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美国留学介绍信范文 篇1


步入初中之后,父母对我的学业更加严格要求。由于成绩突出曾担任学习委员班长之职。X年XX月考入高级中学,在掌握知识的同时,从小就热爱体育运动的我喜欢上篮球运动,多次代表校方参加比赛荣获奖项。同时我还喜欢多种体育运动,并且喜欢国外音乐。就在这时我喜欢上了韩国歌曲。自此接触了少量的韩国语言。精通英语的同时让我掌握了一点点的韩国语!度过高中充实的3年后,X年X月我以高出录取线百分的成绩考入X学院继续X年专业的学习。学习期间品学突出,荣幸被老师推荐学生会工作。结交了更多的朋友,扩充了交际领域,增加了我对生活的认识。更加珍惜我的大学生活! 通过对专业知识的学习,入党申请书范文我了解到中韩自1992年建交以来,两国的各方面交流就以飞快的速度增长。近几年来韩国与中国之间的经济和文化交流空前壮大。自此我萌生赴韩留学深造的想法。韩国是亚洲经济强国,社会安定、人民友善的发达国家,国际贸易往来频繁。是我学习国际贸易知识与经验的最佳地点;其次,贵国大学一流的师资和教学也是我学习进修的理想校园。并且贵国语言,礼节,建筑,服饰,饮食,娱乐等各方面文化是一直深深吸引着我想去接触了解的国度。





美国留学介绍信范文 篇2

Jaewoo Kang 500 30th St.,1240Boulder, CO 80310-0452 (303) 786-4858 (H) E-mail: Objective Challenging career opportunity in an innovative Computer Science area as a Financial Expert System, Neural Network, Interoperable Heterogeneous Database System programmer and Algorithm Designer. Education August 1994 - May 1996 University of Colorado at Boulder MS in Computer Science, Neural Network, Graph Theory Heterogeneous Database Systems. -Thesis Asset Allocation with Nonlinear Optimization of Sharpe Ratio . (To be appeared in several Neural Net Conferences and Journals) March 1987 - February 1994 Korea University Seoul, Korea BS in Computer Science. - Thesis Construction of Pascal Compiler, - An Honor Prize and Scholarship in 1993, - An Honor Prize and Scholarship in 1992. Work experience November 1996 - Present University of Colorado at Boulder Korean Student Association Graduate Division Director of Public Relation. - Organizing Korean Student Associations in Colorado and Launching as one joint Organization. - Building the relationship between alumni and Students as well as Korean American Residents in Colorado. - Developing Web Site for Korean Student Association. July 1995 - August 1995 Samsung Fire Marine Insurance Co., Ltd Seoul, Korea Internship Program in Downsizing Task Force Team and Information Strategic Team. - IAA (Insurance Application Architecture) Model System Analysis. - Changing Hierarchical DB Model to Relational Model (with IEF Tool). - Downsizing (Host to Distributed DB on Client/Server). May 1995 - July 1995 Jungsan Cosmetics Co. Seoul, Korea Programmer, Freelancer. - Developing Standalone RDB System for branches (with Foxpro 2.5 for Windows). - Employee, Customer, Sales Stock Management System. June 1989 - October 1991 Telecommunication Center of Korean Army Corps50Taeku, Korea Specialist for VHF Radio PCM Apparatus. - Honored for the picked platoon. - Cooperating, Leadership Decision Making. Languages Natural Languages - Speaking Korean, English and Japanese as a second language. - Reading Chinese. Programming Languages - C, C++, MATLAB, Visual BASIC, Pascal, FORTRAN, Foxpro, Clipper, COBOL, Lisp, Assembly Language, HTML. - UNIX, X Window System, Lynux, MS Windows, MS DOS. Personal Korean, Male, 170 centimeters, Birthday January 21, 1969. Enjoy Skiing, Golf, Racquetball, Basketball, Tennis, Programming.

References Available Upon Request

美国留学介绍信范文 篇3

Dear Sir:

I strongly recommend Miss Li for admission to your graduate program. She has proven herself an excellent student not only in my class but also in other major courses.

She was a former student of mine in the course of Mathematical Analysis during the second semester of the academic year 1991-1992. She is brilliant and she capability of abstract reasoning is above most of her peers. I still remember it was always she who first raised her hand and answered the difficult questions. Apart from this, she was eager to learn and always had many new ideas out of my expectations, some of which reflected her originality and independent thought. At the end of course, she achieved a high score of 98 and surpassed all the other students in the class.

In my 30-year teaching career, Miss Li is an unusual student with surprising stamina and perseverance toward goals. Just depending on this fine quality, she—a girl born in a small mountain village—has grown up to be an outstanding student in a famous university step by step.

Miss Li not only shows energy and initiative in her work, but she is also flexible and adaptable. She possesses an outgoing personality which will assist in her greatly in adapting herself to a long term of overseas study.

All in all, she is quite qualified for graduate study and your admission of her application will be highly rewarded.

Sincerely yours,

Senior Professor of Mathematics