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a "hutong" is an ancient city alleyway or lane typical of ancient beijing, where hutongs once ran into the thousands.

hutongs were first built around the walled imperial compound known as the forbidden city. the majority of these alleyways were built during the yuan, ming and qing dynasties (1271—1911). at the height of each era, the emperor arranged the residential areas surrounding his moat according to a system of etiquette hailing back to the zhou dynasty (c.1100—221 b.c.).

at its heart was the forbidden city, surrounded by main roadways travelling east-west and north-south. there were originally two kinds of hutongs. the first were grouped to the east and west of the forbidden city and laid in an orderly design alongside main roadways. most of these hutongs housed members of the royal family, officials, eunuchs and aristocrats. the second type of hutong was a crude version of the first, located far to the north and south of the sprawling imperial compound, inhabited by merchants and commoners.

what both had in common was the type of structure lining the alleyways. the "siheyuan" known in english as a quadrangle, or courtyard complex, invariably comprised four main buildings facing each compass point and surrounded by a high wall. the size and design of each complex reflected the social status of the inhabitants.

wealthy families often boasted several walled courtyards surrounded by a main wall, each building decorated with intricately carved and painted beams and pillars.

the quadrangles of the poor were of a much simpler construction with small gates and low ceilings. beijings meandering hutongs are passageways formed by thousands of closely arranged quadrangles of different sizes. the main buildings of most of these structures face south for optimum sunlight, especially during the bitter beijing winters. because of this, the majority of the citys hutongs run east to west. between the major hutongs meandered narrow alleys running north to south to allow convenient passage through what was once a vast maze of gray brick and tiled roofs.

old beijing is in essence a magnified quadrangle, symmetrically arranged and surrounded by a high city wall that was torn down half a century ago to make way for a beltway ringing the increasingly modern capital.

by the end of the qing dynasty, chinas economy was in tatters. but pleasure-loving beijing continued to cater to the emperor and his hangers-on. life was mostly confined to the hutongs. the quadrangle reflected the way of life and social culture of the times.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2327 字

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尊敬的各位考官!您好!我是考生 __X,我已经准备好了,可以开始了么!

各位游客朋友,大家好!欢迎大家来到景德镇古窑民俗博览区参观游览。我是此次景德镇古窑民俗博览区的导游员小赵,我很荣幸陪同大家一起参观游览,下面将由我来为大家讲解景德镇古窑民俗 博览区。


景德镇,位于江西省东北部的低山、丘陵地带。这里山环水绕,制瓷资料充足,能工巧匠云集, 外销水运通畅。“水土宜陶”,是天然的产瓷区。

东晋开始设镇,名“新平”。唐代几易镇名。至景德元年(公元 1004 年),因当地的贡瓷倍受皇室青睐而改昌南镇为“景德镇”。至今,“景德镇”之名已沿用千年。



景德镇瓷器“白如玉、明如镜、薄如纸、声如磬”,自古以来,名扬天下。在琳琅满目的瓷器中,最为著名的青花瓷,青花玲珑瓷、颜色釉瓷、粉彩瓷被人们誉为“中华民族文化之精萃”、“瓷国之瑰 宝”。


青花瓷是我国陶瓷史上最优秀的瓷器品种之一,自创烧以来,一直都是景德镇瓷业的主流产品, 以致于历经近 800年而不衰。青花瓷的烧造成功,是我国陶瓷史上最具有划时代意义的事件,中国瓷 器从此进入了彩瓷时代,它使中国绘画技巧与制瓷工艺的结合更趋成熟。

青花瓷是一种以氧化钴为显色的配制颜料——“青花瓷”,在瓷坯上进行绘画装饰,再罩以透明釉,经高温一次烧成的釉下彩绘瓷器。其特点为黑色青翠,清新明丽,幽静雅致,具有中国水墨画的艺术效果。青花瓷整个器物,鲜丽的蓝色图案,与瓷胎青白相映,相得益彰,艳而不俗,鲜而不佻, 明朗而又安定,华丽而又沉着,艺术价值极高。



瓷 晶莹、幽雅的青花玲珑瓷,是景德镇传统名瓷,创烧于明代永乐年间。它既汲取了青花技术之特长,又采纳了镂雕艺术之妙法,具有轻巧致密,素雅清新的特点。外国人称其为“嵌玻璃的瓷器”,一 直以来誉满中外。




三丶颜色釉瓷颜色釉是一种以金属氧化物(铁、铜、锰、钴)为着色剂,在适当的气氛中经一定的温度烧成后,能够呈现了某种固有色彩的釉料。其釉面斑驳璀璨、呈色五彩缤纷,有的像洁白的云朵在蓝天飘游,有的像晶莹的露珠在草坪闪烁,有的像晶亮的星星在银河眨眼,有的像彤红的太阳在天边升腾,有的像碧澄的江水在静静奔流,有的像艳丽的宝石在熠熠闪光,有的像熊熊的烈火在炉膛 燃烧,有的像美丽的孔雀在翩翩开屏……


四丶粉彩瓷 粉彩属于釉上彩绘装饰。釉上彩绘是在已经烧成的瓷胎上进行绘画装饰,然后经过 800℃左右的低温烧烤,以使画面熔融后固化在瓷器表面的装饰技法。


雍正时期,景德镇瓷工又在康熙五彩的基础上,参照珐琅彩(清宫廷御用器彩料)的制作工艺,把含有氧化砷的玻璃料掺入含铅的彩料中,使彩料产生乳白色的效果,这种含砷的玻璃料被景德镇瓷工称为“玻璃白”。如果以康熙五彩为基础,在其彩料中加入玻璃白,使所有颜色都会“粉化”成不同深浅浓淡的色调,彩料的颜色都会变成带粉白的色调,如红色变成粉红色,绿色变成粉绿色等等。这些温润的中间色不仅能给人以粉润柔和的感受,而且扩大了釉上彩的色调范围,使色彩可以渲染,层次、深浅、阴阳分明,画法可以更加细致入微。由于它的特点就是带粉白色调,所以人们便称之为粉 彩,景德镇瓷工亦称之为“软彩”。

粉彩饰的特点是颜色明亮,粉润柔和,色彩丰富,绚丽雅致,绘画工笔,写意俱全,在人物、山水、花鸟等题材的装饰上具有很强的表现力,富有国画风格。粉彩瓷在雍正年间最负盛名,釉上彩瓷器到了这个时期,已经发展到了一个百花争艳的阶段,它标志着我国传统的釉上彩瓷器的发展达到了 极高的水平。

关于景德镇古窑民俗博览区的介绍就为大家讲到这里,现在大家可以自由参观一下,按照计划的 时间回到这里,祝大家玩得愉快。



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1269 字

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The tourists, everyone! Welcome to the world heritage - huangshan scenic area. Very glad to be a tour guide! My name is Wang Shishi, everybody call me Wang Dao.

As the saying goes: "its return from mountain, mount huangshan return from yue." Huangshan pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot spring, snow "five greats" famous Chinese and foreign. Today I will give everyone focuses on huangshan pines.

Everyone see, huangshan pine trees can survive in rock seam, strong vitality. Their shapes, the intricacies of: black tiger, African, come loose loose knot, welcoming pine and so on many pine trees because they shape the name! Guest-greeting pine is one of the famous scenic spot huangshan, appearance is special: its central trunk out of the two lateral branch of up to 7.6 meters exhibition to the front, like a hospitable host, waved his arms, warmly welcome guests from home and abroad to visit huangshan, become the symbol of the Chinese people warm hospitality. Later we can over there to take photos, as a souvenir.

The wonders of huangshan said also said not over, see also not enough. Now, please enjoy to enjoy the beautiful scenery of huangshan!

Please dont throw the peel and in play and food packaging bags, not to a dangerous place.

I wish you all have a good time!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2920 字

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"I believe in fourth grade childrens shoes should have learned the lesson" into the lijiang "! Theres a phrase in the text said: lijiang, is a magic and beautiful land. Its magnificent mountains and rivers, the ancient town, is famous for its simple morals. And today I will walk into this magical and beautiful ancient city of lijiang.

But when I go to lijiang, lijiang but I think so, yes, the commercialization of lijiang has lost the original simple appearance, but in the beam river town I found: every streams around the door, household weeping willows "jiangnan the taste of the old town. Listen to mom and dad: lijiang naxi people living, and the beam river town is located in the north of lijiang, is the earliest settlements, naxi ancestors. I also listen to them in the beam river town scenery and eight, respectively is: the night market firefly, dragon full moon, snow-capped mountains reflected, broken stone on the sound, sex, xishan red leaves, relatives encrinite night and tsing lung bridge. When I saw the beautiful simple beam river town, I show mom dad excitedly: "mom, look! This is what I imagine the appearance of the ancient town of oh! Water flows in front of the door, and set up the Bridges on the water! Here is really great! I cant help out a Du Xunhe about suzhou amorous feelings of the "small bridge, flowing water, somebody elses" poem: "jun to see gusu, the somebody else all pillow river. The ancient palace gets less, besides small rest more. The night market to buy ling lotus root, spring ship yee. Away the moon night, acacia in fishermans song......"

Lijiang ancient city is Chinas famous historical and cultural city and the world cultural heritage, and mus residence is the "grand view garden" of lijiang ancient city culture, not only is the birthplace of naxi ethnic leaders woods tusi! And woods also is known as a knowledge and literature gifts keep instrument.

46 mu mus residence covers an area of great, have so big! Wooden arch on the book "rain lasts four words," is the partial tone of naxi language "study", reflect the heart sense of the naxi ethnic promoting knowledge and wisdom. Everyone is impression of wangfu sits, only mus residence is sitting west toward the east. Ancient city of lijiang around mus residence to expansion, without walls, according to the guide, because LiJiangCheng original owner surnamed wood.

Mus residence is a magnificent architectural art of garden, it fully reflects the central plains in Ming dynasty architectural style, embodies the spirit of naxi nationality recruitment of multicultural open.

Turn for a day, everyone is tired and hungry, so we found a restaurant nearby and went in! I saw in the restaurant worthy of the name useless (which is inside a wooden bucket has a lot of rice!) Ate the naxi grilled fish and MAO blood flourishing......"

Look at this is blood flourishing, MAO useless and naxi grilled fish that looks great!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 657 字

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北8楼是八达岭长城海拔最高的楼,高达888.9米,建筑也很有特色。原来还可登上敌楼观山望 景,但目前为了保护文物封了楼门。






范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2453 字

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Reform means leap, opening up means prosperity and strength, bathing in thespring breeze of reform. In the twinkling of an eye, it has been more than 30years, and peoples living standards have undergone earth shaking changes.Shiyan, my hometown, has also changed miraculously.

In the past, my hometown was just a small village. The roads are full ofmud and potholes. My hometown is full of bungalows in my mind. There are only afew bungalows that I can see, and most of them are tile roofed houses. When itswindy and rainy, if its serious, the house will collapse, or even water willenter. The road in front of the house is cold and clear. There are no factories,no shops, let alone street lamps. A street is closed. In those days, owning abicycle has become peoples goal. The clothes people wore at that time were allpatched. There used to be a saying: new three years, old three years, sewing andmending for another three years. Even shoes are made by their own dexteroushands, including straw shoes, cloth shoes

In the wave of reform and opening up, Shiyan has become a small city.Prosperous and prosperous, beautiful and lovely. In the past, the low and shabbyold houses have long been replaced by new and unique high-rise buildings. Theold muddy road has disappeared. Wide expressways crisscross in all directions.On the smooth and wide asphalt road, vehicles shuttle and flow. On both sides ofthe road, people come and go. The former tile roofed house has now become aluxury residence. When you look around, you can see rows of brand-new high-risebuildings. The childrens paradise is full of joy, and the colorful fountain isdecorated like a fairyland. As long as you walk into a family at will, there areall kinds of household appliances, such as TV, refrigerator, air conditioner andtelephone. Many families also have mobile phones and private cars. Many familiesalso buy computers to browse, query information and engage in cultural andentertainment activities, which brings great convenience and endless fun topeoples life. Shopping malls and farmers markets are full of goods. Its a newlook and a new atmosphere every year!

Therefore, we must be a student with all-round development of morality,intelligence, physique, beauty and labor, so that our great motherland willalways stand in the forest of the world. I believe that with the diligence andwisdom of the people, my hometown will become more prosperous and peoples lifewill become richer.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1570 字

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Dear friends, my friends, everybody is good, very welcome to the three gorges dam, I am the guide from everyone, my name is pan, you just call me pan.

First of all, lets say our three gorges project.

The three gorges project is a Chinese civil break of wisdom and sweat to create great project. It built around the lift force of the world, with is that the presence of each elder, you all made for its contribution, it is our pride!

Then we will go to the best of the three gorges dam observation - TanZiLing observation deck. When you go up to pay attention to safety. Standing on the TanZiLing, pinglan overlook, high pinghu is just around the corner. Standing in the three gorges dam, such as the dragon hengjiang, connected to the mountains and the coast, very spectacular.

Because of the three gorges reservoir is a canyon river reservoir, the dam lake not ten separate kuo. Standing on the TanZiLing can see the lake to disappear within a few kilometers away to the canyon, is far from province Yang, dongting immense and magnificent. But it is hidden breathtaking grandeur, because our eyes that wang river in Ming is human conquest of the worlds third largest river, is the dream of ones community in one hundred. I believe that everyone present a predecessor can probably read this kind of beauty, because it belongs to the Chinese community in big grandeur, it is rise of the Chinese community in the great symbol of a new era.

Ok, I will be over, the interpretation of the next we can visit freely, the three gorges, we 11 exhibition GuanMen collection, thank you.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 1094 字

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"The filled with clouds, Trinidad jiangling also on the 1st. On both sides of the YuanSheng crow, boats already past thousands of mountains". This is a known "early onset treasure". This poem describes is the beautiful three gorges scenery.

Let us stepping the ancient charm, close to the nature, to see the beautiful scenery of the three gorges!!!!

The three gorges is the floorboard of the qutang gorge, wu gorge and xiling. Between the yichang of hubei province and chongqing fengjie Yangtze river. The three gorges scenery, beautiful, grand and risks, quiet and beautiful. This is really make people intoxicated in it! The mountain of the three gorges, continuous, canopy; The three gorges water, fast water rises, blocking the traffic. Winter, spring water pool back clear, beautiful scenery; In autumn, when the water is cold and dry gas apes sound sad. Of the author, scenery beautiful, fishermans song apes birds cry fall, all reflect the beauty of the the broken pieces back together!

Now let us into the three gorges, use our hearts to feel the beauty of the broken pieces back together!



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 2205 字

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Kunming, the capital of yunnan province, has two thousand four hundred years of history, is the yunnan province politics, economy, culture, science and technology, and transportation center, is also a famous historical and cultural cities and excellent tourist city in China.

Central yunnan-guizhou plateau, kunming is a city center, 1891 meters above sea level. Dianchi lake in the south, surrounded by mountains on three sides. Belong to the low latitude plateau hilly monsoon climate, due to the effect of warm moist air flows in the Indian Ocean southwest of, sunshine long, short frost season, annual average temperature of 15. C. Mild climate, summer without heat and winter is not cold, spring-like four seasons, a pleasant climate, is extremely prestigious "spring city". Every year in December of the year in March, black-headed gull flocks of escape the north sea wind, source come from a far country, landed in kunming city.

Kunming district with a total area of about 15560 square kilometers, of which the urban area of about 98 square kilometers. Total population of 4 million. The entire province 26 nationalities live in kunming.

Kunming is the natural landscape and human landscape of. Long history, unique geological structure, kunming left many cultural relics and scenic spots. Kunming is a developing international tourism city, at present, has formed with the center of the expo sets natural scenery and ethnic customs as one of the multi-function of the four seasons all appropriate tourist resort.

Kunming is transport hub, communication center in yunnan province and China facing southeast Asia ports. Kunming airport is one of the five largest international airports in China, have to yangon, Bangkok, Singapore and so on six international routes, a regional route to Hong Kong, and about 40 routes to domestic large and medium-sized cities, and the seven routes in the province. Existing in kunming to chengdu, kunming to guiyang, kunming to estuarine 12 railway feeder, such as there are between kunming and nanning, as well as of the railway, KunYu railways in the province. Kunming convenient highway, there are more than 5000 km of roads to the province and next-door neighbours.



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Tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. With its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. Historical relics, natural scenery, temples, churches, assembly halls and commemorative sites of the Chinese revolution will illuminate Tianjins past, present and future. Tianjin is honored as Building Museum as it was occupied by nine imperial powers before the founding of the new China, leaving behind many buildings with extraordinary and exotic architectural styles, a real feast for the eye! In the following text let me give you a brief introduction to the Jinmen Shijing (top ten scenic attractions in Tianjin).

Huangyaguan Great Wall :

Located in the mountainous area of Tianjins northern Ji County, the Huangyaguan Great Wall was first built during the Northern Qi Dynasty (550 - 557) and repaired in large scale with bricks during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644). When appointed as the chief commanding officer in the Ji Garrison (one of the eleven garrisons of the Ming Dynasty), Qi Jiguang added watch towers and other defensive works.

The Huangyaguan Great Wall comes out first in the ten most-visited sites in Tianjin. It is considered to be a miniature of the Great Wall. The entire section is built on an abrupt mountain ridge. Being endowed with both natural beauty and cultural interest, it has become famous as a natural beauty spot and a summer resort. The major scenic area is composed of Huangyaguan Pass and Taiping Mountain Stronghold.

Huangyaguan Pass: In 1984, the people of Tianjin spent three years repairing 3,308 yards of the main wall from Banlagang Mountain in the east to Wangmaoding Mountain in the west. They restored 20 terraces, the Huangyaguan Water Gate, and the Bagua Castle (the Eight Diagrams Castle). The defensive system of the wall is complete. Watch towers, frontier cities, drain holes, emplacements, barracks and other indispensable military facilities are arranged orderly along the wall. Besides, the stele forests of the Great Wall, Beiji Temple, the exhibition hall of famous couplets, the Great Wall Museum (the first museum along the Great Wall) and the Phoenix Fortress have been newly built within the area.

Taipingzhai Great Wall :

Six miles southeast of Huangyaguan Pass is the Taipingzhai Great Wall, another important mountain stronghold of the wall during the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644). It is also called Taipinganzhai, meaning "a village of peace and prosperity". Starting from Banlagang Mountain in the east and arriving at Guafu Tower (Widow Tower) in the west, it winds through the precipitous mountains for about 955 yards.

The wall is an important component of Huangyaguan Great Wall. There are six watch towers, one battlement, and one shortcut leading to the wall. The architectural styles of the military towers vary considerably. There are square, round, solid and hollow towers, with some inside and others outside the wall. Beside the shortcut, there is a small citadel where an 8.5-meter statue of Qi Jiguang, the chief commanding officer of Ji Garrison (one of the eleven garrisons in the Ming Dynasty) is located. The local people built this statue in order to commemorate his great contribution to frontier peace and stability in that period. To the west of the citadel, a section of the wall extends 33 yards out to where a sentry post was situated.

At the western end of the wall is a square stone tower called Guafu Tower, "Widow Tower" in English, built by twelve wives whose husbands died during the construction of the wall in the Ming Dynasty. The widows erected this tower to commemorate their husbands notable exploits. The tower has two levels and measures 13-meters (14-yards) high. Arched arrow windows are on the four sides of the tower.

Besides these cultural points of interest, Taipingzhai Great Wall is also famous for its amazingly impressive scenery. Zigzagging along the mountain ridge for over 984 yards, the wall looks very much like a giant dragon flying through clouds.




范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:景区,导游,全文共 2376 字

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taishan mountain in shandong was included as "world cultural and natural heritage" by unesco in dec 1987.

taishan mountain, a typical representative of the chinese famous traditional mountains, is a mountain with a long history and a special historic status. in 1982, taishan mountain was up into the list of state key scenic spots and was formally listed in the directory of world natural and cultural heritage in 1987. it becomes a precious heritage of human being.

taishan mountain locates in the east of north china plain and the middle of shandong province erecting from the shandong hills. it is prominent around other hills. the prominent peak, yuhuang peak, is 1545 meters high and locates in east 117.6 degree, north 36.16 degree. the south of taishan mountain is higher than the north. its south foot of mountain begins from taian city and its north foot of mountain stops in jinan city, the distance between which is 60kms. in taishan mountain, the transportation is convenient with the jinghu railway passing by in the west. in its north is jinan city, which has another name of "spring city". the distance between taishan mountain and qubu is 70kms. many roads and railways such as taifei, taixin, taining, and taiji meet in taian city, which just locates in the south of taishan mountain.

taishan mountain is in a superior geographic location with abundant water and thermal resources, and its climate belongs to the warm temperate zone half wetness monsoon climate. as regard to its historic position, in the ancient times, taishan mountain is a developed region—— in the lower reaches of the yellow river. as regard to its cultural position, it is the center of dongyi culture. in the south foot of taishan mountain, there is da fenkou culture, and there is longshan culture in its north foot, it is the center of qi and lu. and its transportation is more superior. taishan mountain is in a key position where the railway from central plains to shandong peninsula meets the railway connecting the south and north of the east coast. there are no hills between taishan mountain and the capitals in the ancient times as well as the developed regions. this superior condition helps taishan mountain gain the first position among the five famous mountains in china.



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Welcome to here!

Treasure is one of the three gorges scenery, attracts many Chinese and foreign visitors, this time I had the privilege and coldness education commission organized Tours to the three gorges tourism, came to the treasure, happy mood.

Treasure is located in the Yangtze river north shore thatched cottage at the mouth, is located on the purple QiuLing called Bai Dishan. Although perspective under the drizzle, the sky is no effect to my good mood. Look up, see the lush forest, ambiguously see treasure one horn, around the cloud, like a fairyland in general.

Came to the door of the treasure is to jump into the eye is three eye-catching Chinese characters "filled with temple", these three words stiffness, last is famous book. Into the front door, he came to the "entrust an orphan to hall", here tells a story of The Three Kingdoms "liu2 bei4 entrust an orphan to". Look! Entrust an orphan to front hall, a pale, bedridden, is well-known liu bei, standing next to the intelligence of zhuge liang, holding a feather fan stand straight, looked at two son of liu bei, kneeling on the ground under a will before death, this is liu bei asked zhuge liang to take good care of her two sons. Entrust an orphan to hall of every character depicting, sculpture, vivid, lifelike.

Before we came to the east forest of steles. One tablet engraved with regular script, official script, running script and cursive script, seal character and font each font characteristics, great. Among them, the most notable is the famous monuments, "phoenix" and "bamboo tablet". Phoenix stone high 175 cm, 96 cm wide, BeiMian black shiny, smooth as a mirror. This monument essence of beauty, a treasure. Phoenix stone is also called the "three Kings tablet", because the king of the tablet on the tree at the moment - phoenix tree; The king of flowers - peony; The king of all birds - phoenix, so called "three king tablet". Thick bamboo tablet, BeiMian is three bamboo, bamboo leaves shu lang. Scan the original bamboo leaves deftly formed a woo poem "not Xie Dong in meaning, painters name alone. Dont too lonely leaf light, durable not zero". At the moment which has reached the calligraphy and painting, one integrated mass of artistic realm. The author designs different, the style is unique! I couldnt help produce of the ancient wisdom and exquisite calligraphy admiration of love.

Treasure and a quiet, elegant garden. There is a lotus pond in the garden, the water clear trainspotter, slick with pieces green lotus leaf, lotus leaf, the water drops on were shining brilliantly, carefree playing on the green plate, an ill-deserved mesh. There are a few big banyan tree! The canopy is dark green all the year round. Its trunk and branches, there are many lenticels, grow many stomata root vertical growth. Down to the ground, soil is fast, so "dry branches and branches of life". Over time, they cant distinguish who is the trunk. What a wonderful!

Treasure of the landscape is real! Hope it holds the motherland glorious cultural heritage, carry forward!



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Dear tourists

Hello and welcome to Fenghuang Mountain in Zhengzhou. Im your tourguide.

Next, Id like to introduce the basic situation of Fenghuang MountainScenic Spot: Fenghuang Mountain scenic spot is located in xiasigou village,Micun Town, Xinmi City, about 50 kilometers southwest of Zhengzhou, theprovincial capital. It is the afterblood of Songshan Mountain, commonly known asBeisong mountain, Fangshan Mountain and yuexifang, also known as Fuxi mountain.In fact, Fuxi, the forefather of the three emperors, is also called Fuxi,together with Nuwa who mends the sky and Shennong who tastes all kinds of herbs.Sima said that he was a snake and had great powers. Lets study his businesslater. Lets go back to reality. The geology and geomorphology here belongs tothe Proterozoic Songshan group. The altitude is 971 meters and the browsing areais about 20 square kilometers. The vegetation coverage is over 86%. Due to thelarge temperature difference and remarkable climate characteristics, it is verysuitable for the growth of a variety of wild animals and plants. According toincomplete statistics, there are more than 3600 kinds of plants, including 8rare plants (including spring chrysanthemum, rejuvenate grass, Ganodermalucidum, honeysuckle )There are 31 kinds of ancient and famous trees (includingdalongmu, hawthorn king, oak, boxing tree, Gleditsia sinensis, etc.) )Fenghuangmountain is a real natural forest park.

Fenghuangshan scenic spot can be visited all year round. In spring, flowersare in full bloom, refreshing. There are mainly mountain peach flower, wildapricot flower, pear flower, jasmine flower, Robinia flower, honeysuckle flower,forsythia flower and spring chrysanthemum, which are actually the world and seaof flowers. In midsummer, forests block out the sun, waterfalls, streams andpools become a great scenic spot of Xiangyu Grand Canyon. At this moment,Fenghuangshan people have no sultry and irritability of the city at all. You cansuck the fragrance and sweetness. In the golden autumn, the forests are dyed,the mountains are red, and the branches are bent with rich fruits. The scarletfruit, the crystal wild grape, the wild hawthorn and the wild chestnut can makeyou salivate. Its winter. The scenery of northern China is reincarnated. Ifyoure lucky, you can enjoy and photograph the pines. If its not strict but notcool, do you think youve arrived at the Songhua River?

At present, we mainly develop three tourist routes to Fenghuang Mountain:first, climb Fenghuang Mountain and Lianhua peak. 2、 Visit Phoenix River andtaste Phoenix spring. 3、 Visit Xiangyu temple and Xiangyu Grand Canyon. The mainscenic spots are: "double lion welcome", "Phoenix forest", "Phoenix Lake", "poorscholars study hard", "echo wall", "xiangshuitang", "shengzishi", "drunkdriving", "Dayu mountain", "lover stone", etc.

Tourists, lets look at the two stone lions here! These two lions have beenwaiting for us for a long time. Look! The lion inside is a little old andsleepy. He squats down to welcome the guests. The lion outside stands up andlooks up. Should we say hello to the two hosts and then take a picture withthem?

OK, lets move on with me. This place is a modern cultural site - Hongxingcanal. Through the two inscriptions of that year, we can see that the heroicspirit of "fighting with heaven and fighting with the earth" and the fearlessrevolutionary spirit of "the Red Army is not afraid of expeditions, andthousands of rivers and mountains are just waiting". During the period ofpeoples commune, there was a canal from yangjiamen to Jiazhai. Because of theanti imperialist and anti revisionist era, it was called "Red Star canal". Itmoved soil in the spring of 65, and nearly 100 migrant workers worked hard fortwo years. It was completed in October of 67, with a total length of 3620meters, all of which are made of stone.

Now we are in the Phoenix river. The path on this side of the river is aclimbing trail for us.

Before mountaineering, I would like to remind you that you must payattention to safety, do not crowd, do not casually throw stones and litter, soas to "see the scenery without walking, walk without seeing the scenery".

When you come to this place, I can introduce several kinds of Chineseherbal medicine and wild vegetables. If anyone is interested, you can dig a fewChinese herbal medicine and wild vegetables. First of all, lets introduce themountain leek, also known as Ze garlic, which grows mostly on the cliff or inthe shade of the mountain. You often eat mountain leek, which is better than redpeach K. At the same time, it also has the function of Tonifying the kidney andremoving dryness and heat, and has good curative effect on diarrhea. Fried eggswith leeks is a local specialty. Dont miss it at lunch time. You must try it.Ill introduce a rare Chinese medicine, Jiusi huanhun grass. Its commonly knownas dibaizhi, also known as Selaginella sinensis. Because it grows on cliffs andcan survive without rain for a long time, people call it Jiusi huanhun grass. Itis a kind of precious Chinese herbal medicine, with the effect of astringency,hemostasis, activating blood circulation and breaking blood. The main treatmentof amenorrhea, blood stasis, hemorrhoids bleeding, anal bleeding andhematochezia. The third is wild bayberry. It is also known as zhanci platformand Cimu platform. It mostly grows in bushes, roadsides and other places. Leavescan be harvested in summer, fruits can be harvested in autumn, and roots can beharvested in all seasons. Root: cold in nature and astringent in taste. It ismainly used for rheumatism, activating qi and blood, reducing defecation andstopping thirst. The fruit is warm and sour. It has the effect of dispellingrheumatism and benefiting joints. Well, Ill introduce these first, and letsmove on.

On the spirit turtle

Please pause. Lets enjoy the white stone on the road. Lets see what itlooks like. Yeah, like a turtle. However, the tortoise is standing there, Idont know whether it is to make way for us or what to look for. It is said thatthere is a curious little tortoise living in the area of Fenghuang mountain.Where it is quiet and where there are wonders, it will try its best to look forthem. The little tortoise heard that Dayu had carved a mountain spring in theXiangyu Grand Canyon of Fenghuang mountain, so he settled down there. Later, heheard that there were many strange flowers and plants on the lotus peak.Especially in the spring when all flowers are in full bloom, there are lots ofspring chrysanthemums on the lotus peak. The little turtle tries every means tolook for them. After appreciating the spring chrysanthemums, he goes here for amoment and doesnt know where to go. He is making a quiet choice between goingdown the River to play in the water or going up the mountain to explore. Thisscenic spot is called "spirit turtle exploring".

Bajie does not want to return

Please have a look at this strange stone on the mountain. Is it like thenaughty Bajie among the four disciples of Tang Monk looking up to the west?Bajie looks southwest with great interest. Friends, guess what Bajie is lookingat? By the way, he is looking at the beautiful scenery of Fenghuang mountain. Itis said that the four masters and disciples of Tang Monk Xi Tian passed by andsent Bajie to explore the way before. Bajie was deeply attracted by thebeautiful scenery in front of him. He sat here for a long time to enjoy andforget to return. Besides, Monk Tang waited for Bajie for a long time, butmonkey sun came to look for him. Seeing that Bajie had been sitting here for along time, he thought, "whats the new idea of the old pig?" so he hid andwatched the change. Which friend saw our sun Dasheng? Yes, its behind Bajie!Look, sun Dasheng is hiding behind the stone. We call this scenic spot "Bajiedoes not want to return".

Spring Chrysanthemum Garden (may snow)

Lets move on, and we will soon enjoy the "spring Chrysanthemum Garden".Spring chrysanthemum is not only ornamental, but also medicinal. Its leaves andflowers can make tea. After drinking, it can sober up the mind, clear away heatand toxin. Its stem can be used as high-grade chopsticks. In May, its a goodtime for flowers to bloom. Like Chaoyang Valley, the wild flowers on the slopeare shining one after another, especially in the sun. Its also called "maysnow".

Qianchi first cliff

Now that we have entered the dangerous section of the mountain, we must payattention to safety, support the old and take care of the young. When we get tothis place, lets take a breath and have a look at the red stone cliff that goesstraight into the sky. There is more than one thousand foot red stone cliff likethis in our Fenghuang Mountain Scenic Area, so we name this landscape "thousandfoot first cliff". Ill give an overview of the principles of this fascinatinggeological landscape. As early as 1.528 billion years ago, intense orogenyoccurred many times in the Songshan area. In addition to the long-termweathering and erosion, the formation of sandstone, shale, conglomerate andother sedimentary rocks is mainly schist and crystalline rock and othermetamorphic rocks. And the lithology of metamorphic rock is very hard, which hasthe topographic characteristics of continuous peaks, abrupt and jagged rocks.Because it has experienced many violent crustal movements in a long geologicalperiod, it has caused extremely complex geological structure types and manygeological scenery. As long as we reach the top of Lianhua peak, we can enjoysuch geological wonders as "red stone forest", "five colored stones" and"baicaotang".

Shishang spring and Autumn Period

Have you had a rest? Lets move on. Look at this tree growing in the crackof red stone rock. With its indomitable spirit, do you think of the style ofpine? Its a tree species in Fenghuang mountain, and people call it "Quan tree"."Right" is the "right" of right. Although it has a small tree girth, its age isamazing. It has a history of more than 500 years. It is the ancestor ofownership trees in Fenghuang mountain. Its leaves are peoples favorite wildvegetables, which is called "Quancai". Because the tree grows in the stonecrevice, after more than 100 years of spring and autumn, so people call it"spring and Autumn on the stone". If you are interested, you can take a picturewith "Quan Shu" here as a memento. It will accompany you in the long river oflife, flexible and auspicious forever.

Bright song stage

Come on! We are going to go through this short and hard road, usher in newhope and new light. Under our feet is the "bright song stage". On the red stonecliff opposite, there are always pigeons singing gently. At this moment, we mayas well enjoy singing, enjoy singing, and pigeons try to compare whose song ismore beautiful and loud, this is the real aerobic exercise ah!

View platform

In order to find better scenery, please follow me. Now, what we havearrived at is the second stop of the viewing platform. Here we want to see thefour corners. In the East is xiuyouling (xiulongling). It is said that Wang Mangpursues Liu Xiu and Liu Xiu has a rest here. In the south is Xingwu village, afamous ancient military building in the song and Yuan Dynasties. A few miles tothe west of Xingwu village is the famous Buddhist building shangxiangyu temple.In the north, Jialing, which we are facing now, is called Jialing villagebecause of its ancient town. What you can see in front of you is the CatholicChurch in Tianzhong Bay, Jianshan township.

Unlimited scenery in the peak, lets continue to climb it!

Jielan terrace

After walking through this thrilling and dangerous trail, we can relax ourtight nerves and have a rest at Jielan platform.

"Fangshan is the largest mountain in the world, and all the mountains standoutside the sky." now we are at the top of Lianhua peak - "Jielan terrace".Standing here, overlooking the distant mountain, "smoke and mist"; looking atthe close-up, "Cuifeng Hongyan". After a rain in midsummer, the rainbow in thesky seems to be within reach. Thats one of the wonders of Fenghuang mountain!Fenghuang mountain is not only a natural forest park, a kingdom of naturalplants, but also a treasure house of Chinese herbal medicine. Wild flowers arefragrant all year round, and traditional Chinese medicine is everywhere. Thehillside on our left is "baicaotang". In baicaotang, there are more than 300kinds of valuable traditional Chinese medicine, such as Forsythia suspensa,honeysuckle, Yuanhu, Eucommia ulmoides, Ganoderma lucidum, toad grass, Polygonummultiflorum, Shiwei, reviving grass, etc. Do not miss this great opportunity of"traditional Chinese medicine bath" if you have health awareness. On the rightside of Jielan terrace is the red stone forest. They have different shapes andpostures. Their colors are like Danwo and bright clouds. They are rare naturalwonders in Fenghuang Mountain scenic area. Now come down the mountain with me.On the way down the mountain, you can watch the rare tree species of dragonsubduing wood, Laojun tea, guijianchou, "six sisters of Hawthorn king", "phoenixtree of quintuplet", "yuanhupo", "the second thousand Chi cliff", "monumentstone" (or wordless tablet), "Caishi undercover". Finally, lets go down themountain in Phoenix forest. Before going down the mountain, dont forget to takea special "God chair" for you.

Standing here, we have two sightseeing channels in front of us. One is toclimb the mountain from here, climb the lotus peak, and visit Fenghuangmountain. The other is to go up against the stream, and visit Xiangyu temple andXiangyu Grand Canyon. I wont talk about it any more. You can go to the stream,catch fish and crabs, play with the strange pebbles, and forget all yourtroubles.

After a long journey, we came to the famous phoenix lake. According tolegend, there was a huge lake here in ancient times. There are three springs atthe bottom of the lake, which are magnificent. Golden Phoenix often goes to thislake to enjoy the scenery, so it is called Phoenix Lake. There is a stone tableton one side of the lake, which contains the scenery of Jinfeng playing in thewater. Later, I dont know when the mountain torrent broke out, and the ancienttablet went with the water. What you see today is the man-made lake built byJianshan township government to solve the problem of irrigation for villagers inSigou. The top-down slide on the left side of the lake is a convenient way toclimb Lianhua peak. On the top is the towering lotus peak. The dense forest atthe middle of the peak is the famous Phoenix forest. In ancient times, GoldenPhoenix lived in the dense forest. The mountain on the right is Fenghuangmountain, which we have been looking forward to for a long time. The top of themountain is the head of Phoenix, with wings on both sides. There is a magicalPhoenix spring in the valley above.

Speaking of Fenghuang mountain, there is a beautiful legend. A long timeago, there lived a Golden Phoenix in the eastern suburb of Zhengzhou, thecapital of our province. The Golden Phoenix foraged around day and night andused its hard work to nurture and reproduce its offspring. The grain, such asrice, wheat, beans, corn, grain and vegetable seeds, that Jin Fenghuang broughtfrom afar piled up into mountains. The seeds sprinkled on the earth sprouted,grew and fruited. They couldnt eat up for a while. Seeing that the localfarmers couldnt find enough food to satisfy their hunger for a while, theyentrusted the dream to Shennong, so that Shennong could enlighten the mountainpeople to grow grain and multiply. From then on, Fenghuang and the farmersbecame neighbors and lived in harmony. Up to now, there is a village called"Phoenix Terrace" in Zhengzhou. Fenghuangtai is famous for its rice. Later, dueto the construction of Zhengzhou City, people were forced to stay away fromother places. Where are the farmers going? People dont get any information. Oneday, in the dead of night, Jin Fenghuang and a local farmer said, "come with meto the hometown of zufuxi, a native of Southwest China. Only then can we haveenough food and clothing." So people went westward with Phoenix. They helped theold and the young to the place where we are today - "Phoenix Mountain", andsettled down here. Golden Phoenix and their descendants live in a large foreston the hillside, which is called "Phoenix forest" or "phoenix tree" by latergenerations. Later, the Golden Phoenix toiled all his life, sleeping on the highmountain in front of us. The descendants of jinfenghuang and the mountain peoplewho came to settle down with her specially designated this mountain as FenghuangMountain in memory of jinfenghuangs achievements.

(ladies and gentlemen, its time for dinner. We should seize this rareopportunity to taste the unique flavor of the Farmhouse Hotel. After dinner, wecan continue our journey. )

Fenghuang Mountain has naturally become a geomantic treasure land in thearea of Fuxi mountain. Buddhism prevailed in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Buddhistdisciples searched everywhere for the site of Fengshui temple. Temples were alsobuilt at the foot of Fenghuang mountain. Therefore, it is called Xiangyu Templebecause of its fragrant flowers and birds, mountains and streams.

"The winding path leads to the secluded place, and the Zen house has deepflowers and trees." Now lets go to the Buddhist resort - Xiangyu temple.



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Many times, see words about lijiang in travel magazine. In the article, and can only be drifted off the outline of lijiang is roughly a shape. Finally unbearable curious and decided to look at himself.

What is real, just discover the charm of lijiang cannot hide.

Though lijiang experienced an earthquake hit, however, the ancient city of presented today in good condition, really impressive.

Although many visitors, but still not impede the perfection of its quiet beautiful.

If say the west lake calm without a billow of intrinsic lucrative ci, such as wide charm of the taihu lake and graceful belle, that in my eyes, the lijiang, more like a girl, not yet married in purdah with ignorance of limpid eyes looked at the tourists from all over the world. While her ignorance, not because of stupid and isolation, but inherent trust in the world, the pursuit of human nature is the most pure nature.

Walk alone along the green flag of the ancient city of lijiang road, despite the hustle and bustle around, but when listening to the baseboard and bluestone knocking sound, the heart is very quiet. Just want to live the rest of my life here, the sunrise, whether. More like the ancient way of life. Even if difficult, even without the neon of prosperous, but as long as you can with the stone road, stone bridge, clear water, the breeze stroke face everyday, wicker flying, is already enough.

With Ruth mood walk here, where a worry should step to the next, so long as accompanies with this beautiful have dont have to speak. Are not afraid to get lost, anyway, no matter when, the ancient city of of primitive simplicity of folk will refer to led me where is the way home. Now, only need to take daily life very precious hours to calm, will be enough.

After numerous small store on the way, whats inside, cheap delicate, fondle admiringly. Have no such impulse, want to buy many things, even if back also is useless, but now came in hand, no matter how to dont want to put down.

Manage to make do it is not possible. Repeatedly to weigh the pros and cons, bought a belt with the hand catenary of style restoring ancient ways. Put on the arm of the slender, have bigger, sliding up and down on the forearm. Small pieces of the chain OO rustling ringing off the hook, but how also wont feel upset. As the ancient town, always quiet and not anxious. So I think about it, no matter how impatient and calculating the daily, here, is inevitably stop stop to enjoy! What bargaining skill, here, with really will feel ashamed.

Clear water, without pollution. The young fish in the river, clever swinging tail, gently artful artful pick a spray to swim around. When looking at their corners of the mouth is cant help laughing. Like watching newborn children, with the changes have not experienced the vicissitudes of ethereal lively glides across the heart, provoking heart trembled, shake up a wave of tender.

Cant help but think of the very lovely to make a sentence: "fish swim, water is very lively."

I want to, and only the heart of a child will have such a special imagination! Similarly, only with a childlike have tarnished heart silently watching, can find the beauty of the ancient city of lijiang.

I have some things in life, is always help themselves. But I am glad, lijiang is also such a place, can let me calm down, and even content with life here, every day, as long as can look at the ancient city of every inch of land, every plant, every stone bridge, it is good.

So even if leave, as long as, in here, I return to the nature of innocence. Like a child, what to do, dont have to care about the consequences, as long as happy, as long as the feel this world purity, horse, would not regret.

Small bridge, flowing water, somebody else, in the heart very clear, I will never miss.



范文类型:导游词,适用行业岗位:导游,全文共 9592 字

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Welcome to Shaoxing Lu Xun Memorial Hall. Shaoxing is a famous historicaland cultural city with outstanding people and brilliant stars since ancienttimes. Lu Xun, a great modern Chinese writer, thinker and revolutionist, is oneof the outstanding representatives. Lu Xun, formerly known as Zhou Shuren, wasborn on September 25, 1881 in a dilapidated family of feudal literati andbureaucrats in the capital of Shaoxing. He started at the age of 7 and studiedin Sanwei bookstore at the age of 12. When he was 13 years old, his grandfatherwas jailed for bribery in the imperial examination. His father, Zhou Boyi, fellill and suffered a lot from the decline of his family. When Lu Xun was 18 yearsold, he resolutely "took a different road, fled to other places, and went toNanjing and Japan to study. After returning to China in the summer of 1909, hesuccessively engaged in teaching and literary creation in Hangzhou, Shaoxing,Beijing, Xiamen, Guangzhou and Shanghai. On October 19, 1936, he died of illnessat his home in Shanghai new village. He was 56 years old.

Lu Xun spent more than one third of his life in Shaoxing. He not only spenthis childhood and adolescence in his hometown, but also carried out his earlyteaching practice, literary creation and social revolutionary activities. Thelife experience of his hometown not only has a great influence on hisideological development, but also is an important source of his literarycreation. Today, we are going to follow the footsteps of this great man andvisit his hometown.

Now we come to Lu Xuns birthplace - Lu Xuns former residence. Lu Xunsformer residence is located at the west head of the Zhoujia new gate at theentrance of Duchang Fangkou. The new gate of the Zhou family is the place wherethe Zhou family has lived for many years. It was built in the Jiaqing period ofthe Qing Dynasty, facing south from the north, with green tiles, pink walls,brick and wood structure. It is a typical deep courtyard in the south of theYangtze River. In 1918, the house, together with the herb garden behind it, wassold to Zhu, a neighbor in the East. After the change of ownership, most of theoriginal houses have been demolished and rebuilt, but the main part of Lu Xunsformer residence is fortunately preserved, so today we are lucky to see theoriginal Lu Xuns former residence.

These two black stone storehouse gates were originally the side gates ofZhou Jiaxins gate, where Lu Xuns family went in and out.

This ordinary mud flat house is the place where Lu Xuns family used toplace vehicles. As we all know, Shaoxing is known as "Venice of the East".Therefore, most families are equipped with water transportation. The two talloars are used on big ships, while the two small oars are used on black canopies.Sedan chair is a means of land transportation, among which the sedan bar is theoriginal of Lu Xuns family.

From the right door, through the corridor, to the "sweet scented osmanthushall". Mingtang is commonly known as Tianjing in Shaoxing. There used to be twolush osmanthus plants planted here, hence the name of Osmanthus Mingtang. WhenLu Xun was a child, he used to lie on a small table under the osmanthus tree insummer to enjoy the cool. His stepgrandmother Jiang, while shaking a banana fan,played riddles for Lu Xun and told stories such as "cat is the master of thetiger" and "water overflows the Golden Mountain". Lu Xun was influenced by folkliterature since childhood and provided rich materials for his later literarycreation. Later, he had vivid memories in his articles such as dog, cat, mouseand on the collapse of Leifeng Pagoda.

Through the sweet scented osmanthus hall, you come to Lu Xuns bedroom. Inthe summer of 1909, Lu Xun returned to his hometown from Hangzhou after studyingin Japan. He successively held teaching posts in Shaoxing Fuzhong school andShanhui Junior Normal School. This bedroom was his bedroom and study when he wasteaching in Shao. Lu Xun often prepared lessons and wrote late into the night.His first classical Chinese novel nostalgia was written here. The iron pearwooden bed on display in the bedroom is the original of that year.

Through the slate patio, facing is the well preserved two floors and twobottoms of Lu Xuns former residence. The first half of Dongshou is the mainplace for Lu Xuns family to eat and meet guests. Shaoxing is commonly known as"xiaotangqian". When Lu Xun was a teacher in Shaoxing, he often receivedvisiting friends and students here. The leather chair in the upper right cornerof the living room was used by Lu Xuns father. Lu Xuns father was dismissed asa scholar after his grandfather Zhou Fuqings cheating on dance in the imperialexamination hall. He was depressed and depressed. After that, he was so sickthat he was mistaken by a quack doctor that he died at the age of 36. From thenon, Lu Xuns family fell into predicament from a well-off family. After a seriesof family changes, young Lu Xun suffered from the coldness and coldness of theworld. He saw the degeneration and ugliness of the upper class society, whichhad a great impact on his thought and embarked on the road of seeking truth.

Separated from the living room is Lu Xuns mothers room. The Eight Leggedbed in the south is the original one that Lu Xuns mother, Lu Rui, had slept in.The little bed in the East is the bed that Lu Xuns brother ZHOU Jianren used tosleep in.

On the table by the window are displayed the things that Lu Xuns motherused to do needlework. Lu Rui, Lu Xuns mother, was born in anqiaotou, Shaoxing.She was kind and resolute. She was able to read books through self-study. Lu Xunadmired his mother and once said, "if my mother is 20 or 30 years younger, shemay become a heroine." Luri is indeed an extraordinary mother. Her three sonsare known as "the three heroes of the Zhou family" in the modern literaryworld.

To the west of the small hall is Lu Xuns stepgrandmother Jiangs bedroom.Lu Xun was deeply impressed by the stepgrandmother, who was cheerful andhumorous, and often told stories and riddles to his nephews andgrandchildren.

A patio away from Luruis bedroom is the kitchen where Lu Xuns familycooks and cooks. In front of the kitchen, the "three eye stove" used by the oldrich family in Shaoxing was restored according to the memories of the peopleconcerned. Pictures and words praying for blessings and avoiding evil spiritswere painted on the walls of the stove. The kitchen cover on the north wall wasmade by Zhang Fuqing, the "busy month" of Lu Xuns family. Zhang Fuqingsometimes brought his son to carry water for help, and became a close friendwith Lu Xun. Lu Xun and Yunshui met for the first time in this kitchen. "Purpleround face, wearing a small felt hat and a bright silver collar around hisneck", it was this water transportation that made Lu Xun realize a strange worldthat he could not see in books. In 1921, when Lu Xun wrote his novel hometown,he took water transportation as a model and created the vivid artistic image of"leap soil".

The three rooms in the back are where Lu Xuns family stores rice and farmtools. The one on the right is Zhang Fuqings residence. In the middle is thecorridor leading to BaiCaoYuan.

Ladies and gentlemen, now we can see that this garden is the famous"BaiCaoYuan". Although the name of BaiCaoYuan is elegant, it is actually anordinary vegetable garden. It was a deserted vegetable garden shared by morethan a dozen families in xintaimen at that time. Usually, some melons andvegetables were planted for drying rice in autumn. In his childhood, Lu Xunoften played with his friends in the herb garden, enjoying the cool in the shadeof trees in summer and catching crickets in the mud wall in autumn. In winter,we catch birds in the snow. As for BaiCaoYuan, Lu Xun once described it vividlyin his famous prose from BaiCaoYuan to Sanwei bookstore. In the article, hewrote with infinite affection: "it is not necessary to say the green vegetablebeds.

Smooth stone well fence, tall acacia tree, purple mulberry Just around theshort mud wall, there is infinite interest. " What we see now is the landscapein Lu Xuns works. When Lu Xun was 12 years old, his family sent him to Sanweibookstore to study. He had to say goodbye to his crickets, raspberries andMulian, and went to the most severe private school in the city to study. Nowlets say goodbye to everything here and follow Lu Xuns article from BaiCaoYuanto Sanwei bookstore.

From Lu Xuns former residence, walking hundreds of steps to the East,walking south through a stone bridge, and entering through a black paintedbamboo silk door, you will arrive at Sanwei bookstore, where Lu Xun studied inhis youth. Sanwei bookstore is a famous private school in Shaoxing City in thelate Qing Dynasty. It used to be the study of Shou family. Lu Xun began to studyhere at the age of 12. His five-year study career benefited him a lot,accumulated rich cultural knowledge, and laid a very solid foundation for hisfuture literary creation.

The plaque of "Sanwei bookstore" is hanging in the middle of the library,and there is a pair of clasps on both sides of the pillars: "music is silent,filial piety is the only thing; Taitang flavor is poetry." They were all writtenby Liang Tongshu, a famous calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty. What is "threeflavors?" according to Mr. Shou Jingwus son: "reading classics tastes likerice, reading history tastes like food, and a hundred schools of thought tastelike vinegar." Among them, acyl is condiment. There is a picture of pine anddeer hanging under the plaque. Every day, students should salute the plaque andthe picture before they start reading.



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Everybody is good! Im liu, you can call me liu guide, welcome to visit huangshan scenic spots, now let me introduce you to huangshan! Huangshan mountain is very beautiful, spring is a beautiful season, youre really fit you literally see.

Now I will take you to look at and spectacular! You see, on the right side of that piece of peak, the peak thousand odd provide some beautiful some magic some said, also touched the peak, the legend can be dozens of years younger; If the disease, touch it, dont. Quick to touch! Well, you look left, now this is odd matsuyama, songshan have a hoard, a hoard of four director with some very sweet pine tree, the pine trees is very strong, even falling rain blows continuously, be quiet, please keep quiet! In front of a hot spring, lets take a look, listen and try that hot springs, remember dont litter!

Everybody free tour!

Article 4: huangshans commentaries 300 words

Tourists friends, everybody! Welcome to the world heritage - huangshan scenic area. Very glad to be a tour guide! My name is Tian Huicong, everybody call me field guide.

As the saying goes: "its return from mountain, mount huangshan return from yue." Huangshan pines, rocks, sea of clouds, hot spring, snow "five greats" famous Chinese and foreign. Today I will give everyone focuses on huangshan pines.

Everyone see, huangshan pine trees can survive in rock seam, strong vitality. Their shapes, the intricacies of: black tiger, African, come loose loose knot, welcoming pine and so on, a lot of pine trees because they shape the name! Huangshan welcoming pine is one of the famous scenic spot, shape is special, its central trunk out of the two lateral branch of up to 7.6 meters exhibition to the front, like a hospitable host, waved his arms, warmly welcome guests from home and abroad to visit huangshan, become the symbol of the Chinese people warm hospitality. Later we can over there to take photos, as a souvenir.

The wonders of huangshan said also said not over, see also not enough. Now, please enjoy to enjoy the beautiful scenery of huangshan! Please dont throw the peel and in play and food packaging bags, not to a dangerous place.

I wish you all have fun!



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The Great Wall, like the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal(1) in India and the Hanging Garden of Babylon(2), is one of the great wonders of the world. Starting out in the east on the banks of the Yalu River in Liaoning Province, the Wall stretches westwards for 12,700 kilometers to Jiayuguan in the Gobi desert, thus known as the Ten Thousand Li Wall in China. The Wall climbs up and down, twists and turns along the ridges of the Yanshan and Yinshan Mountain Chains through five provinces-Liaoning, Hebei, Shanxi, Shaanxi, and Gansu--and two autonomous regions--Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, binding the northern China together.

Historical records trace the construction of the origin of the Wall to defensive fortification back to the year 656 B.C. during the reign of King Cheng of the States of Chu. Its construction continued throughout the Warring States period in the fifth Century B.C. when ducal states Yan, Zhao, Wei, and Qin were frequently plundered by the nomadic peoples living north of the Yinshan and Yanshan mountain ranges. Walls, then, were built separately by these ducal states to ward off such harassments. Later in 221 B.C., when Qin conquered the other states and unified China, Emperor Qinshihuang ordered the connection of these individual walls and further extensions to form the basis of the present great wall. As a matter of fact, a separate outer wall was constructed north of the Yinshan range in the Han Dynasty(206 BC--1644 BC.), which went to ruin through years of neglect. In the many intervening centuries, succeeding dynasties rebuilt parts of the Wall. The most extensive reinforcements and renovations were carried out in the Ming Dynasty (1368--1644) when altogether 18 lengthy stretches were reinforced with bricks and rocks. it is mostly the Ming Dynasty Wall that visitors see today. The Great Wall is divided into two sections, the east and west, with Shanxi Province as the dividing line. The west part is a rammed earth construction, about 5.3 meters high on average. In the eastern part, the core of the Wall is rammed earth as well, but the outer shell is reinforced with bricks and rocks. The most imposing and best preserved sections of the Great Wall are at Badaling and Mutianyu, not far from Beijing and both are open to visitors. The Wall of those sections is 7.8 meters high and 6.5 meters wide at its base, narrowing to 5.8 meters on the ramparts, wide enough for five horses to gallop abreast. There are ramparts, embrasures, peep-holes and apertures for archers on the top, besides gutters with gargoyles to drain rain-water off the parapet walk. Two-storied watch-towers are built at approximately 400-meters internals. The top stories of the watch-tower were designed for observing enemy movements, while the first was used for storing grain, fodder, military equipment and gunpowder as well as for quartering garrison soldiers. The highest watch-tower at Badaling standing on a hill-top, is reached only after a steep climb, like "climbing a ladder to heaven". The view from the top is rewarding, hoverer. The Wall follows the contour of mountains that rise one behind the other until they finally fade and merge with distant haze. A signal system formerly existed that served to communicate military information to the dynastic capital. This consisted of beacon towers on the Wall itself and on mountain tops within sight of the Wall. At the approach of enemy troops, smoke signals gave the alarm from the beacon towers in the daytime and bonfire did this at night.

Emergency signals could be relayed to the capital from distant places within a few hour long before the invention of anything like modern communications. There stand 14 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of Beijing. Known as "Tian Xia Di YI Guan" (The First Pass Under Heaven), Shanghaiguan Pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north China with the northeast. It had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to the Manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and so surrendered the whole Ming empire to the Manchus, leading to the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. (1644-1911) Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the "Strategic pass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history. Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C-24 A.D), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. The gate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. It has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each. Juyongguan, a gateway to ancient Beijing from Inner Mongolia, was built in a 15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. The cavalrymen of Genghis Khan swept through it in the 13th century. At the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the Cloud terrace, which was called the Crossing-Street Dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the Yuan Daynasty(1206-1368). At the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid images of Buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. The vividness of their expressions is matched by the exquisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient Chinese carving. The gate jambs bear a multi-lingual Buddhist sutra, carved some 600 years ago in Sanskrit(3), Tibetan, Mongolian, Uigur(4), Han Chinese and the language of Western Xia. Undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of Buddhism and ancient languages. As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world. The Venice charter says: "Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events." The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.

Notes:1. the Taj Mahal in India 印度的泰姬陵2. the Hanging Garden of Babylon 巴比伦的空中花园3. Sanskrit 梵语4. Uigur 维吾尔语

There stand 14 major passes (Guan, in Chinese) at places of strategic importance along the Great Wall, the most important being Shanghaiguan and Jiayuguan. Yet the most impressive one is Juyongguan, about 50 kilometers northwest of Beijing.

Known as "Tian Xia Di YI Guan" (The First Pass Under Heaven), Shanghaiguan Pass is situated between two sheer cliffs forming a neck connecting north China with the northeast. It had been, therefore, a key junction contested by all strategists and many famous battles were fought here. It was the gate of Shanghaiguan that the Ming general Wu Sangui opened to the Manchu army to suppress the peasant rebellion led by Li Zicheng and so surrendered the whole Ming empire to theManchus, leading to the foundation of the Qing Dynasty. (1644-1911)

Jiayuguan Pass was not so much as the "Strategic pass Under the Heaven" as an important communication center in Chinese history. Cleft between the snow-capped Qilian Mountains and the rolling Mazong Mountains, it was on the ancient Silk Road. Zhang Qian, the first envoy of Emperor Wu Di of the Western Han dynasty (206 B.C-24 A.D), crossed it on his journey to the western regions. Later, silk flowed to the west through this pass too. The gate-tower of Jiayuguan is an attractive building of excellent workmanship. It has an inner city and an outer city, the former square in shape and surrounded by a wall 11.7 meters high and 730 meters in circumference. It has two gates, an eastern one and a western one. On each gate sits a tower facing each other. the four corners of the wall are occupied by four watch towers, one for each.

Juyongguan, a gateway to ancient Beijing from Inner Mongolia, was built in a 15-kilometer long ravine flanked by mountains. The cavalrymen of Genghis Khan swept through it in the 13th century. At the center of the pass is a white marble platform named the Cloud terrace, which was called the Crossing-Street Dagoba, since its narrow arch spanned the main street of the pass and on the top of the terrace there used to be three stone dagobas, built in the Yuan Daynasty(1206-1368). At the bottom of the terrace is a half-octagonal arch gateway, interesting for its wealth of detail: it is decorated with splendid images of Buddha and four celestial guardians carved on the walls. The vividness of their expressions is matched by the exquisite workmanship. such grandiose relics works, with several stones pieced together, are rarely seen in ancient Chinese carving. The gate jambs bear a multi-lingual Buddhist sutra, carved some 600 years ago in Sanskrit(3), Tibetan, Mongolian, Uigur(4), Han Chinese and the language of Western Xia. Undoubtedly, they are valuable to the study of Buddhism and ancient languages.

As a cultural heritage, the Wall belongs not only to China but to the world. The Venice charter says: "Historical and cultural architecture not only includes the individual architectural works, but also the urban or rural environment that witnessed certain civilizations, significant social developments or historical events." The Great Wall is the largest of such historical and cultural architecture, and that is why it continues to be so attractive to people all over the world. In 1987, the Wall was listed by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage site.
















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Distinguished visitors, guys! My name is hu, you can call me xiao hu. We the tour destination is called buildings in architectural history a wonders of the world -- the Great Wall.

The Great Wall, the mountains, the cliffs, wear a prairie, across the desert, ups and downs in the top of the mountains, across the other shore of the Yellow River and the coast of the bohai sea. There are words you must know that "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall!" Today, lets also do one hero.

Into the door before, I want to ask a question: "how long is the Great Wall?" Tell you, the Great Wall has more than thirteen thousand in the whole! From here, the Great Wall is more like a huge dragon, winding on the badaling! Now, we have stood in the doorway, the south east of here is a big battery? The artillery diameter is 105 mm long, 2.85 meters long, is called, "the general." Then why is called "the general"? Tourists friends, you guess! Yes, it is because the gun body casting have a named "troublesome compared to general".

Dear visitors, we go forward, you should see the beacon tower! Yantai beacon tower, also known as beacons, Wolf, once the enemy pounce, kindle wars on the situation of the enemy: hundreds a smoke a gun, more than five hundred people burning two smoke gun... And so on. The ancients will lit the fire call sunshine during the day and night called flint. The scenery on both sides of the Great Wall is very beautiful, dear visitors look, pine and cypress, hidden-away east, birds, gurgling streams, everywhere is full of poetic.

Sun yat-sen once said the Great Wall, "the engineering of the most famous, the Great Wall also.... engineering, ancient without his horse, for only one of the wonders of the world." Visitors, I hope you will be touring, be careful not to litter debris-brick rubbish, such as the last wish you have a good trip, bye!



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Dear leaders and tourists

Your Chagan Lake cruise ship No. 6 has left the wharf and is heading forthe mysterious Chagan Lake. After entering the lake area, the cruise ship willspeed up and the wind will be very strong. Although it will be cool andcomfortable to stand at the bow of the ship, it reminds you to stand firmly whenstanding beside the ship and pay attention to the safety of swimming in thelake. At the same time, you should pay attention to the things you carry toavoid falling into the lake.

Now our cruise ship has entered Chagan Lake.

Chagan Lake is called "Chagannur" in Mongolian, which means white lake.Chagan is 37 kilometers long in the north and 17 kilometers wide in the East andWest. With a total water area of about 420 square kilometers, it ranks seventhamong the top ten freshwater lakes in China. Its storage capacity is about 700million cubic meters. It is the largest inland lake, National Nature Reserve andNational Water Conservancy Scenic Spot in Jilin Province. It is also a famousfishery production base, reed production base and natural tourist attraction inJilin Province.

Chagan Lake is rich in natural resources, rich in carp, silver carp,crucian carp, Wuchang fish and other 15 families of 68 species, with an annualoutput of more than 5000 tons of fresh fish, of which "Chagan Lake pangtouyu" iscertified as AA grade green food by the national green food certificationcenter, and is exported to both inside and outside the province. In recentyears, the shrimp, pearl and other aquatic resources of Chagan Lake have alsobeen effectively developed, and the beautiful lake shrimp has already been puton the table of tourists. Chagan Lake has four distinct seasons and rich naturalresources, which provides a rare living environment for wild and aquaticanimals, making it a paradise for wild animals and a paradise for birds. Thereare more than 20 kinds of wild animals such as foxes, rabbits and badgers, andmore than 80 kinds of rare birds such as wild ducks, swans, geese and redcrowned cranes in the lakeside grassland and small islands. There are many kindsof wild animals and the density of them is high, which is the most importantproblem in the province

Many scenic spots are incomparable. Thanks to its unique geographicallocation and natural resources, Chagan Lake has always been a dream land forprinces and nobles. From emperor Shengzong to Emperor Tianzuo of Liao Dynasty,every year, he led his ministers and concubines to Chagan Lake from the capitalfor sightseeing and spring hunting. They dug ice on the lake to fish. They usedthe "head fish" caught by Emperor Liao himself to hold a "head fish feast" onthe shore, because the fish in early spring are the freshest, fattest and mostfragrant. When the spring wind blows to green Guoerluosi grassland, geese sing,swans sing and birds chirping by Chagan Lake. At this time, the emperors beganto fly eagles and arrows to catch swans and geese, and held a goose banquet withthe geese captured by "haidongqing" released by Emperor Liao himself. They sangand danced wildly, drank and had fun by the lake until the end of spring. Fromthis we can imagine the magnificent scene of Chagan Lake.

Chagan Lake has different charm in four seasons. In spring, after a longwinters sleep, the lake wakes up quietly. Green grass and blooming flowers arereflected on the surface of the lake. Ducks and geese are flying by the lake,birds are singing and swans are dressing up. The lake is vast, with fishingsails and fish tailing. At this time, if you are in the picturesque scenery ofChagan Lake, like a dream, like a fantasy, like a "fairyland", how can you enjoythe delicious stewed fish in the lake?

In summer, the surface of Baili lake is full of green waves, the flowers onboth sides of the lake are blooming and fragrant, the fishing songs aregraceful, the oars are chirping, and the shadows of the flowing clouds andcranes are added. The reed on the lakeside sways in the breeze, its branches andleaves are singing and dancing, and the playing fish jump out of the water fromtime to time, peeping at the beautiful scenery of green willows and red flowers.At this time, if you are on a yacht, you can shuttle through the green reedcorridor, enjoy the pleasure of chopping the waves by boat, or sit in the shadowof willows and reeds on the bank, and enjoy the surprise of red carp swallowingthe hook Why dont you forget to return?

In autumn, the vast Chagan Lake is cool, the wind is light, the wild islong, the reed flowers are flying in the face, the wild geese are returning tothe south, and the autumn sun is plating the golden coat on all things besidethe lake, which is more graceful and beautiful

The lake adds a bit of grandeur and magnificence to the scenery of northernpart of the Great Wall.

In winter, the silver covered Chagan Lake is like a huge Jasper inlaid inthe snowy north. On the ice, a series of winter ploughs shuttle back and forth.The high pitched labor songs disperse the cold of winter. The heavy net pullsout the dazzling fresh fish, and also draws out the gorgeous hope, whichoutlines the spectacular scene of Chagan Lake in winter. In 20__, Chagan Lakecaught 104500 kg of fresh fish under the ice with a single net in winter,setting a new Guinness world record.

When you look to the northeast of the lake, the mountain beside the lake iscalled Qingshantou, which is the commanding point around Chagan Lake. There isan old and sad story about Chagan Lake and Qingshantou

A long time ago, there was no Chagan Lake in gollos, but a vast grassland.In the depth of the grassland, there was a young man named Chagan shaobu, whohad lost his parents since childhood but was handsome and powerful. He is a goodarcher. Those who fly in the sky and those who run on the ground are allsuccessful.

Chagan shaobu is kind-hearted in nature. Most of his prey is given to thepoor herdsmen around him, so he is loved by the herdsmen in the hundred milegrassland. One early spring, Chagan shaobu went out hunting with his bow andarrow. Suddenly, he saw a sika deer running towards him in panic. Two wolveswere chasing after him. The exhausted deer was about to become a good meal forthe two wolves. After a while, Chagan shaobu took two arrows to shoot the wolfand save the fawn. The fawn looked at Chagan shaobu with grateful eyes andreluctantly turned and ran to the depth of the grassland.

That night, Chagan shaobu, who seemed to be sleeping, suddenly dreamed ofthe sika deer he had saved. The deer said to him, "Im here to repay you forsaving your life. I was a fairy deer in the sky. I was sent to earth by the JadeEmperor for stealing Ganoderma lucidum from the royal garden. The penalty willbe over tomorrow. Ill come back to the heavenly palace to see my benefactor.Look at you

A lonely person is too poor and lonely, I want to find a companion for youto accompany you. You will walk north tomorrow morning. After crossing the 7749mountains, you will see a fairy peak. There is a fairy cave in the middle of themountain. There is a stone box in the cave. There is a gold hairpin in the stonebox. If you bring the gold hairpin back in your arms, there will be a fairy toaccompany you. Please remember With that, the deer disappeared.

The next day, Chagan shaobu took the bow and arrow of dry food and set outaccording to the direction of fawn in his dream. Walking along the road, he wentthrough all kinds of difficulties and dangers. He shot and killed countlesswolves, insects, tigers and leopards with good arrow technique. He finally cameto the immortal cave on the hillside of fairy peak. There was a stone box in thecave surrounded by auspicious clouds. When he opened the stone box, he saw thatthere was a shining gold hairpin in it. He was overjoyed. He picked up the goldhairpin and hurried back. It didnt seem for a long time Ill be home.

When he got home, he took out the gold hairpin from his arms and looked atit carefully. Suddenly, with a flash of gold, a beautiful girl stood shyly infront of Chagan shaobu and said, "my name is Qimuge, the fourth daughter of thequeen mother of the West. I admire your kindness and bravery, and I like yourdiligence and perseverance. If you like, I will marry you and join hands withyou for a hundred years." Chagan shaobu was so happy that he held her tightly inhis arms Three years later, Qimuge gave birth to a fat son named bater forChagan shaobu. One day when Chagan shaobu came back from hunting, he saw Qimugefrowning and asked her what was the matter. Qimuge said with tears streamingdown her cheeks, "tomorrow is my mothers birthday. It takes me three days to goback and forth, but three days in the sky and three years in the world. I cantbear to let you spend three years alone.". Chagan shaobu advised Wei Qimuge tosay, "three years have passed in a flash. When you come back, we will neverseparate again.". Thats what I said, but Im not sure

When Qimuge shakes his wings and flies away with colorful auspiciousclouds, Chagan Lake shaobu shed tears of farewell. After Qimuge left, Chaganshaobu missed him day and night. He had trouble sleeping and eating, and soonbecame seriously ill. On his deathbed, Chagan shaobu looked up at the sky andsighed, "Qimuge, I cant see you again. I cant close my eyes.". At this time,Qimuge, who was far away in the heavenly palace, seemed to hear Chagan shaobusheartbreaking call, so he went back to the world regardless of everything.Seeing that Chagan shaobu was dying, he went back to heaven again. Regardless ofthe rules of heaven, he stole the elixir to take for Chagan shaobu, makingChagan shaobu safe.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the queen mother found that the elixir had beenstolen, and immediately sent the God to look for it. When she learned that shehad been stolen by Qimuge and saved Chagan shaobu, she was furious and orderedthe God to move a castle peak and press Qimuge at the foot of the mountain,which is the Castle Peak you see now. He also issued an order that no rainshould be allowed in the grassland where Chagan shaobu lived within three years,and that Chagan shaobu and all the plants, cattle and sheep here should die ofthirst.

Its true that there hasnt been a drop of rain in this area for threeyears. Its as hot as a fire, the ground is dry and smoking, the grass is dry,and the cattle and sheep are thirsty. Seeing this, Chagan shaobu was veryanxious. One day, Chagan shaobu had a dream of Qimuge again. Qimuge cried andsaid, "I broke the heaven rules by stealing the elixir to save you. I waspressed under the big green mountain next to you. I cant save you and thevillagers by my magic power. If you want to save the grassland life, go to theimmortal cave and eat the elixir I made, and you will become a big lake besideme.".

When Chagan shaobu woke up, he settled down with bater. According toQimuges words, he went to Xianren cave to find the red and luminous elixir.When he returned to the deep grassland under the big green mountain, he did nothesitate to swallow the elixir. As soon as the elixir ate, Chagan shaobuimmediately turned into a white lake. The water in the lake was white andtransparent, like a jade mirror



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Butian Boulder

Butian Boulder which is located at the edge of the sky pond, the outfall of Chengcha River seems like a huge ivory inset the sky pond. This boulder condensates after the volcanic eruption, is smelted by fire. There retains many bubbles and scratches above. With the highest point about 10 meters, the width more than 50 meters, is a pocket peninsula inset to the sky pond, and also a tourist attraction full of cultural connotation.
