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21. —Have you read a bookcalled The Merchant of Venice?

—Yes. _____ book is very interesting.

A. An B.A C.The D. /

22. People usually touchsomething with their _____.

A. eyes B. noses C. mouths D. fingers

23. Our Chinese teacher didn’t go to bed _____ he finished hiswork lastnight.

A. until B.if C. since D. because

24. You ______ write thepoem down. Our teacher will give us a copysoon.

A. mustn't B.shouldn't C. needn't D. can't

25. —So beautiful flowers! Ican't decide _____ for my mom.

—For Mother's Day, you’d better take somecarnations(康乃馨).

A. when to choose B.which to choose

C. how to choose D.what to choose

26.The students of Grade Eight_____ reading 9 excitingmystery stories sofar.

A. finished B.have finished C. finish D.will finish

27. —You like to drinkcoffee, don’t you?

—Yes. But I’m _____ drinking tea, too.

A. able to B.similar to C. used to D. ready to

28. Tom and Jerry are very funny. I can’t help _____ when I watchthem.

A. singing B.laughing C. sleeping D. talking

29. The movie _____ forabout 5 minutes, so let’s see the next one.

A. has been on B. has started C.started D. began

30. —What age did you leavehome?

— I left home at 18, Neil. I ________ yourcity for five years.

A. have been in B.have been to C. have gone to D. have come to

31. The environment here becomes better and better. _____ birdsare comingback.

A. Thousands of B.Thousand of C. Thousands D.Thousand

32. It’s dangerous for you to go out for a walk in the forest_____ atnight.

A. on business B.by the way C. on yourown D. on the top

33. —Remember to _____ the lightswhen you leave theroom.

—OK!I will.

A. turn on B.turn off C. turn up D. turn down

34. —“Food Safety” problemis becoming _____ these days.

—I think so. Thegovernment must do something to deal with it.

A. smaller and smaller B.nicer and nicer

C. better and better D. worse and worse

35.—I’m goingto Disneyland in Shanghai during May Day holiday.

—_____. There are many wonderful things to see and to dothere.

A.That’s all right B. Have a good time C. Goodluck D. Ihope so



We are now living in the 21st century. Is yourclassroom also in the21stcentury? Smith is a ___36___in GradeEight at a British middle school. He wassurprised when he saw hismodern___37___ on his first day to school.

In Smith’s classroom, therewere many new electronic(电子设备). Theywill___38___ the electronics to take notes, watch videos, do projects andhomeworkand ___39___.

The school uses newtechnology(技术) inclassrooms to help students see, hear,touch and sometimes experience theirtasks. Technology is very __40___in most ofthe classrooms. The teachers try touse technology to __41___ the world tostudents. Science teacher Mr Millerthinks it is ___42___for students to know theoutside world. Mr Miller nowlooks on himself as a guide of learning ___43___ ateacher. He tries to teachstudents __44___ to find the answers but not just totell them what the answersare.

James, another student,loves technology, too. He was not really interestedin the classes very muchbefore. Now with the help of technology at school, hebegins to__45___theclassroom. Of course, he is getting on well with hisstudies.

36. A. teacher B.student C. chairperson D. guide

37. A. classroom B.playground C. library D. garden

38. A. play B. connect C.use D.help

39. A. so much B.so on C. so as D.so to

40. A.possible B. terrible C. difficult D.popular

41. A. open up B.look up C. put up D.call up

42. A. wrong B.slow C. quick D. bad

43. A. because of B.instead of C. thanks to D. as well

44. A. why B.what C. when D. how

45. A. stand B.hate C. enjoy D.dislike




Nowadays, the Internet has become an important part of ourlives. What doyou often do on the Internet? Here are some useful websites foryou. 46. Who does NG Kids have anedition especially for?

A. Doctors. B.Children. C. Teachers. D. Workers.

47. What is Teens Healthabout?

A. How to lookafter pets at home. B. How to choose a good film.

C. How to solve(解决) problems in life. D. How to learnEnglish.

48. Where can we learneveryday English expressions?

A.Http://www.bbc.co.uk/learnenglish. B.Http://teenshealth.org/teen.

C. Http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/kids.

D. Http://www.mtime.com

49. What is a good way tohave fun on the weekend?

A. Fighting against stress. B.Learning new words.

C. Going to the cinema. D.Managing feelings.

50. Which of the followingis TRUE according to this passage?

A. We can’t find Guinness world records onNG Kids.

B. A film with a rating between 6 and 8 isworth seeing.

C. We can watch English movies on BBCLearning English.

D. Sometimes we feel upset when we meetchanges in life.


Everyone that lives inbig cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou etc,knows that there is a lotof traffic! Wherever you go, you can see the crowdedstreets with cars, buses,bikes and people. It seems that everyone is always in ahurry! In such asituation, accidents might happen. But if we all slowed down alittle and paidmore attention to the traffic rules, accidents would beavoided(避免). However,sometimes the fact isn’t like that!

How many times have youtried to cross the street even when the light hasbecome red? It seems as if itwould be so easy to just quickly run across, orrush in between cars and buses.But this causes a dangerous problem. Crossing thestreet when the light is redwill only save you a few seconds; it is notworth(值得的) risking(使……冒险)your life.

When I was growing up,my mother always told me the two sayings“Better safethan sorry” and “Better late than never”. That’s to say, it isalways better tobe careful and arrive safely at the place you hope to go.Things would not bemuch worse if everyone would wait their turn to cross thestreet.

51.What can we often see in big cities?

A. Lots of traffic. B. A little traffic.

C. A few people. D.Lots of buses.

52.What should we do to avoid traffic accidents?

A. Drive to work in a hurry.

B. Cross the street in a hurry.

C. Rush in between cars and buses.

D. Slow down and pay attention to thetraffic rules.

53.What colour is right for people to cross the street?

A. Blue. B.Red. C. Green. D. Yellow.

54.What does the underlined word “sayings” mean in Chinese?

A.说话 B.格言 C.词组 D.谈论

55.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Traffic Accidents B.Traffic Safety

C. Traffic in a Hurry D.Traffic Rules



A good book can openyour eyes and clear your minds. If you want to get intoa good reading habit,there are a number of ways to develop it.

Plan your time

You should give yourselfat least thirty minutes in all for reading everyday. When time is set, nothingcan change it. For example, make it a habit toread during breakfast or lunchtime.

Always carry a book

Wherever you go,take a book with you. When you leave the house, make surethat you always carrya good book. Remember that a book always stays withyou.

Find a quiet place

Find a place in your home where you can sit in acomfortable chair. When youread a book, no one will trouble you. There shouldbe no televisions, computers,music or even noisy family members around you.

Have a library card

Have a library card, and you can read as many good books aspossible in thelibrary. Make it a weekly trip to the library. You can save alot of money.

Share it

One of the best ways to develop a good reading habit is to putyour ideasafter reading on the circles of your friends on your Wechat. Askyour friends andfamily to go there to share your ideas and offer yousuggestions.



For Wilson, the twomost important things to take with him when he travelsabroad are his passportand his mobile phones. He books his plane tickets andhotel rooms through theInternet, and he enters all the information into hismobile phone. “I don’teven need to print my tickets out any more,” says Wilson.“I can do everythingonline.”

How people travel andgo on holiday has changed a lot over the past years.Airlines, hotels, travelagencies all have their own websites. People can planand book their holidaysin just a few clicks. Today everything is easier, fasterand smarter.

In fact, many peopledo not use guidebook any more. Instead, they go totravel websites for the mapsand information. These websites also let travellerswrite about and show photosof the sights, hotels, shops and restaurants theywent to. This means otherpeople can read about their experiences and decidewhether they want to visitthese places too. The Internet has made it easier foreveryone to share theirexperiences and thoughts with each other.

回答下面5个问题, 每题答案不超过7个词。

66. How does Mr Wilson book his plane tickets andhotel rooms?


67. Where does Mr Wilson put all the travelinformation?


68. Why do people say that everything is easier,faster and smarter?


69. Where do people go to look for the travel maps andinformation?


70. What do you think of the change?




71. Believing in yourselfis the first step on the road to ______ .(成功)

72. Mr. Black has made______speeches on how to fight against pollution.(几个)

73. In my hometown, therewas a big old tree ______ our school. (在……对面)

74. If you want to _____yourdream, you must study hard from now on.(实现)

75. English, Chinese and______ are important working languages of theUN.(法语)

B. 根据句意用所给单词的适当形式填空。

76. It’s _____to be in two different places at thesame time. (possible)

77. It's exciting tosee the huge glass ball falling through the ______!(dark)

78. The UK is an old______country, where there are many palaces andcastles. (Europe)

79. Lao She was a great______and he's especially famous for his play,Teahouse.(write)

80. The largest of thepyramids is more than ______ as tall as the SydneyOpera House. (two)


A. 用所给单词和词组连成句子,注意大小写。每小题2分,计10分

81.it was / my little finger/ the same size / as


82.I / couldn’t stop/ ran after him / taking photos / and


83.it’s good / the amazing changes / in the town/ to see/anyway/


84. it / me / takes/ to do homework/ two hours / everyday


85. you/ / dreamed of /have/ travelling around theworld/ in a day/ ever






21.C 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. D 26.B 27.C 28.B 29.A30.A 31.A 32.C 33.B 34.D35.B


36.B 37. A 38. C 39. B 40. D 41.A 42. C 43. B 44. D 45.C


46. B 47.C 48. A 49. C 50.D 51. A 52.D 53.C54.B 55.B


56. ways 57.make 58.spend 59. habit 60.carry

61. without 62. cheap 63. week 64.ideas 65.get


66. Through the Internet.

67. His mobile phone.

68. Because we only need a few clicks.

69. Travel websites.

70. Useful/ Interesting/ Wonderful/Easy...


71. success 72. several 73.opposite 74. realize 75.French

76. impossible 77.darkness 78. European 79.writer 80.twice



81. It was the same size as my little finger.

82. I ran after him and couldn’t stop taking photos.

83. Anyway, it’s good to see the amazing changes inthe town.

84. It takes me two hours to do homework every day.

85. Have you ever dreamt of travelling qround theworld in a day?

B. 书面表达(15分)

In recent years, WeChatis becoming fashionable and popular. It has made adifference to our dailylife.

We used to get in touch(communicate) with each other by letters and emails,but now more and morepeople are using WeChat. We can send voice and textmessages through WeChat aswell as pictures and videos easily. By using it,making friends is becomingeasier. And we can share our life experiences faster.However, there are alsosome problems. Using WeChat too often is not good forstudents’ study. And itis not safe for students to make friends by WeChat.

I think WeChat is helpful to us, but we shouldalways be careful.
