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模具设计师自我评价 篇1






模具设计师自我评价 篇2

Work a year, combined with my own talk about the importance of UI design. Now the mainstream've station program has two Phpwind and Discuz (Phpwind acquired by Alibaba Discuz Tencent acquired two forums are open source free program), the following is the UI designer personal rating:

I use these two programs were established through the forum, the first time I was using the Phpwind then I switch to the Discuz (I was just a little knowledge of HTML and CSS), forced me to renounce the use of Phpwind Forum program is mainly due to Phpwind forum interface does not look good (now phpwind design team seems to have made improvements in this regard), and the second is that many features are very difficult to get a clear idea, plug-in installation is very cumbersome. In fact Phpwind features a little bit stronger than Discuz.But now we've found that most of them will access the site are based on Discuz established. Why Phpwind Discuz than the market depends critically on interface design and user experience design.

Also Apple's iPhone sold very popular, iPhone hardly high-end hardware, but also what a powerful phone features no R & D (Apple hand some basic pieces of software features intelligent machines can be installed) but Apple is selling good! Everyone know because iPhone industrial design interface design and user experience design well done!

Combined with various examples, we will find people to improve the cultural quality, application software can not merely meet the functional needs.

Also you need to have aesthetic and cultural connotation of the demand. Now the main force of China's labor force is 70 80 (decade after 8090) and most of these people have received a good education is not had it tough, these people know how to aesthetic has its own personality, more selective. This requires us to work in software interface design and user experience design. This will cater to the various needs of users. Customer satisfaction, get a good reputation.Develop a broader market.

模具设计师自我评价 篇3


本人做事专一,喜专研,在校期间表现良好,专业知识技能掌握牢固,对未来的工作已做好充分的准备,相信自己一定能在以后的岗位中发挥出色 ,为企业奉献自己所有光和热。
