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Lijiangs commentaries, 350 - word model essay 3:

Everybody is good! I am your tour of lijiang tour guide. I am very glad to be with you the happy time together! My name is zhang. You can call me a guide.

Please come with me. Here is the old town of lijiang. Ill give you a brief introduction of lijiang. Lijiang also known as dayan town, is located in the middle of lijiang dam, known as "one of the most preserved ancient city of the big four". It is the only ancient city without walls in Chinas famous historical and cultural city. Lijiang ancient city is located in the yunnan-guizhou plateau, 2400 meters above sea level, the area of the city 3. 8 square kilometers, the ancient times is known fairs and towns. The ancient city of existing residents 6200 households, 25000 people. Among them, the naxi nationality for the vast majority of the population, 30% of the residents are still engaged in produced with copper, silver, fur, leather, textiles, brewing traditional handicraft industry and business activities.

Ok, now you give me into the city to see.

Lijiang is an ancient city without walls, dayan ancient city is a strong cultural atmosphere of the town.

Lijiang ancient and the street of the city of mountain was built, mostly covered with red breccia, the rainy season will not muddy, also wont fly ash of the dry season, the stone patterns of natural elegance. Look, smooth and clean green flag road, completely hand-built civil housing structure, ubiquitous Bridges.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 409 字

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Chengcha River

There is a north-south fault between the peaks of Tianhuo and Longmen. For rocks crushed, weathering strong there, as time passes, it has formed a crack called Tamen. The water of the sky pond flowing from Tamen and long time eroding the earth formed Chengcha River. In myth, “Chengcha” means to lead to the heaven by wooden raft. with the length of 1250m, it is the shortest river in the world.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2389 字

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West Lake

Lying in Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province, the West Lake is a world famous tourist spot. Embraced by green hills on three sides, the lake covers an area of 5.6 square kilometers and has a perimeter of 15 kilometers.

The whole lake is divided into 5 sections, namely the Outer Lake, North Inner Lake, Yue Lake and Little South Lake, by Gu Hill, Sudi Causeway, Baiti Causeway and Ruangong Mound.

The name of West Lake was fixed as early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Before the Tang Dynasty, the lake had various names such as Wulin Water, Mingsheng Lake, Jinzhong Lake, Longchuan, Qianyuan, Qiantang Lake, and Shang Lake, etc. In the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Chinese renowned poet Su Dongpo wrote a poem to praise the West Lake and compared it to Xizi, a Chinese legendary beauty. Since then, the West Lake has another elegant name Xizi Lake.

The beauty of the West Lake lies in its lingering charm that survives the change of seasons in a year and of hours in a day. Among its beautiful sights, the most famous sites are the Ten Sights in West Lake and the Ten New Sights in West Lake, which are known as the Double-Ten Sights in West Lake. The Ten Sights in West Lake are Melting Snow at Broken Bridge(断桥残雪), Spring Dawn at Sudi Causeway(苏堤春晓), Sunset Glow over Leifeng Hill(雷峰夕照), Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard(曲苑风荷), Autumn Moon on Calm Lake(平湖秋月), Listening to Orioles Singing in the Willows(柳浪闻莺), Viewing Fish at Flowers Harbor(花港观鱼), Evening Bell at Nanping Hill(南屏晚钟), Three Pools Mirroring the Moon(三潭印月), and Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds(双峰插云). The Ten New Sights in West Lake are Dream Spring of Hupao(虎跑梦泉), Tea-tasting at Dragon Well(龙井问茶), Gem Bathed in Flowing Rosy Clouds (宝石流霞), Heaven Wind over Wushan Mountain(吴山天风), Scud over Yuhuang(玉皇飞云), Yellow Dragon Spitting Greenness(黄龙吐翠), Rains of Sweet-scented Osmanthus Over Hills (满陇桂雨), Trees in Mist by the Nine Rivulets (九溪烟树), Ruan Mound in Green(阮墩环碧), Cloud Dwelling and Bamboo Path (云栖竹径).

The West Lake is also famous for its historical flavor with numerouscelebrities. National heroes Yue Fei, Yu Qian, Zhang Ruoshui and Qiu Jin were all buried along the West Lake, leaving their illustrious names and noble spirits in the green hills and blue waters. Moreover, many ancient poets and artists, such as Bai Juyi, Su Dongpo, Liu Yong and Pan Tianshou, had also left countless famous writings.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2873 字

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A park is the oldest existing yangzhou, the best preserved salt merchants garden, yangzhou dongguan street, a famous ancient lane in the south, north to the east of yangzhou river sight belt yanfu, is in the twenty-third year of qing jiaqing (1818) and huaibei salt total yellow to the narration of the house. For yangzhou representative of the classical private garden in the Ming and qing dynasties. Published in 1998 by the state council as a "national key cultural relics protection unit", and the Summer Palace in Beijing, chengde summer resort, and the humble administrators garden and called Chinas four big gardens in suzhou.

Through a complex, right against the face to see a building ground brick gate house, this is he garden gate, enter the door, came to the backyard of he garden, the garden can be divided into two parts, east and west. Now we stand by the position of the hospital is to the east garden, through the "send the noise hill" round David came to the east garden. East hall centered constitute a set of compound, appear in front of our eyes in front of the two hall, the south is embedded with "phoenix peony" brick of the hall, we call it the "peony hall". This brick is yangzhou a rare piece of brick carvings handicraft in the late qing dynasty, the middle with the peony and phoenix, pattern, around the shape of the peony foliage is inverse, decorative pattern is hydrophobic, knife and lively, smooth lines, the whole picture, the figure is outstanding theme, distinct, strewn at random have send.

All the buildings in the east, the most delicate to ship to the north of the hall, hall like a boat, pebbles, tile floor, steps prior to pattern for water wave shape, the artistic conception, give a person with water north laid red phoenix in morning sun, is a symbol of auspiciousness, long life. On both sides of the ship main hall hall with the excessive couplet: "month masters may visit, the flowers for the walls ship for the home." Tourists, when you look at the picture face after, you may have to forget this is a land landscape, as if walking in the lake, sitting in row in the brain. We have to admire those designing in a castle in the east garden landscape can make "water without water, without the mountains have affection". In hall ship back on the fire wall is a beautiful rockery, more than 60 meters long, there are scenic mountain on the settle way, with the hollow, water around the mountain line, mind the plum tree, the mountain have a small pavilion, to board the small pavilion series floor. From a distance, rockery is like a great rivers of the motherland. If compared the fire wall to the painters rice paper, then in front of sidewall rockery is just draw good landscape painting, give a person the sense with long, round the corner is infinite thoughts. This is the east garden. Please visit freely and take photos.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 4359 字

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北海银滩西起侨港镇渔港,东至大冠沙,由西区、东区和海域沙滩区组成,东西绵延约24公里,海滩宽度在30--3000米之间,陆地面积12平方公里,总面积约38平方公里。面积超过大连、烟台、青岛、厦门和北戴河海滨浴场沙滩的总和,而平均坡度仅为0.05。 沙滩均由高品位的石英砂堆积而成,在阳光的照射下,洁白、细腻的沙滩会泛出银光,故称银滩,北海银滩以其“滩长平、沙细白、水温净、浪柔软、无鲨鱼”的特点,被誉为“天下第一滩”。



北海银滩北海银滩广西则以“北有桂林山水,南有北海银滩”而自豪。北海银滩度假区内的海域海水纯净,陆岸植被丰富,环境优雅宁静,空气格外清新。由于其具有“滩长平,沙细白,水温净,浪柔软,无鲨鱼。”的特点,可容纳国际上最大规模的沙滩运动娱乐项目和海上运动娱乐项目,是我国南方最理想的滨海浴场和海上运动场所。 北海银滩的沙质,均为高品位的石英砂,沙滩中二氧化硅(石英)的含量高达98%以上,为国内外所罕见,被专家称为“世界上难得的优良沙滩”。沙子晶莹洁白,掬一把在手里,如精盐一般。因为沙子细腻致密,游人在潮水刚退去的平坦宽阔的海滩漫步,甚至连脚印也



海水浴、海上运动、沙滩高尔夫、排球、足球等沙滩运动以及大型音乐喷泉观赏、旅游娱乐等是北海银滩旅游度假区的主要内容。 北海银滩度假区内的海域海水纯净,陆岸植被丰富,环境优雅宁静,空气格外清新。



公园内建一生态广场,造型独特,线条优美;花木繁茂, 北海涠洲岛[1]郁郁葱葱,建有30多幢具有滨海特色,风格各异的楼台阁宇;育曲折宛延伸展的林荫小道;有反映北海人精神风貌的大型雕塑--海恋;育独具南国风情的椰树林;还有供游客观赏娱乐的大空船、高空飞车、异国珍奇鸟类表演、越南民族风情表演、俄罗斯风情表演和海上跳伞等游乐表演项目,可欣赏精湛演出技艺,可搏击海面,亦可信步海堤,这里海天相连,海帆点点:波涛滚滚,白云朵朵,令人如入仙境,心旷神怡,留连忘返。















各位游客朋友,大家好!欢迎各位来到风景秀美,气候宜人,美食成堆美女如云,帅哥成林的风景名胜景区北海,俗话说的好:“百年修的同船渡,千年修的共枕眠”现在流行的说法呢就是百年修的同车行,我们大家今天在同一辆车里可是百年才修来的缘分呐,小周真是深感荣幸啊,中国有句话说要活到老学到老,那来到了北海呢,首先我们也要学习一下三个代表啊:第一:我谨代表北海人民对各位远道而来的客人表示热烈的欢迎,第二:我谨代表商务旅游公司全体员工欢迎大家参加本次快乐之旅,欢迎,欢迎,热烈欢迎。第三个代表呢是我代表我本人和司机师傅,做个简单的介绍,我呢是来自商务旅游公司的一名导游员,也是大家这次北海之行的地接导游,我的名字是周小燕,大家可以叫我小周或者周导,只要让我知道你们是在叫我就可以了啊。那接下来呢我要为大家隆重的介绍一下在我们本次旅游中占有绝对重要位置的人,那就是为我们保驾护航的司机师傅X师傅,我们业内呢,有这样的说法,司机呢到了吉林是急开,到了蒙古呢是猛开,到了上海是胡开,那有没有人能想到来了我们广西是怎么开啊?还是我来接开谜底吧,我们广西的师傅呢,比较特殊,他们呢是在黑白两道都能开,为什么这样说呢,那就要说到我们广西的气候了,“春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雨”,这就是我们广西的气候特征,四季分明,春夏秋三季的道路呢一般是白色的,到了冬季一下雨,道路就变成黑色了,所以呢我们的师傅是黑百两道都混的很熟的,所以大家对我们这一天的行车安全呢尽可以放心了。那现在呢我想请我们车上的女士朋友呢,把你们的目光全部集中到我们师傅这里来,有这样一个说法:一等男人家外有家,二等男人家外有花,三等男人花中寻家,四等男人下了班回家。呵呵,那大家看看我们师傅属于几等男人呢?开动您的大脑,好好的想一想,哦,去掉一个错误答案,D,想我们这样,师傅一出团就是4、5天是不可能下班就回家的啊。 师傅呢可是一等一的好男人啊,为什么这样说呢,大家可别瞎想啊,我可没有说我们师傅花心啊。那大家看看此时此刻为我们遮风挡雨的旅游车,它呢就是我们师傅一个流动的家啊,当然师傅也很爱它,所以同学们要爱好我们师傅的家哈,保持干净整洁。

那小周这里想考考到家,大家知道师傅的特长是什么吗?同学们有些说:“开车”!导游:不是,师傅的特长是三心二意!大家不要奇怪,是哪三心二意呢。1是开车小心 ,2是对待客人耐心,3是服务大家热心。又是哪二意呢:1是开起车来一心一意;2是为各位美女帅哥服务全心全意。(最后我要送给大家一样东西,我要送给大家7千万,大家不要惊讶,就是7千万。。。。。。。)一、千万要注意安全,二、千万要保管好自己的随身物品,三、千万要记得集合时间,四、千万要记得集合地点,五、千万要集体行动不要单独行动,六、记住我们的车牌号,还有老师的电话号码,7、大家一定要记得以上六千万;现在我们都是千万富翁了,对吧。 相信同学们对我们今天北海旅游行程有一定的了解,我们首先参观的是北海城市标志南珠魂,它位于终年花团锦簇、芳草如茵的北部湾广场,由直径30米的喷水池、高15米的巨型人工珠贝和群雕组成,被誉为“广西第一城雕”,其设计者为四川美院院长叶毓山教授。

游完南珠魂呢我们将会漫步始建于1883年、长达近1.5公里的北海老街,可以慢慢体会北海历史脚步。 体验完北海百年老街,我们可以不出国门,就可以一览世界第三代海洋馆的壮丽海底景观,那就是海底世界,在这里,每天都会有多场精彩刺激的水下表演等着您。



各位游客朋友,大家好!非常高兴见到大家,首先感谢大家对我们旅行社的支持和给我本人的信任,让我有这样的一次机会与大家同行并为大家服务。我姓X,叫,也许大家初次听来觉得有点拗口,不过没有关系,大家可以叫我小X或者是X导,怎么亲切就怎么叫! 今天我将带各位游览的是素有“南方北戴河”、“东方夏威夷”之称的北海银滩。

咱们北海银滩坐落在北部湾畔,绵延24公里、总面积约38平方公里,以“滩长平、沙白细、水温静、浪柔软、无鲨鱼”闻名遐迩, 大家知道北海因此被誉为什么吗?(向观众提问,观众答 “中国第一滩”)没错,中国第一滩。咱们广西啊,以“北有桂林山水,南有北海银滩”而自豪。说到这,小谢我要考考大家,答对了,我手上这串贝壳项链就是他的咯!大家知道这片沙滩之所以被叫做银滩的奥妙吗?(观众答:因为这的沙子是白的!)没错!好,我手上的贝壳项链是你们的了!那大家可知道这的沙子为什么这么白吗?(观众:为什么?)







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We all know the Bund in Shanghai. It can be seen that it is one of the mostprosperous places in China, but the former captivity also made her have amiserable history: in 1845, Britain made her concession, and in 1849, Francealso occupied the Bund. But how beautiful and prosperous she is in front of theworld today!

Last summer vacation, my mother and I came to this loess land known as the"World Architecture Expo". As soon as I arrived at my destination, the waves ofthe Huangpu River attracted my eyes. The green algae glided in the water, itsgentle and slender waist.

As soon as we got out of the car, we came to the Asia building, theheadquarters of China Pacific Insurance Company. The lintel of the building isalso designed in broken pattern, which is beautiful and vivid. Further on, wecame to Dongfeng Hotel, once the most luxurious club in Shanghai - ShanghaiFederation. It has a bar of more than 110 feet, known as the longest bar in theFar East. We went on and came to a red house. After the guides explanation, Irealized that this was the famous steamship investment promotion company.Walking along the Huangpu river bank, the famous tower of Shanghai is a glance:the Peace Hotel, Pudong development building and the Oriental Pearl TV Toweropposite the Huangpu River, the world financial center.

At the end of Shili Nanjing Road, there is a bronze statue. He stares atthe flowers and grass here. Who is he? He is general Chen Yi, the first mayor ofShanghai in New China. Looking at the statue, I can see General Chen Yisinspection work in the wind and rain. His simple image and amiable, open-mindeddemeanor

Once again deeply imprinted in my heart.

Its getting dark. We came to the hotel, ate in a hurry, and then we wentback to the Bund. At this time, the sky has become dark red, and the lights ofthousands of families have been turned on in the sky. We came to the "Bundcruise terminal" to take a boat sightseeing.

We came to the cruise ship, the ship slowly driving on the Huangpu River,the lights on the shore printed on the water, as if it had become a wide pair ofoil paintings, water, quiet, seemingly dark but bright. After getting off theboat, we went straight to the tallest building in Shanghai, the world financialcenter.

We took the high-speed elevator in the global financial center. I heardthat it had a maximum speed of 10 meters per second. In less than 2 minutes, wearrived at the top of the building. The floor was transparent everywhere.Walking on it was really a pleasure to "see all the mountains and small ones".At first glance, there are colorful lights everywhere, cars are shuttling, andthe Huangpu River is even more beautiful. The stars on the opposite side of theOriental Pearl TV Tower rain are linked into one piece, forming a beautifulscene of "sky and even Pujiang". I heard that Shanghais electricity bill willspend nearly 300 thousand yuan a day.

I looked at the charming lights motionless, only feel the heart clear aswater, I, intoxicated!












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General Manager

Tel: Fax:

P.O.Box: Dear Mr,

It is really a great honor to receive invitation, and we are writing to confirm our attendance. Mr will attend the investigation and conference in China on time.

Best Wishes & Regards


General Manager



范文类型:邀请函,适用行业岗位:商务,全文共 537 字

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dear sir/madam:

[organization] would very much like to have someone from your company speak at our conference on [topic].

as you may be aware, the mission of our association is to promote. many of our members are interested in the achievements your company has made in.

enclosed is our preliminary schedule for the conference which will be reviewed in weeks. i’ll call you [date] to see who from your company would be willing to speak to us. i can assure you that well make everything convenient to the speaker.

sincerely yours,





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Dear visitors, my name is yu-chen zhang, is jiujiang landscape travel guide. Today I lead you to visit the place is only in the "world heritage" of China cultural landscape - lushan scenic area.

Lushan mountain in jiujiang in jiangxi province in central China, the south, also known as "KuangShan", "KuangLu", lists of the Yangtze, tight in poyang lake. The whole of a total of more than 90 peaks. To hanyang peak, the highest peak either altitude 1473.4 meters, the lushan mountain scenery to "show, and the risks, the male" is famous, known as "KuangLu under well of guilin" reputation, is now main twelve landscape, 37, 230 scenery landscape. Lushan early have "lu" of fairy tales, fog day up to an average of 191 days, diffuse clouds of lushan added a lot of the beauty of the landscape charming and mysterious.

Lushan mountain is one of the birthplace of Chinese civilization, as well as a collection of scenery, culture, religion, education, politics, as one of the famous through the ages. Also has a unique quaternary glacial relics, is the theory of the quaternary glacial birthplace.

Now we can visit freely, then well come to here.



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Each visitor:

How are you, welcome you to a Bo state tour, I am your guide__.

We want today place, is the Bo state that has the fame of"history culturalthou city", speak of Bo state, that is small to acquaint with any furtherhowever is my place, because the Bo state brought up me, my home town in the Bostate.If sometimes, you want to taste our special feature a light repast of Bostate, you followed behind small to go.Today, take everyone to come out for thefirst time, explain in detail our Bo state, I feel matchless proud of withhappy.So these two days, your route of travel handed over to me, friends, youfollow my footprint, let lets taste the city that has heavy cultural breathingtogether!

We Bo state, be located in province the northwest of Anhui, area 8374 thesquares are thousand meters, and it have three the counties are one area, Wosun, receive city, the benefit is bitter, also have the Qiao city the area.Whatabout my house, at the Qiao city area China Tuo town.We Bo state, before just acounty city, called that it is "Bo county" to, till the time in 1998 advanced topair ground class City, the time in 20__ formally became the ground class Bostate City.Some visitors started asking me, you the Bo state establish prettyand late of, but see the building of this flank, development of can also!Yes, wealthough the Bo state establishes to only have for 11 years, can in this veryshort 11 the middle of the years, we the Bo state is it may be said thedevelopment that flies soon.Remember my childhood, street basically have no sobreadth, and best of, also just asphalt road, wayside side also just brick anone-storied house.Everyone can see the many-storied building in nowadays alreadytowering rise in this Gao, standing gracefully.The neon light of road lastmyriad shapes, this till evening, Bo the night scene of the state is equallycharming.Now, be like smooth Sus fruit, and Wall-Mart...etc. of China someinternational brands also go into in succession we Bo state.So say, we the Bostate isnt only a history cultural city, now and hereafter still a metropolisthat fly to soon develop!We Bo state the products is abundant, people of talentcoming forth successive, the historic monument spreads all over, the vegetablecontains the good reputation of "Wan north bright pearl".Companys soup inhistory once founded a capital here, Cao Wei established temporary capital here,the dollar end farmer started revolution leader Han Lin Er built up big"Sung"political power here, therefore, the Bo state was called "three dynasties thethou was all".What about it, not only is a Cao to hold China Tuo nativedistrict, on the history still many celebrities gather to reside here.Is likeChuang son, the Cao plants, Cao Pi, Tang Dynasty Min agriculture poet, Li Shen,, Zhang Liang, Hua Mulan in military history, possess a Chen Tuan that veryloudly praise etc. on the religion of Taoism history.Long history, numerouscelebrities, special geography position, not only left for the Bo state numerousfamous spots and historical remains, also accumulate Dian Bo state decorousregion special feature culture.We the Bo state more famous tourist spot has theflower drama the building, the Cao hold to transport troops the temple, river inthe way, the Cao surname clansmen last homes, China Zu An and morals ratherguild, and thou well museum...etc..Friends, we Bo state, is still the country ofmedicine material, reside four greatest medicines in the whole country all ofhead.On January 12, 1995, chairman Jiang Zeming is us Bo state epigraph:ChinaTuo native district, the country of medicine material.We Bo state not only havea historic monument, celebrity, medicine material, we still longly make wineculture.I believe that our everyone in was affirmative to all once listen to oronce drink ancient well Gong wine., If have you never drunk, that didnt alsorelate to, today small, will take you to ancient well town, take a look makingby fermentation of ancient well wine process, taste our tunnel of ancient wellGong wine.We the Bo is also creating the health tour Bo state for states lastfew years, the time in 20__, we Bo states returning be reviewed "China has thecity of happy feeling most ".Friends, only wish we of the trip of this time Bostate can wash for you mind and body of exhausted, let you also take happyfeeling to leave this city.

Friends, we just, also probably understood 1:00 we Bo state of historyculture, also knew, it was a Three Kingdoms Wei Wu Di Cao held of home town,that now, make little Lyu Dai everyone in the park of Cao surname appreciateconcerning the Cao and held with the cultural object historic monument of Caosurname household.Like, the visitors, we go to of first station be, now, havebeen already arrived, everyone pleases go into a park with me.Cao surname parkbecause have the Cao surname the clansmen last homes inside the park but get,and he and cover 300 acres of, building in order to imitate mans building, thepark is totally divided into four parts:Be in remembrance of area, emperorsmausoleum area and calm down to fix an area and entertainment zone.Be inremembrance of area with the Cao hold memorial hall for corpus, the emperorsmausoleum area is the Cao surname clansmen last homes, set up a stone tabletwood, stone tablet gallery, Yong way etc., calm down to fix area andentertainment zone mainly is be provided for visitor to stop and rest and playhappy place.Like, the visitors, we now the southern front door in Cao surnamepark, please go toward with me in walk, we visit Cao to hold memorial hall.TheCao holds to mainly display Cao to hold wax and exhibition article inside thememorial hall and reflects a thousand years great accomplishments that the Caoholds politics, military and literature.Like, the visitors, we then visit Cao tohold household last home to bury-the Cao is four, and it, be also called itBE"four", and it, it is four hillocks that the southern north arc-shapeddistributes inside the park to is a Cao surname, 8 meters of Gao Zhe Yue, lowabout 5 meters.The last homes surroundings time plants a loose cypress, in thedead of night, the breeze moves branches and leaves, the Sa Sa makes ring, as ifocean big waves, so have "four loose cypress" it to say.The precious culturalobject that the Cao surname clansmen last homes sprout has much, such as silverwisp jade dress and copper wisp jade dress and the Chinese brick engraving tohave various form of written is more than 300 etc.s, bury in these a few lasthomes that have been already discovered in, the greatest

Big be the last home of Cao Teng.Cao Teng, word the quarter is cheerful,the grandfather whom the Cao holds, sealed for the fee station Hou, holdofficial post for more than 30 years, waited on to receive four emperors,backlog a great deal of of the patrimony be afterwards made track for is Gaoemperor.The Cao Teng last home shape is a high big square mound, build to°from824 pieces of granites inside the last home, biggestly grow two meters.The roominside the last home grows 15 ? 3 meters, breadth 10 ? is 2 meters, 3 meters inheight, from Yong way, front room, empress the room, southern north ear room andthing be partial to room 7 stone houses to constitute.The door is to dub outgranite, the symmetry intaglio wears green dragon, woman without pubic hair,Vinaceous Rosefinch and Xuan on the side of door force.Horizontal sum in thestone door is a pair of layers granites, the upper level engraves 《double Fengdiagram 》 , the bottom layer engraves 《keep deer diagram 》 , or so engrave 2people, likeness monster, for the of protecting of last home host.

Like, friends, we are next to go to of place, is a Cao to hold to transporttroops a way.BE leading to destination, whether we see have one to be likesimilar pleasure ground in the park, and it, was justour Bo state to just set upa good Wei the year before last year force square.This square, arrive in theevening particularly of jollification, become 100 to sing and dance here upthousand people, train for physical fitness, amuse a mood.There are also a lotof runt sellers, all coming together of a light repast hereat, that is noisy,seem to be every day is rushing through busy streets.We the Bo state spread sucha folk song from thou:"Cao full, real Xuan, will in groups, the soldier isrepeatedly.Transport troops to train soldiers a horse in way, rush a Bo state tohave China", what this folk song say is a Cao to hold to transport troops a way,and it at big Yu head district.It is said that the soldier for Cao to holds risein revolt is weak will few, he for showing the soldier is many will wide,attraction everywhere the hero return fluently, construct tunnel to lead tothing in city at the Bo state south north four, the life soldiers round wearsmany colors dress, an is four, again from another together turn back, thebeginning and end connects.Everywhere hero hears that the Cao holds soldierstrong Ma Zhuang, can with matter in Chengkong University, in succession come tothis mutually hurl, the Cao holds hence being rising to in group of heroes, atthe same time transport troops a way to continuously transport troops can alsoparalyze an enemy and use surprise tactics.Transport troops a way disheveledhair in 1938s now, and it and take big Yu head inside the city as the centerextends to 4 and builds to°from the green brick, the total length is more than12000 rices, leave 1 ? 8~ in the ground~3 ? is 5 meters, and it have one-wayroad, proceed together a double way, top and bottom double the layer way, turnway types with various etc., moreover still have the cat ear the hole, singlebunker and double persons bunker, obstacle book, trap, air hole, converse boreetc., design very skillful.And this tunnel, there is also a wonderful place, isa strict cold deep winter warmth is like spring here, intense heat midsummerhere cool like deep autumn, be modern have time to adjust can not reach theeffect like this is either.The underground transports troops genuine nexttransport troops a way is a Cao to hold then military can of history witness,its detection and exhumation aroused tremendous sensation in the whole country,is a local scale is the biggest currently, age at the earliest stage, keep themost intact underground military passage.It is praised as "underground GreatWall", it isnt only the miracle on the military history, but also ancient timesto construct one big miracle on the history.

The visitors, and morning, small said the ancient well wine he/she wants totake everyone to taste our Bo state tunnel on the car, and I, will never fail tokeep promise as well.What about now, let lets together go to with driverteacher!The Bo state made wine at the earliest stage, having a history couldcheck is at eastern man last years of the period.It is "nine altar spring wine"to carry the precursor of the wine of ancient well Gong according to thehistorical records, hold to make under charge for the Cao the person make byfermentation, empress the Cao hold to dedicate it to the man to dedicate emperorLiu Xie and dedicate the emperor everyones applause, is a palace it to usewine.From now on, Bo state a take to make wine workshop to grow profusely andquickly to develop.The man sets up Anne for 14 years, the Cao holds for goingdown south to strike against east Wu, return to old house Bo state to make bigantebellum preparation, collect a whole country to make wine a superior to cometo Wo sun at the same time blast furnace creation wine to provide armysupplies.Now with thou of Bo state the well Gong wine and the Wo sun wine in theblast furnace house for the representatives Bo state wine has become the mainforce of Wan wine.Make wine one of the support industries that the industry hasbecome Bo state.We now already till thou well wine culture read extensively apark, and it be located in our Bo state northwestern thou well town, cover 3200square meters.There is four-part cent that constitute:Wine cultural museum,ancient well park and Wei well park and production observe and learn area.Thisreading extensively a park is what thou well group in Anhui invests more than10000 dollarses 1500 to be finished, and the beginning outward open in 1996.Whatabout it, the building style is special, whole layout skillful, Chinese Quedoor, clearly the pure palace forms of"thou well special feature" style, meanancient well Gong wine to begin from a Han Dynasty, is more prosperous thanclearly pure(contribution), is meeting peaceful times today.The visitors, wewhether a scrolls seen big palace clear pillar:Spread Weis well for vintage winethousand years, thick joss-stick ten thousand inside hair the soup is all.Thisscrolls are what Qi achievement Sirs presents.What about exhibition hall and isdivided into four parts, on entering hall, right against the face is a high bigblack wood screen, up inset to have Jiang Zeming total secretary and manyBeijing leaderships photograph linked to the thou well Gong wine.The exhibitionhall described through a great deal of writing, picture and wine culturalhistory cultural object the thou well Gong wine, the the brand that containswine culture at history cultural city of fume the history of pottery growthunder the atmosphere.Still introduced at the same time, concerning culturalhistories, such as wine source, wine government, wine gift, wine teacher andwine interest...etc..

Ascend the second floors, what to come into view is the thou well Gong wineto produce craft process first model.Real object and picture prize that is agreat deal of thou well group the modernization from a hand workshop to todaydevelop the process present at our audience in front.What about the secondfloors, is "the wine constellate", "thou

Well art gallery"two exhibition halls.It displayed national white spiritall previous sessions to review the gold prize that the cocktail party reviewsthe white spirit is 17 kinds of and the whole country is all three review kindwine.The art gallery exhibition hall is mainly the celebritys work and epigraph,such as Qi achievement, Chen Peng, Lyu Ji Min, the Luo Zhe text waits

Come out hall, appreciate the inscription and the ectype that finishes acurving corridor inside, and we, can also go "Sung generation is undergroundthou well" and"eminent contribution cellar pond" visit.The eminent contributioncellar pond is Ming Dynastys cellar pond, and now, still can use.The visitors,we have already arrived at an ancient well park now, the thou well park is typebuildingses in Suzhou, the rockery is pretty, river water Chan Chan, the top ofhill contains station and below the hills has a bamboo, Lin Jian Niao blares.Isthe thou well business reception center here, and is the good whereabouts thatthe visitor takes a rest.

Wei well park, be located in area in the north of distillery, inside havethe ancient well one eye according to carry, spring the native son have alreadyused the well in autumn, till Han Dynasty the tidy water is mainly used formaking wine.There is one ancient Huai tree by the side of Weis well, this isthou well Gong the trademark of the wine, there is ancient well station on thewell, there is Zhao Pu Chu, Chen Peng and Qi inside the station son achievementof Bian.

The visitors, we arrived at the last visit to order~~~the productionobserve and learn area, it mainly from ferment, steam wine and pack three cars,here, you since the well Gong that can grasp till thou the main craft process ofthe wine, can also taste to arrive the fresh wine that the production just cameout.But the good wine can not be greedy for a cup!

On the second day route of travel guides phrase

The visitors, small once says, we the Chinese medicine medicine of the Bostate the industry is it may be said a source far flow long, the common sayingsays well:The world medicine company gathers Bo state, Bo state medicine thecompany rush world.We the Chinese medicine medicine of Bo state develop easternChinese last years of the period and come to an a peak and was also born on theBo state the earth the person-China of one inside medicine field milestone typeTuo.Clearly the pure period is the Bo state Chinese medicine medicine theindustry greatly develops of another high peak, the Bo state becomes the Chineseherbal medicine commercial center of whole country.The reform opens, we the Bostate welcomed the third development high peak.As long as having the medicinematerial the place of the warehouse, have us the Bo state the person.The placethat we want in the morning that today, is cultural the relational place is withChinese medicine medicine.That we the first place for wanting, is filling theair heavy medicine joss-stick of Chinese herbal medicine bargain center.The Bostate is all four greatest medicines in the whole country(Anhui Bo state, theHenan Yu state, Jiangxi greenheart and Hebei Annes country) of head, Chineseherbal medicine bargain centers starting is set up to 1994 covers 387 acres andthrows in an use in 1995 and gets stripe a reformation in 20__ and trades hallarea 32000 square meters, is a local scale is the biggest currently, facilitieshad better, file times Chinese herbal medicine with tallest and the most wholefunction trade the market , here, dided not can not buy of medicine material,dont also can not sell off of medicine material.

Through approval in State Department, since 1985, the Bo state has alreadysuccessfully held 23"Chinese medicine medicine international exposition inChina(Bo state)" in a row and holds on this day on September 9 annually, so weBo state the person be so called:"99 medicines hand over a meeting", this periodto our Bo state is a biggest grand occasion annually, the large numbers offoreign companys guests, international friend and Chinese medicine medicinerepresentative take part in this grand occasion, we the Bo state also hold alarge literature evening party on that day and have large numbers of well-knownentertainers annually the Bo state perform, is like Han Hong, Zhao Wei to us,Wang Li Hong etc..The medicine in past hands over meetings all to hold in theneighborhood of train station, everyone can also see, the train station isleaving not far eastern side in the bargain center, at two years, hold at theour Bo state new city hall, this year later, medicines handing over will hold inthe just- been finished Bo state gymnasium, it is inside new southern area atour Bo state.If next time, you sometimes return to our Bo state, small will takeyou to go to that place and see.Friends, we the Bo state real estate medicinethe material is also known for a whole country, especially the Bo Shao, Bochrysanthemum and Bo mulberry skin, Bo pollen cures square in the house more towin first gradely.Up to 20__, the whole city Chinese herbal medicine plants areato have a whole country pretty much of a, reach to more than 40,000hectares.Have already drunk a slice of production business enterprise 36 throughthe Chinese herbal medicine of national GMP attestation now, take up 44% of thewhole country, the Chinese herbal medicine drinks a slice of yield to take up1/3 of the whole country around, the Chinese herbal medicine import and exportsum has the third in the whole country.Educate aspect in the Chinese medicinemedicine, the Bo state occupation technical college set up Chinese medicinemedicine profession, the Bo set in the state City set up the Chinese medicinemedicine technique school.Currently, we the Bo state have already formed agather a medicine to plant, process, sell, transport, educate, the research,tour is integral whole of industry system.

Friends, we bargain center in the year 20 time start closing the door, hardyear of medicine company by this time also all goes home to like a rest andplaces to do the New Years shopping, preparation New Years Day.Bargain center ofthere are clock building and drum building in southern square, annually 8:18 ofJanuary 16 mornings of lunar calendar, colleague hall in Peking of old alwaysall want to bump a clock in this Lei drum punctually, and then the Chineseherbal medicine bargain of whole country opens for business.Friends, I said somany, also not equal to everyone a see for quick, that we now go to a hundredyears grand old-colleague hall, watch valuable medicine material in the world inthe Bo state!

The visitors, we have already understood, we the medicine material of theBo state industry and culture, and that now, we are still going to visit thefounder-China of Chinese medicine medicine boundary Tuo.China Tuo, word dollarChina, eastern man outstanding medical science house, we Bo state person, hethis from cradle to the grave not wish an official, not Mu fame and wealth, makea deep study medical skill, medicine arrive disease in addition to, driveChinese medicine educational circles your respectful name BE"China Tuo old Zu",he mainly invented to anaesthetize the medicine"hemp the Fei spread" andcompared west early usage to tingle Fei to spread to implement surgicaloperation for patient for more than 1000 years.Created to weave "five birdsdramas"s sport set road, the action of the tiger, deer and bear, ape and bird ofthe mimicry"five lines of theories"s, use to train for physical fitness,strengthen physical endowment, founded an athletics medical treatment toexercise first river.Like, that nows making us drive a car together memorialhall is to R.O.C Tuo.What about it, again China Zu the An is the temple thatrespectfully receives China Tuo and manage the in the past as Ni inside theoriginal temple, so call temple as An.What about it be located in permanentstability street the west carry, "permanent stability" takes China Tuo alwaysguarantor people peaceful idea.China Zu Ans starting is set up to Tang, 80s inlast century original Bo county peoples government carries on greatly fixing ata time, the Bo peoples government in the state City again spends a huge sum torenovate in 20__, become now everyone see of view area.The China Tuo memorialhall wins a view to be known for by"the grass hall is spread to stay joss-stick,cloud bridge to lie wave, five birds to blare a life, the poem stone tablet Mojoss-stick and benefit life to save Jean by voice, medicine" etc..Now China Tuothe memorial hall and China Tuo Be past to reside, China Tuo the Chinesemedicine medicine cultural museum connect for the integral whole.The visitors,we have the horizontal tablet that see the center door, those are those earlyyears Guo Mo if Sir in 1961 in person write.

Like, the visitors, please go into a park with me, come in is a maintemple, main temple ex- have a scrolls, ascend allied:The vegetable theory didntspread a spool of sad jailer fire;Next allied:Door Shu the immortal slice ofspeech be eventually living a person square.What scrolls speak is at time ofdeath China Tuo before will entrust to maintain for jailer from the curing ofZhao book 《green bag through 》 , the jailer doesnt dare to accept, China Tuo hasto it throw in fire in, the book burns half hour, the jailer stungs byconscience, from the material for new fire extrication half department, hencethe in this world had the half department of two great uses the book:One is Sungmutually Zhao Pu cure world with the half department 《Analects 》 , the anotheris half department 《green bag through 》 that is called "live a person square" tosave persons innumerable.China Tuo carving inside the palace is like, is thework that is famous to carve Qian Shao Wu, and the Cao of our train stationholds statue is also come from this masters hand.Up there aring a scrolls on thepillar beam of main temple is a big Manchu dynasty calligraphist to believe inan ability the Zhuan,(while seeing, the contents says) the meaning is to saythat China Tuo creates five birds dramas of plait huge to the mankinds healthyfunction, the achievement can contrast with Emperor Huang of Xuan Yuan.Stilldisplayed some works of China Tuo inside our palace.

Two sides of main temple have 6 sets to carve, and everyone, can take alook, each one carves to all have a small story, here, small is everyones simpleintroduction for a while small story concerning"absolute being needle is tiny,admirable skill":It is said that the Cao holds the disease of having theheadachy disease, once just in the argument matter, suddenly have a headache,please cure to toss about along while too much also useless.The son China Tuo isused a seven inch silver needle, shine on the acupuncture points on the headfirm next go, the instant Cao holds of headache disease then completelyrecovered.Main temple east the side contain two side doors, is gone in by theside door, it is thus clear that from the Yi station, it is the place that ChinaTuo takes a rest to mutually rush.Bo state while being that China Tuo is classicto cure case and Three Kingdoms the exhibition inside the palace peripheralgeography diagram.What the western side of main temple displays is China Tuo inthe pediatrics, surgery, gynecology, Medicine, health, puncture, square medicineetc. of achievement.Led main temple, can immediately see the dollar turn a grasshall, east the set of rooms is a benefit life Xuan, western wing building forsave Jean Zhai.Benefit life Xuans mutually rushing is China Tuo to diagnose veinto treat disease place, saving Jean Zhai is the place that China Tuo depositsmedicine.Save Jean Zhai to have two kind exhibition the article is well worthspeaking, on being to slice medicine knife, two is a medicine Nian son.It issaid that there was a blacksmith to get a heavy disease, be cured by China Tuogood, for expressing appreciation the heart of Helping of China Tuo, theblacksmith sends to China Tuo a slice the tool of medicine-slice medicineknife.Send for a long time, this blacksmith slowly disappears China Tuo to use,till the last just know, China Tuo once swore before, the whole life need notleft hand.Originally time of young China Tuo, cure a heavy disease, think thathe has already canned not save to cure and lets it goes home to makearrangements for funeral and just has old process at this time and think thatthe patient can cure, China Tuo because of young annoy prosperous, hence exportcrazy speech:If you can chase his medical treatment good, I chop down my lefthand.Afterwards the old Jean of that patient cure like, China Tuo hence raiseknife chop down to go to the left hand, be blocked by the old:Cure to have nodestination, you are still young, study hard, hereafter save to cure morepatients.China Tuo keeps firmly in mind this precept and swears that whole lifein no case uses a left hand.The blacksmith esteems highly the personal characterof China Tuo more after knowing, hence with meticulous care develops to by footoperate again of medicine Nian son.

The visitors, led a dollar China grass hall, wash Zhi pond, we was lessonTu building.The lesson Tu building devolution was China Tuo to teach Tu in thoseearly years, spoke to learn of place.Three big words in"lesson Tu building"s arelifted by that big calligraphist Chen is naturals.The lesson Tu front and backof the building has already washed Zhi pond, is those early years China Tuo towash away dirt the place of medicine material.Wash there is one medicine park bythe side of the Zhi pond, it is said that this is the first medicine Pu that isChinese to develop, also a Bo state human race to plant the point of departureof medicine material.

The visitors, we are a tour tourist spot of this end, it may be said pressstalk of, we wanted to once wear the pure old street get into the 4 A class viewarea in nation"Central plains the treasure hide" clearly-flower dramabuilding.Let you appreciate the brick vulture and wood carving art ofmagnificent rival divine skill, the vivid portrayal literary reference makes youlike Chi if inebriate.The tour Zhang Fei Miao and Yue flies thou buildings suchas temple, Zhu Gongs academy and god of fire temple etc., feel we for a whilethe lingering charm of Bo state health culture and thou city old street.

The visitors, before arriving at and spending drama building, we have tosee square and up write four big words in"temple fair square", and that, is usthe sink type of the Bo state square, the square designs medium the west matchBi, west the noodles has a large Chinese man white jade shop;The east containsgossip diagram and the Bo state cultural wall, the western side of cultural wallengraves the Bo state book history the celebrity is 15, the east side engravesBo state to win view diagram.Need a meeting we free activity of time, if you aremore interested in, can cautiously appreciate.The visitors please get into tospend drama building with me, the flower drama building is a national pointcultural object to protect unit, original the song set is a satge ofperformance, is the temple ancestral temple that offers sacrifices to celebrityin Shanxi to close feather, the medicine companies of Shanxi, Shaanxi conductthe ground of the contact of medicine material in the Bo state while being alsoclearly pure, therefore also call "guild in Shanxi", "toll-gate emperortemple."Close the emperor temple lord palace Be set up to pure fluently cure for12 years, the drama building is set up to Kangxi for 15 years, increased againduring the reign of Qianlong many color and carve.The whole building area is3163 square meters, guild of so call in order to spend drama building it, isbecause spend drama building in the hospital the color is gorgeous,magnificent.Aforetime Bo state vulgar cloud:"Suzhou sells good head oil, the Bostate sees flower drama building".

The visitors, we spend drama building to have three extremely, this firstunique, two iron flagpoles before being a center door, each one weighs 6000kilograms, the flagpole is many 16 meters in height, the flagpole divides 5sections, the each stanza divides the Zhu gossip Pan Long Dengs pattern, the topZhu Dan Feng is a , the shape is vivid, be like at lead a neck long blare, theexhibition wings desire flies.Each pole still has the 3 F square Dou to hangbreeze bell total 24, aweather the dingdong makes to ring, clear and crisppleasing.Japanese scholar after investigating to spend drama building theflagpole sighs for the view, 100 think not to get its solution:At that timepeople how solution divided stanza foundry and the problem for welding, did thesuch weight how stand up again, how did it experience rains and winds for 300years but still keep standing erect not to pour?This, also well embodied, we thediligence and intelligence of the Bo state the ancients.We spend drama buildingmust the seconds cutting off is an at present gate to a monastery, it is a 3 Fmemorial arch type that imitates wood structure building, up inset to be knownfor world of stereoscopic water mill brick the vulture is extremely keen, feastfor the eyes.If deeply the big wood that says theatrical stage the vulture isfull of sun just of beautiful of words, that water mill brick vulture thenpresented an another extreme achievement-Yin soft United States.The brickvulture that spends drama building, belongs to Jin to send a badge vulture art,the condition is great, topic abundant but again have inside contact, absorbedNa at the same time badge parties choiceness lovely, knife method carefulcarvings art, even engrave the hairs of person clear, the true feeling,stereoscopic feeling and clairvoyance feeling is the strongest, the skilledsuperb technical skill makes people be full of praise.

The visitors, we have already come right away the flower drama buildingsong now set, the flower drama building song set sits south noodles north, lordbefore the set Tu, both sides each the set with a small wing, or so set up aclock, the drum second floors, allocation have a preface, layer clear thing setof rooms is 2 F several-storied building, is at that time inside the Juan go toopera of reserved box.Northern sides getting this building is to close emperortemple main temple.So formed a courtyard of exact square, at have no acoustic ofancient times, at the right moment form the effect of natural wreath sound.TheYing of song set both sides is allied:A song the spring time awakens now thoudream, two sort features do to serve faithfully adultery.Song set above Zao wellup, have already colored nine, like Long Fengs good luck, pleased top tip ofbrow, recruit a wealth the etc. is into the treasure, the quickly passing timeoverflows colourful, form absolute being and have.Particularly spending thedrama building third extremely is worthy of paying attention to-woodcarving.Believe our visitor has been already seen as well, the top of the songset carves a lot of tasks and pattern.What about this, is use a big wood deeplyvulture carvings but become, this up and totally has a Three Kingdoms drama thetext is 18, the person is several hundred, the expression is each difference,fierce battle between two giants, seem ready to come out.Spend drama building togather a big carvings art to become, is our country satge building of delicacy,construct, carve towards studying ancient times of our country, the histories ofart and drama all have very important value.Like, the visitors, we together getinto to close emperor temple now,

The visitors, we visit now of is a god of fire temple, the Chinese thinkthat the creation all has absolute being, the fire is mankind the sign of thecivilization and mankind exist the material of most, there is certainly alsoabsolute being, this is the virtuous true god of fire-fire gentleman.The god offire temple is the temple of oblation fire virtuous true gentleman, belong to areligion of Taoism building.

We have already arrived at Zhu Gong academy now, and it and start Be set upto feeling Kangxi 37 years are a Bo state the factitiousness is in remembranceof Kangxi the benevolent government that know the Lian of state for year butbuilds of livings an ancestral temple, because is to set up an ancestral templefor still living person, belong to and call academy, but dont call an ancestraltemple.The Lian of , the word companys jade, enters a private for pure Kangxi 31the middle of the years, is sealed to know a mansion for Bo state at the sameyear.He weighs agriculture mulberry while allowing, not tired people,tenaciously impartial.Change Anne to celebrate to know a mansion behind.Kangxi48 years, the Bo state occurrence flood disaster, the epidemic rises everywhere,the people find it hard to live on.The Lian of is again once adjusted Bo state,lead people to pass through disaster, the Lian of at Bo state people anothertime leave a fine impression in the middle of the heart, we Bo state artificialexpress us heart of appreciate of feeling, so set up this academy.Zhu Gongsacademy existing gate to a monastery, over the hall, empress building etc.construct.What mountain wall insets is 46 years of pure Kangxi, Wu Chu Qi writes《Zhu Gongs academy records 》 of combining the book stone tablet.Empress buildingthree, is a hard point mountain type the mountain 2 F floor building, brick woodstructure, the ash tube tile house noodles, the first floor is the place thatoffers sacrifices to the Lian of .

The visitors, we are going now of tourist spot, is a Yue to fly temple, itis to offer sacrifices to south Sung the patriotic famous general Yue fly oftemple ancestral temple, believe the story flying Yue, widely known, here, smallalso no longer did to excessively introduce.We the Bo state set up due torespecting adore the race moral integrity that the Yue flies temple with offersacrifices to, the temple being existing is pure Kangxi year of building.It fromgate to a monastery Chong the building is a , big palace 3 constitutes.Exactcenter have Qin Kuai husband and wifes stone carving to suffer torture to kneelto be like inside the hospital, be provided for person to excoriate.This stillhas a legend to the stone statue:In those early years Yues flying is harmed byQin Kuai clay-cold, Bo state the people were very angry, went to hell, descendedthe parlance of oil pan according to the Buddhism concerning clay-cold badperson, made into two people with the face powder, represent Qin Kuais husbandand wife respectively, put in the oil pan to use to fry in oil to solve thespirit in the heart.Unexpectedly this after eating also want to eat, because ofvery delicious and again solution spirit, quickly become popular, the person whoeat is more and more.The person who does noodles has to with two noodles andpresses together, again Ning for a while, mean that they are husband and wife,put to provide a person after deep-frying in oil pan edible.It is said that thisis the origins of twisted dough-strips



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Hereinafter referred to as the "gan" or "(" in gansu province, is the ancient ganzhou (now zhang ye) and the state (now the jiuquan) ancient qi acronym. Gansu province is located in the qinghai-tibet, Inner Mongolia, three loess plateau interchange, vast territory, abundant resources, natural condition is complicated. The provincial jurisdiction over 14 province, 87 counties, land with a total area of 45.4 square kilometers, the seventh in the nation. , at the end of 20xx total population of 20xx people, including han, Tibetan, Mongolian, yulin, dongxiang, 45 nations such as security, dongxiang, yulin, special ethnic people transforming of gansu. The province terrain is long and narrow, 1655 km long, north and south 530 kilometers wide, the end of 500 meters above sea level, the highest for nearly 5000 meters. Rolling of the Yellow River in gansu provides abundant hydropower resources, the qilian mountain snow to irrigate the hexi corridor thousands of lies; Rich and vast longdong loess plateau; (3) in the vast land, longnan mountain climate is mild, the fragrance of rice, gannan, qilian mountain foothills of grassland, is one of the five major pastoral areas.

Gansu province, in the development of the Chinese nation, has a long history and splendid culture. Bay site proves that the earth here is one of the cradles of the Chinese nation, the humanities ancestor fu was born in wei river upstream. More than three thousand years ago, zhou ancestors intelligence in longdong area. Since the han and tang dynasties, gansu as Chinese and western cultural exchange, the commerce of the silk road, left a rich historical relics. The world civilization the mogao grottoes, magnificent jiayuguan, underground treasure slips, resplendent and magnificent, dont stare blankly temple and ancient Great Wall, etc., by its unique charm to attract tourists.

Gansu province, in the liberation for fifty years, especially since the reform and opening, has undergone earth-shaking changes, industrial and agricultural production, each enterprise vigorous development. In 20xx, the provinces gross domestic product (GDP) completed 116.1 billion yuan, urban per capita disposable income reached 6151.42 yuan, per capita net income of farmers reached 1590.3 yuan. To achieve a grain self-sufficiency in the province; In industry has been initially formed to non-ferrous metals, petrochemicals, machinery and electricity coal as the main body, the structure is reasonable, relatively complete categories, has a strong industrial base material technology base. Convenient railway, highway, civil aviation. Lanzhou city has become the northwest traffic, post and communications hub and business center. Of culture, education, sports, health, and scientific research career has great development, peoples living standards have improved significantly.



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云谷寺到了,请大家注意安全随我下车。嗨朋友们这边有个歌厅想要唱歌的朋友请到这边来,十分钟后我们到这里集合,排队等候缆车——哦十分钟过去了,大家都打起了吧!咱们上缆车,始信峰到了,请大家拿好自己的行李下车。 始信峰海拔1683米,在黄山36大峰中排行第35名,算是个小老弟,但他的风姿卓越,既有阳刚之气又有阴柔之美,充满了诗情画意,就连他的名字也充满了传奇色彩。相传古时候有位先生云游与此,感觉好像进入画境,但又真真切切确实存在,这才相信黄山风景美丽奇绝,于是题了一幅对联“岂有此理,说也不信,真正绝妙,到此方知”。意思就是说到了始信峰才相信皇上天下奇,于是始信峰这个名字就叫开了


竖琴松的传说,我们再来看看更有魅力的黑虎松,相传早先有位僧人路过这里忽然看见一只黑虎卧于松顶,一转眼这只黑虎便不知去向留下这颗古松,于是便给它取名黑虎松。看完了黑虎松我们再来欣赏享有松魅之称的连理松这颗古松象征爱情的忠贞不渝,看扣栏上已被扣了千万把锁,大家可以在这拍照留恋。 好了 看了这么多相信大家都累了吧?希望大家中午吃好喝好,下午我们将继续我们的行程。

Huangshan Mountain

Hello, every visitor. Welcome to beautiful Huangshan Mountain. At first, please allow me to introduce myself. I’m your tour guide Wang Ping from Anhui Travel Service. You can call me Xiao Wang or Guide Wang. I’m honored to lead you to visit today. If you have any demand or advice during this tour, please tell me immediately. I’ll do my best to help you. Next to me is our driver Master Gao. She is a highly experienced and responsible person, so you can rest assured on her bus. Again wish you a happy tour. You came here joyfully and you will have a satisfying trip.

How time flies. Our bus has arrived at the destination. Please take along your personal belongings and get off the bus following me. Be careful and keep safety. Now we are at the gate of Huangshan Mountain. Please look at this coloured decorated archway. The two words “黄山” look powerful and vigorous. They were the handwriting of Marshal Chen Yi. Do you know where does the name of Mount Huang come from? Yes, you are right. It was granted by Tang Ming Huang. Actually Huangshan Mountain was not named this in the first place. It was called Yishan Mountain “黟山”. The word yi “黟” is made up of “黑” which means black and “多” which means abundant. It was named so because the rock in Huangshan Mountain is black and abundant. According to legend, Yellow Emperor Xuanyuan, the ancestor of the Chinese nation had gathered medical herbs here, made pills of immortality, bathed in hot spring and finally attained the Tao and become an immortal. Tang Ming Huang Li Longji believed in this legend, so he changed the name from Yishan Mountain to Huangshan Mountain in the sixth year of Tianbao i.e. 747 A.D. and it has been used to this day.

As the saying goes, “Return from the five great mountains and then you won’t go to see other mountain; return from Huangshan Mountain and then you won’t go to see the five great mountains”. Is it so charming of Huangshan Mountain? If you have experienced the five wonders, you’ll have to admire her beauty. Does anyone know what the five wonders really are? You get it right. They are strangely-shaped pines, grotesque rock

formations, seas of clouds, hot springs and winter scenery. Well, everyone must want to see her beauty in haste after the introduction. Ok, please stand in line. The transportation of the scenic area is waiting for us.

We’ll take bus to Cloud Valley Temple, and get to Shixin Peak by cable car. I will accompany you to have a taste of the beautiful scenery. Please get on the bus in line. Don’t worry and keep safety. The beautiful scenery is right before your eyes and we’ll see it right away.

Here is Cloud Valley Temple. Please get off the bus following me. There is a singing hall. Anyone who wants to sing could come this way. We’ll assemble here in ten minutes and queue up for cable car. Now, ten minutes have passed. Everybody is here. We get on the cable car and now here is Shixin Peak. Please take your belongings and get off the car.

Shixin Peak is 1683 meters above sea level, ranking 35th in 36 main peaks of Huangshan Mountain and being the little brother of all the peaks. However, its charm is very remarkable, having both masculine and feminine characteristics, full of poetic beauty. Even the name of it is legendary. It is said that in ancient times, a man wandered here, feeling like coming into a picture. However, everything was just real. Only then did he believe the wonder of the beautiful scenery. So he wrote a Chinese couplet “岂有此理,说也不信,真正绝妙,到此方知” which means that he didnt believe the wonder of Huangshan Mountain until he saw Shixin peak. Since then the name Shixin Peak spread widely.

As the saying goes, you won’t see Huangshan Pine until in Shixin Peak. The pines in Shixin Peak are really grotesque. Next I will lead you to admire the grotesque Huangshan Pines. Everybody, please watch carefully. Is this ancient pine like a man opening his arms? This is Greeting Pine with a hearty welcome for us. Look at this pine and you will find its five strong rootlets are exposing in the air, just like the firm claws of black dragon, having a dignified air. This is the Dragon Claw Pine. Over here is a Harp Pine. Legend has it that several immortals were drinking and playing the harp here, just amusing themselves. When they drank happily, they heard the sudden call of Heaven. Therefore they returned to the Court of Heaven immediately. In a hurry they left the harp there. Then this harp turned into a pine, namely this Harp Pine before us. Having heard the story of the Harp Pine, we can have a look of this charming Black Tiger Pine. According to legend in the past a monk passed here and saw a black tiger lie on the top of a pine. In a second the black tiger disappeared without a trace and the pine was left. So he named the pine Black Tiger Pine. Next we will see the Couple Pine with the reputation of being the spirit of the pine. This ancient pine symbolizes unswerving loyalty of love. The fences have been buckled tens of thousands of locks. We can take photos here.

Well, I believe that everybody must be tired now. Have a good lunch and we will continue in the afternoon.



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Tourists friends:

Everybody is good! Welcome to the New Yuanming Palace!

New Yuanming Palace is located in the zhuhai jiuzhou avenue, stone forest, covers an area of 1.39 square kilometers, it something surrounded on three sides by mountains and faces the north to the south with a flat, open fortunas lake water area of more than 80000 square meters, the scenery is very beautiful, is a good place to travel. New Yuanming Palace officially opened on February 7, 1997, is a building of Beijing sheng in qing dynasty when the old Summer Palace as the carrier, according to the proportion of 1:1 buildings, according to the geographical environment of new yuan Ming palace to layout, combined with modern tourist attractions characteristics at the same time, gives a new content

New Yuanming Palace is divided into three major scenic area, the first big scenic spot is located in the central axis of the royal buildings, you first see is a legitimate scenic area, it is made up of big palace, the temple fair and things peidian peidian. Outside the temple fair is forbidden in qing dynasty emperors and handle affairs, the yongzheng emperor daoguang, every year the emperor birthday greetings, leading music feast , final exam si zhan and other major activities are held in the house there was nobler.

New Yuanming Palace of legitimate the things peidian peidian, is round bright vicissitudes historial DE touraine, here you can display images, data and rich text to understand the construction of New Yuanming Palace. This fully embodies the "countries lost garden failure, sheng xing" the garden of the profound patriotic theme, in the west peidian peidian, you can also pass an aerial view shows a panoramic view of the old Summer Palace and New Yuanming Palace panoramic model have a whole understanding on both.

Legitimate temple is the place where the emperor to deal with failure, and into the light inside, you first see the plaques "industrious good affinity" four word, this is the teachings of emperor kangxi, is also a motto of the emperor, the implication is: as the king of the country should be assiduous in government affairs, to be close to xian, widely coachable. legitimate Layout is the hall of supreme harmony and decoration of the Forbidden City in Beijing, the golden throne, golden screen, gold panlong sunk panel, shows the majesty of the royal style.

Out of vehicles by legitimate temple, we come to jiuzhou qing taking scenic area, it is composed of SanJin temple, the first go into the temple, the Summer Palace please, here shows the eight banners in the qing dynasty conscripts and equipment, the second into the temple is a temple in three selfless, here shows the empress dowager cixi first by the scene and the display of the bedroom after emperor; Finally the jiuzhou YanDian, here to show you the royal crown of books and study the emperor mess.

Through many house, friends will be and the feeling of be suddenly enlightened, appear in front of us is the center of the dominated airdropping lake, the lake center island called peng YaoTai, heyday in qing dynasty, the emperor every year, lifted up his eyes, can see a large temple garden buildings "penghu-glance natural scenic area, the front of building a mountain glyph to the surface of the water, stone points of three layers, each layer has a white marble railings, with palace, temple tall, layout is neat and orderly, magnificence, peng island YaoTai, penghu-glance scenic spot are built around the imitation of the legendary wonderland, reflects the feudal emperors in wonderland, traveling through the pursuit of fantasy.

New Yuanming Palace of the scenic area, is in the jiangnan garden buildings, it includes the pinghu harvest moon, beautiful, song music, up and down the skylight, qu yuan prescribed by ritual law, Wan Fangan and etc., to form the entourage of axis scenic spot, dotted around the airdropping water city. The romantic natural and unrestrained six under emperor qianlong jiangnan, like lakes and mountains, and he lives artificial garden, now we find the qianlong emperor parade the footprint of the jiangnan, to get a glimpse of jiangnan gardens gracefuls and restrained is spectacular.

Now please go with me on a tour of the wonders of New Yuanming Palace a carefree, shining and flowers array (labyrinth), it is the only can live compared with the old Summer Palace in Beijing area. Were by the sea (,), view, haiyantang architectural composition and so on, were built in qianlong years, western missionaries, Anatole ning, michel benoist design guidance, China built craftsman, architectural form imitation of European Renaissance time "baroque" style, but in the landscape and architectural decoration also learned a lot of traditional methods in our country, for example, the construction subject of occidentalism. , the use of the traditional Chinese glazed tile roof decoration.

Sea (western buildings in the palace, there is a large pool of water in front of the house, around the pool are arranged eight word twelve only those personal like, it is twelve animal sign of life, day and night they took turns water an hour, about two hours, noon, zodiac water together, timing effect. We may have to ask how western architecture in the traditional Chinese zodiac? Water in the original design, the western missionaries statue is western naked girls, qianlong think nude like very indecent, then replaced by Chinese zodiac, the elaborate design, it is the ocean for convenient, a masterpiece of Chinese and western combined. On the second floor of the sea (, presently is equipped with art gallery display, a copy from the qing dynasty palace and the Summer Palace collection of art treasures, paintings depicting the emperor life and some major historical events, some of them had stick is the only know to collect in the yuanmingyuan deep reading willow hall of precious paintings.

Opposite), view a Yu Haiyan hall, is a set of large construction collectively, belonged to the emperor received foreign envoys.

The statue of a mans face and filleting in Atlantic square, this is the innovation of the New Yuanming Palace, it is a sign of imitation in Florence, Italy street garden built, this is a statue of Neptune like, because one shining designer for Italian (ning, it is memorable.

Park northeast corner has some neat hedge for flower wall build by laying bricks or stones into amusement places called "array", also known as the "maze", covers an area of ten thousand square meters, more than the old Summer Palace ruins park "flower array" area is more than twice. It avoid the original flower is the sort of Western Europe type, regular square shape of the plant model, the clever use of natural terrain, style of Chinese gardens the randomness and the French garden style, the combination of the whole form to surround close out a complicated, rich administrative levels of large-scale plants maze, with the integral style of the New Yuanming Palace perfectly. Now, found a place for bats in the maze (f), sika deer (early), crane (shou), such as the magpies (shall) machine, they will increase the fun of playing for the tourists.

New Yuanming Palace in the first spots are arranged performances, performances during the day of the "emperor", "the imperial concubines" is very popular, such as night at the center theater large party was the culmination of a New Yuanming Palace, once the vicissitudes of life, "Ming 428 performances, the audience of 1.5 million people, nowadays, New Yuanming Palace and launched a large-scale ballet" Oriental cornea, big investment, big production, big scene, and gorgeous, mysterious, it semicircle art performances of new yuan Ming palace to a climax.

Friends, New Yuanming Palace tour visit ends here, I wish you all a happy return, welcome once again to the New Yuanming Palace!



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Distinguished guests

Hello everyone, welcome to Huashan!

Im Lin Rui, the tour guide of Xian magic travel agency. Im glad to beyour tour guide. As the saying goes, its 50 years since we built the tour. Ihope that under the leadership of Xiao Lin, Huashan will leave you a goodmemory!

First of all, I would like to talk about the precautions:

First point: Huashan, which we are going to visit today, is famous for itsprecipitousness. We must pay attention to safety. The most important thing is toremember to walk without looking at the scenery. Dont look over the fence,dont go to dangerous places such as cliff edge to visit or take photos. Do notdeliberately pursue the effect of the photographer. Tourists with children musttake good care of their children.

The second point: we should pay attention to the time and place ofassembly, so as not to delay the journey. Remember my number andkeep in touch. In Huashan, except for the huangpuyu tourist road, which has nosignal for 30 minutes, there are basically signals. Some places have bettersignals, and some are worse.

Now let me give you an overview of Huashan. Huashan Mountain is a part ofQinling Mountains. It was formed 700 million years ago and is commonly known as"Xiyue". Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty named the mountain in five directions as holymountain. Huashan Mountain is located in the west, so it is called "Xiyue". Inancient times, these five famous mountains correspond to the five elements ofancient China, which are gold, wood, water, fire and earth. In the west, Huashanbelongs to gold. The shape of Huashan is just like a gold ingot. When we get tothe north peak of Huashan, Id like you to take a picture with Huashan at theplace where Jinyong Huashan talks about swords.

Huashan is named Huashan because it looks like a flower from a distance.Ancient flowers are similar to Huashan, so it is named Huashan!

In 1996, Huashans cable car was opened to traffic, ending the ancienthistory of Huashans one road. Today, we are climbing by cable car. First, weneed to transfer to the Huashan Mountain special line. Now we are driving on thehuangpuyu tourist road. Have you ever seen the movie "get Huashan wisely"? Thisis the way to find a guide in those years. The huangpuyu tourist road from theticket office to Huashan cableway is 7.66 km long. It took 20__ years forHuashan to be liberated. Han zi, the commander of Hu zongnans No.6 Baoanbrigade, was wearing a 4-year tour guide More than 200 people occupied themountain as the king. Our pla couldnt fight from the front. We bypassed theback mountain and succeeded in the surprise attack. The movie made according tothis incident was called "surprise attack on Huashan". Later Premier Zhou saw itand said that it fully demonstrated the wisdom and bravery of the PLA. Later, itwas renamed "capture Huashan with wisdom".

We dont want to go on a flat road now. Lets go on the Zhikao HuashanRoad, which is part of the walking road over there. I want to see if you haveacrophobia and whether you can go to canglongling of Huashan. It has the sameslope as other roads, but its much shorter. If your body is suitable forclimbing, Ill let you go and even conquer here No, I will advise you to go downthe mountain if you go up to Beifeng and take a picture.

Go straight up the mountain and feel the danger of Huashan. As the sayinggoes, its easy to go up the mountain but difficult to go down the mountain.Its a zigzag road to go down the mountain. Its safe and easy to master thebalance of the body.

When we get to Beifeng, lets go through Beifeng hotel first, but dontworry too much. There is a map of Huashan in Beifeng hotel. I want to tell youabout it. When we go up the mountain, we may be separated. We need to getfamiliar with the terrain before we can conquer Huashan!

This is the place to look at the map. Dont worry. Dont look at the map.Between the two eaves, the East peak of Huashan looks like a bald eagle. Itsthe best place to watch the sunrise. Its crowded with tourists in the morning,also known as Chaoyang peak. Which is Xifeng next to it? Its straight, like aknife cut. In the movie of outwitting Huashan, its the enemy headquarters. Itis also the place where the legend "the lotus lamp" took place.

Now lets turn around and look at this map to see if the top of Huashanlooks like a treasure. The two peaks on both sides are East and West peaks, andthe peak in the middle is Nanfeng, the highest peak of Huashan Mountain. It isthe place where the legendary martial arts masters compete and discuss swords.There is also the most dangerous long sky plank road of Huashan Mountain.

We are located in the north peak. After passing through chaeryan, we canget to canglongling. After canglongling, we can get to the golden gate of Wuyunpeak. Jinsuoguan is the only way for the four peaks above, East, West, South andmiddle. When you get there, you can decide to visit any one of the peaks, or youcan visit all four by the way.

We came up from Huangpu valley. Another road is called Huashan Road sinceancient times. If you follow me up a few more steps, you can see the ancientHuashan Road.

Now look down, the Yangchang path is the way to Huashan. It takes aboutthree or four hours to walk from the foot of the mountain to Beifeng!



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To: John Smith, Supervisor

From: George Chen, Accounting Department

Date: March 11, 20xx

Subject: Casual Leave of Absence

John, I would like to know if I could ask for a casual leave of absence from March 23 to 27。

Yesterday I received a letter from my parents, who are both over 70, telling me that a big flood took place at my home village, causing serious damage to my house。 As the only son of my parents, I should of back to assess the situation, and help them to get over these difficulties。 Though I cannot stay at home for too long a time, I should at least make arrangements for repair work。 I believe my relatives in the village and my neighbors will also e to help。 Financially I have no difficulties。

I will call you at 1:30p。m。 or you can call me at any time。



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The fast-paced life has turned us into machines, doing overloading operations so everyone need a rest and go to travel with relatives or friends. I think QingDao is the best choice.

QingDao is reputed for its elegant mountains, clean air, blue water, white beach and green trees. Are you feeling the wind from the sea?.That is like a lively girl, she crawl up to kiss your feet when you are lost in admiration of the Beautiful scence, when you sip a mouth of it ,it tastes a little salty.

As known as Seashore Pier, Southern Sea Pier or Big Marina, the Jutting Pier is a symbolic structure of Qingdao,which was first built in 1892. when Zhang Gaoyuan, Commander of Dengzhou, stationed troops in Qingdao, in order to facilitate the transportation of military supplies and anchor the warships of the Northern Navy, a 344meter long simple pier wasthen built on the southwest coast. The dyke connecting the cosdt was built by laying stones,and the fore part of the pier was built of steel paved with wood. The building materials were remainders of Lvshun Boatyard, Northern Navy. In 1894 when Li Hongzhang made his second inspection tour to Qingdao, he gave a high praise for the Jutting Pier and called it an Iron Pier in his memorial to the throne. Hereafter, the Jutting Pier was also called Navy Pier, Seashore Pier and Navy Iron Pier. In 1900, the pier was destroyed by a typhoon, in 1901 when Germany occupied Qingdao,the Jutting Pier was rebuilt and used for freight transporting. When the Dagang Port was completed, the Jutting Pier was opened to the public. In 1923, a park was developed around the Northernend of the pier. From September 1931 to April 1933, the pier was rebuilt of steel concrete, extended to 440 meters long and 8meters wide. A semicircular seawall as built at the end of the bridge.

Now, the Jutting Pier has become a famous attraction and symbolic structure of Qingdao. After the founding of People Republic of China, Qingdao Municipal Government has paid much attention to the maintenance and protection of the Jutting Pier. In the 1950s, the Water Returning Pavilion was once called Sino USSR Friendship Pavilion. In the daytime, the Pier is frequented by stream of visitors, who are leaning on the railing and overlooking the charming sea. When the night falls, the colorfully decorated lights are turned on, glorifying the bridge.

At the Jutting Pier, we can enjoy various attractive sights such as Water Returning at the Pavilion, Listening to the Tide at the Pavilion. Extension of Rainbow and Moon Might at the Pier, which Were reputed as one of the 10 Sights of Qingdao as well as the 24 Top Sights of Qingdao City in the 1930s. Numerous scholars and men of letters have left behind a lot of poems and lines in Praise of the pier. It is a famous seashore attraction frequented by visitors. At the peak season, the daily tourist arrivals are above 200 000. It is a must for the VIPs, important officials and famous celebrities when they visit Qingdao.

Follow me please. Let us climb the stairs and overlook far into distance. A good place for sightiseeing. You can take photos here.



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Hello and welcome to the north sea park visit tour. You must have heard of "let us once more sculls again" the popular song! Song is people went boating on the north sea.

Beihai park was built in the liao dynasty, dating back nearly one thousand years of history, is existing in our country the most glorious, preserves one of most complete imperial garden, is the art of Chinese historical gardens masterpiece. Beihai park covers an area of 69 hectares, of which there are 39 hectares of water surface, is mainly composed of jade island, east and north shore scenic spot. Its scenery is both momentum and graceful and restrained.

Beihai park is the most famous is the white pagoda. White tower is located in the center of the jade island, was built in the qing shunzhi eight years (in 1651), is the most significant building beihai park. It is a Tibetan lama tower, 35.9 meters high, from Kentucky, tower, treasure of three parts, it is the relics, lama scripture, and the mantle, with the "wave"). You see, in the set off of blue sky, towering pagoda is particularly dignified and beautiful, is the symbol of beihai park.

Beihai park there is a famous poem, it is to use yellow, purple, white, blue, red, green, and blue seven colour of masonry, a total of 635 dragon. China is now only three nine dragon screen, only the north sea is the double dragon, is one of the most beautiful one of the three nine dragon screen.

Numerous beihai park landscape, I said, let us sing at the same time, while walking slowly to visit beihai park! "Let us once more, paddle ship on the small waves, the sea reflects the beauty of the white tower, surrounded by green trees and red walls..."



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Andy scenic spot located at the side of the east suburb of kunming mingfeng, covers an area of 1773 mu of 8 km away from downtown. Mirage resorts to create next thirty years wanli (1602) Ming chongzhen decade (1637) moved tongdian struck binchuan chicken foot mountain, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years (1671), the day the king wu sangui reconstruction of the existing building double-hipped roof mountain type zhenwu bronze, bronze weighing 250 tons, is Chinas largest copper construction, it is the Summer Palace in Beijing mirage of the longevity hill intact; More than, the wudang mountain in hubei Andy is the largest remaining pure copper temple in China. The famous Andy belongs to taihe palace, as part of the total weight of 250 tons, for double-hipped roof flying pavilion imitation wood square building, the temple 6.7 meters high, 6.2 meters wide, deep, including stone, corrugated roof eaves beams, statues, curtain, bottle opener, you had plaque jacaranda with banners, etc were bronze.

Andy since with Chen bin Yu Wanli nonyl Yin (1602) years, ding, has more than 380 years; Wu sangui reconstruction has more than 210 years. Built during Ming wanli period. With Chen bin modeled on hubei all counties within the territory of mount wudang tianzhufeng taihe palace and mirage, built a little change. The late Ming dynasty ruled yunnan mus evil, court repeatedly being disciplined, family decline. But, he is not on its own to find root cause, and to seek relief from the superstition. Letter is: YingWuShan in the east of the city, the mountain stands the bronze, "copper is the genera, of the west can g wood", so the tour by Zhang Feng He, mount tongdian down to chicken feet of western yunnan, fengshan mirage, existing Wu Sanjia rebuilt at the beginning of the qing dynasty. There were "on the beam, the qing emperor kangxi 10 years, were the big lv, ten door day, the day prince wu sangui worship", etc.

From the bottom up the car and walk, fairy bridge, into the "mingfeng", "first tianmen", "two tianmen" and "three doors. Climbing the tianmen, visible ancient grave taihe palace gate. Al cloud: "painting lianyun, three acres of castle peak, zhu LouYing, dont drive wizard a heavy day". Again into the temple gate, lingxingmeng door, visible stand tall brick city, blow about several zhangs, just like the Forbidden City. Along the order into the "city", right against the face high steps and is the center of the taihe palace architecture, famous mirage. Spot with three layers of 36 wing Angle of 29 meters high tower, the third floor of the dome, hung Ming yongle (1432) 21 years big bronze, cast by 3.5 metres high, caliber 6.7 meters circumference, 14 tonnes, to yunnans largest antique clock. New "China golden expo garden", the wudang mountain in hubei, wutai mountain in shanxi, shandong taishan, and Beijing copper building housed a garden of the longevity hill. Estates in the pile of marble, Bridges water, step rail, road Shi Fang, plant flowers, such as landscape set each other off, form small and exquisite imitation bronze culture landscape. Andy botanical garden has 500 acres of gardens, has built the tea garden, azalea garden, magnolia, rose garden, WenShi District ten park, introduction of more than 20xx kinds of garden plants. Andy area is a combination of humanities landscape, natural landscape features of tourist attractions. Seven kilometers to the northeast in the city of kunming on phoenix mountain, have completely in bronze casting bronze, a house in the hot sun yi yi is unripe brightness, dazzling, so people called the mirage, is key protected cultural relics in China.

Spring city in qing dynasty kangxi nine years (AD 1670), wu sangui after peasant uprising, the rate of division into ju kunming, reconstruction of mirage. Can be seen on the mirage girders now ", the qing emperor kangxi 10 years, were the major of ji lu month (October) 6, day prince wu sangui to build "the copper. The inside of the Buddha, signboards, beams, level, doors and Windows, panlong, decoration and so on are made of bronze. Andy, floor, the steps of the railings are unique marble build by laying bricks or stones. The whole house majestic, beautiful and easy. Outside the temple built with walls, gates, battlements. The city on the floor. In behind the side, there are thick folded more than two strains of camellia one individual plant and crape myrtle, legend has it for the kind of the Ming dynasty, before and after the Spring Festival every year, thousands of camellia flowers in full bloom, bonus as fire.
