Chinas coastal port of yinkou, one of the top ten ports located here, is the northeast hinterland recently, the most convenient sea route. Yingkou city BaYuJuan area, also known as yingkou economic and technological development zone (two sign an agency) is located in the bohai bay northeast coast 67 kilometers away from downtown. Covers an area of 268 square kilometers, the resident population of 431000 (20xx) here, the depth, pleasant climate, with excellent geographical location and good natural environment.

There is also a myth and legend story: according to legend a long time ago, BaYuJuan was a small fishing village, crescent-shaped coast is not like this, but almost in a straight line. Legend has it that a later when fishing, met a sea breeze, turn the boat; At first, it avoid water in his mouth, and then a mouth, avoid water went off to nowhere. Epigenetic beg for Spanish mackerel princess, the princess is very like the epigenetic the flute, then said: "you gave me the flute."

Later a promise: "good! I guarantee that August 15 that day, with the flute to wait for you in the sea." Epigenetic back out, Spanish mackerel princess hid in his garden; Then shout to all the sisters, for later coming troops in the bohai sea, looking for the lost from the water. After August 15, the flute, attached to a song to blow a tune. Again after a while, this is only the flute will send Spanish mackerel princess, never blow again, he was reluctant to go. Epigenetic was blowing excitedly, a neighbors old fisherman, suddenly pleasantly surprised to shouted: "later, you come to see, visit." Epigenetic along fisherman fingers into the sea, but the impending, full of Spanish mackerel back the sea, a crowded a black mass, dry pressing, each one is toward the shore with a round mouth, probably is pleased to sing as the flute, because Spanish mackerel princess is going to get the flute for a while. Old fisherman, however, to persuade the epigenetic, way: "you give them the flute, they just dont run away, later, you dont give ah!" Say that finish turned away. Time is up, Spanish mackerel and other epigenetic princess came to pay the flute, but later not to come; Time passed, the princess still later came to hand in the flute, but still didnt come over later. Princess, later have no the meaning of the flute, a signal back to all the sisters, followed by a much long vilifying epigenetic promises.

Epigenetic with flute, turned on his way home. Spanish mackerel, nasty eyes only listened to the princess commanded, "tickle, tickle, tickle" millions of Spanish mackerel devour coast together, want to catch up later, swallow up later. However, despite the coast on to a big, become a crescent bay, lying on the waters edge a get a Spanish mackerel, form for more than half a circle. After the old fisherman left in the boat, speak Spanish mackerel posterior off the net, want to send a big fortune from thought fish much strength, and in a huff, a hard, bring the network to run, drag the boat to turn over, old fisherman drowned. BaYuJuan area is located in warm temperate zone, winter without cold, summer without heat, mild climate. The city 96 km long coastline, the waves slow beach flat, clean sand, water is a natural bathing beach and water, is known as the "golden beach" rare at home and abroad.

BaYuJuan is the famous scenic spot Xiong Yue arboretum, Xiong Yue arboretum is the botanical garden in percent, the earliest and most complete introduction north tree species, the influence of specimen garden trees at home and abroad, known as "Asian pocket specimen garden. A garden flowers trees, various, depressive shade combination would be all empty, has the feeling of returning to nature.

Now I will take you on a tour of this beautiful city.



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Everybody is good! Welcome to the Palace Museum tourists sightseeing.Today, I will take you visit the Forbidden City, in the hope that visitors canenjoy me!!!!!!!

The tourists! The Palace Museum is in the Ming and qing dynasties imperialpalace, the Forbidden City built on the basis of a collection of ancientbuildings, collection, imperial palace culture art as one of the large-scalecomprehensive museum. The Forbidden City covers an area of about more than 100square meters, construction area of about 1 square meters. A total of 24emperors lived in the Forbidden City, the first is the Ming dynasty yongleemperor zhu di, the last one is the qing dynasty xuantong emperor, puyi, ruledthe country for 491 years. So the Palace Museum of history is very long!

Visitors, please look up, this is the meridian gate, in ancient times, whatkill people to kill in front of the meridian gate! From the meridian gate, wecan see the jinshui bridge. From the jinshui bridge in the past, a gate, can seethe Palace Museum of taihe palace, zhonghe palace and Baohe Palace, is the placewhere the emperor emperor, very grand. Out of Baohe Palace, a gate of heavenlypurity, came to the palace of heavenly purity, this temple and palace of earthlytranquility, legend built the Forbidden City, is in order to world peace, totake these three places? Kun ning door, is the imperial garden, the gardenscenery beautiful, there are a number of strange stone, come across thesestones, remember pictures to commemorate!

Before the gate is her virginity and creature door, our trip to theForbidden City is over. Look at this magnificent palace, and some loathe to giveup?



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The ancient tomb has its own name, the number of sources, or reflect on accomplishments and praise, the end of the emperors life or the meaning of with auspicious and blessing.

In the qing dynasty emperor ling name generally by heir king James. Secondly, there is also a system in the qing dynasty, if meet with ling name and place name repeated clear zhaoling, place names must be change, this is called taboo. It is clear that DiWangLing name is extremely sacred.

Zhaoling mausoleum is one of the first year of shunzhi emperor taizong died on August 9th anniversary cremated when school palace. Zhaoling mausoleum of the origin of our predecessors have two different explanation, an explanation is imitated the zhaoling taizong account, another explained related to ancient zhao jose system. Put forward clear zhaoling imitation of zhao mausoleum is the qianlong emperor. When he in east tour shengjing martyrs zhaoling expressed this opinion. In fact, it is just the qianlong lines, zhaoling when name is qing peasant rebel army had just defeated li in Beijing, at this time of the Ming dynasty and li still has a strong power, whether it is difficult to clear, and it is hard to imagine the qing emperor taizong emperor taizong phase coordinate necessary. And so the qing emperor qianlong emperor taizong emperor taizong tied for is his political needs, its height was ruled by successive one as a model for the emperor, he in the twenty-third year of the reign honour worthy men of letters, coachable and listen, prosperous, known at the time to "dynasty", as the tang period, the height of the development of economy and culture laid a foundation. Qianlong equate the today face with its aim to comfort the world, qing jiangshan also can appear like han and tang dynasties, a generation of new millennium.

Second, speaking of zhaoling from zhao jose system is inaccurate. Zhao mu is the ancient patriarchal clan system, this system used in the order of the tomb and temple of 9 to fathers in the middle of the method, the arrangement of other various degress in ZuoZhao right jose order so on. Shengjing have three wing, fu, zhao mausoleum, one never play for ZuLing, the highest status, fu ling times, zhaoling rank third. If zhao mu system arrangement, yong ling should be in the middle, fu ling in the left (east), called zhao, zhao ling in its right is called the "mu". And current for zhao three ling, ling forever in the east, fu ling in the zhaoling mausoleum in the west, three tomb no zhao jose relationship at all.

Zhaoling name may be due to the choice of meaning ", "the word itself. The ancients to zhao word "clear" and "spreads" solution. Zhaoling mausoleum of emperor taizong weld is the meaning of martial arts are clear. And after spreads the meaning, to just so so.



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Tian’anmen Rostrum

Tian’anmen( the Gate of Heavenly Peace), is located in the center ofBeijing. It was first built in 1417 and named Chengtianmen( the Gate of HeavenlySuccession). At the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was seriously damaged by war.When it was rebuilt under the Qing in 1651, it was renamed Tian’anmen, andserved as the main entrance to the Imperial City, the administrative andresidential quarters for court officials and retainers. The southern sections ofthe Imperial City wall still stand on both sides of the Gate. The tower at thetop of the gate is nine-room wide and five –room deep. According to the Book ofChanges, the two numbers nine and five, when combined, symbolize the supremestatus of a sovereign.During the Ming and Qing dynasties, Tian’anmen was theplace where state ceremonies took place. The most important one of them was theissuing of imperial edicts, which followed these steps:

1) The Minister of Rites would receive the edict in Taihedian( Hall ofSupreme Harmony), where the Emperor was holding his court. The minister wouldthen carry the decree on a yunpan( tray of cloud), and withdraw from the hallvia Taihemen( Gate of supreme Harmony)

2) The Minister would put the tray in a miniature longting( dragonpavilion). Beneath a yellow umbrella and carry it via Wumen( Meridian Gate), toTian’anmen Gate tower.

3) A courtier would be invested to proclaim the edict. The civil andmilitary officials lining both sides of the gateway beneath the tower wouldprostrate themselves in the direction of the emperor in waiting for the decreeto the proclaimed.

4) The courtier would then put the edict in a phoenix-shaped wooden box andlower it from the tower by means of a silk cord. The document would finally becarried in a similar tray of cloud under a yellow umbrella to the Ministry ofRites.

5) The edict, copied on yellow paper, would be made known to the wholecountry.

Such a process was historically recorded as “ Imperial Edict Issued byGolden Phoenix”.During the Ming and Qing dynasties Tian’anmen was the mostimportant passage. It was this gate that the Emperor and his retinue would gothrough on their way to the altars for ritual and religious activities.

On the Westside of Tian’anmen stands ZhongshanPark( Dr. Sun Yat-sen’sPark), and on the east side, the Working People’s Cultural Palave. The Park wasformerly called Shejitan( Altar of Land and Grain), built in 1420 for offeringsacrificial items to the God of Land. It was opened to the public as a park in1914 and its name was changed in 1928 to the present one in memory of the greatpioneer of the Chinese Democratic Revolution.The Working People’s CulturalPalace used to be Taimiao( the Supreme Ancestral Temple), where tablets of thedeceased dynastic rulers were kept.

The stream in front of Tian’anmen is called Waijinshuihe( Outer GoldenRiver),with seven marble bridges spanning over it . Of these sevenbridges,historical records say the middle one was for the exclusive use of theemperor and was accordingly called Yuluqiao( Imperial Bridge). The bridgesflanking it on either side were meant for the members of the royal family andwere therefore called Wanggongqiao( Royal’s Bridges). Farther away on each sideof the two were bridges for officials ranking above the third order and werenamed Pinjiqiao( ministerial Bridges). The remaining two bridges were for theuse by the retinue below the third order and wre called Gongshengqiao( commonBridges). They anr the one in front of the Supreme Ancestral Temple to the eastand the one in front of the Altar of land and Grain to the west.

The two stone lions by the Gate of Tian’anmen, one on each side were meantas sentries. They gaze toward the middle axis, guarding the emperor’s walkway.In front of the gate stands a pair of marble columns called Huabiao. They areelaborately cut in bas-relief following the pattern of a legendary dragon.Behind the gate stands another pair of similar columns. The story of Huabiao maybe traced to a couple of sources. One of the versions accredits its invention toone of the Chinese sage kings named Yao, who was said to have set up a woodenpillar in order to allow the ordinary people to expose evil-doers, hence it wasoriginally called a slander pillar. Later it ws reduced to a signpost, and nowit serves as an ornament.



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The city of Taian, is 150 meters above sea level. Most of the principal scenic spots and historical remains are clustered along an axis extending from the city to the top of the mountain. They are the result of a long historical Process, and are ingeniously placed in order to take advantage of the surrounding topography.

Chinese mythology has it that Mt.Tai was formed from the head of PanGu, one of chinese creators.His four limbs Formed another four mountains. These five mountains are located in the East, West,South,North and the center of China. Mount Tai in the East is the one that is generally the most admired.

The Azure Cloud Temple is the best preserved old structure on Mt.Taishan, which still retains the style and appearance of the Ming an Qing dynasties. Its importance rests with its Good combination of architecture, painting, carving and forest, an illustration of ancient Cinenese culture. It has a building area of 3900 square meters. According to records,it wasFirst built in 1009 of the Song Dynasty, and rebuilt in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Now it is a large ancient complex on the top of Mt. taishan.

The Azure Cloud Temple consists of 12 large structures, such as the Main Hall, the Annexed Hall,the joss stick Hall, the Main Gate, the imperial Stele Pavillion, the Bell Tower and The Sacred Gate. The temple is divided by the main gate into two courtyards. The front counrtyard has three gates. On the Soouth Sacred Gate stand three dancing and singing roomsOver a fire floor where pilgrims burn Joss sticks. Facing the gate is a screen wall, inscribed four Chinese characters 万代瞻仰 meaning admiration by generations. Two annexed rooms extend notyhward to connect the East Sacred Gate and the West sacred Gate.

The main gate is the bound between the front courtyard and the rear courtyard. Inside the gate is the principal part of the Azyre Cloud Temple. In the center of the courtyard is the Joss stick pavilion, where enshrined is a bronze figurine of the aupreme Lord. On either side of the pavilion stands a huge stele. Besides the Azure Cloud Tem;le itself, the Buddha’s Halo is another miraculous phenomenon. Of the 128 historical sites under preservation on Mt. Taishan, the Azure Cloud Temple is the most important one.

A common saying goes that a mountain will be intelligent if there lives an immortal, no matter how high it is. Mt. Taishan is not only high but also intelligent. Rising abruptly and imposingly1545 meters above sea level from a vast plain, Mt. Taishan became the holy land where emperors of different dynasties made their personal pilgrimages and held ssacrificiall ceremonies. StandjingOn the top of Mt. Taishan, the Azure Cloud Temple, the chief place where sacrificial ceremonies were made, is the highlight attraction on Mt.Taishan.

If you are tired you can have a rest here or take photos. mind you, in 5 minutes. who know the origin of BaoTu Spring, please think it over and I will tell you the reason after 5 minutes.

Thank you.



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Suzhou Garde

Ladies, gentlemen, Welcome to the" land of fish and rice" - - Suzhou.Suzhou ,one of the Chinese"Cities of gardens"tops all others in both number and artistry of gardens.Starting from Pijiang Garden of the Eastern Jin Dynasty,Suzhous art of gardening has undergone a history of1500 years.The concept of Suzhou classical gardens has gone beyond the city the regions of the Yangtze.

The four classical gardens of Suzhou are The Surging Waves Pavilion.The Lion Grove Garden Garden .The Humble AdministratorGarden.The Lingering Garden.In a nutshell ,represent the different architectural styles of Song.Yuan.Ming.Qing dynasties.

My friends, now we are in The Lingering Garden. It is located in Liuyuan Road, Suzhou City. It was built by Xutaishi in Ming Dynasty. At that time it was named Eastern Garden.

There are three treasures in The Lingering Garden. The first treasure are Stones.The stone in front of us is the most distinguishing stone "Guangyun Peak". With a weight of 5 tons and a height of 6.5 meters, it is one of the four Wonderful Stones in the regions of the Yangtze.

The calligrapher and painter Mifu in Song Dynasty sum up the features of Lake Tai stones as the following: slender ,wrinkling , leaking , penetrating. Just take the "guangyun Peak" as an example and you will have some idea about the features of the stones. In addition, it is endowed with the personal characters of faithfulness because of its nature of stiffness and unchangeable outlook. Thus it has been worshipped by people since old time.

The second treasure is "Five peak fairy Hall" "Five peaks fairy hall" gets the reputation of "The first hall in the regions of Yangtze" . The name comes from the lines of the great poet Libai. The four Chinese characters on the plaque were written by Wuda---the famous calligrapher. Nanmu Hall used to be the place for important banquets and ceremonies, such as birthday parties, weddings , funerals .

The hall is divided into two sections__the south section and the north section. The south section host male guests, while the south section host female guests.

The hall is elegantly designed with oversized windows on east and west sides . Through the windows, the outside sceneries of the two courtyards can be extended as parts of the hall, thus to ensure enough lights into the building.

Five peaks fairy hall was built out of luxury materials. Beams and pillars are all Nanmu, which is a kind of timber only produced in China. That is also the reason why "five peaks fairy hall" is also commonly called "Nanmu Hall".

The "Fossil Fish" we are enjoying is the third treasure of Lingering Garden. It is a natural marble picture. In the middle of the picture are the clutters of mountains which are Partly hidden and partly visible; below are flowing Streams,above are floating clouds; right on the middle top is a round white spot like a sun or a moon.It is a picture drawn by the nature. The marble stone has a diameter of 1 meter or so and a thickness of 15 mms . It was produced in Diancang Mountain, YunNan province. It is a wonder how such big a stone was delivered in a good condition from YunNan which is over one thousand mile away from Suzhou.

China is most famous for its elegant classical gardens.

Among these, the lingering Garden is one representative. If you would like to know more about Chinese culture, we welcome you to visit Suzhou again.
