I like eating various kinds of fruits, but what I like most is apple. Appleis red, round, and juicy. It looks so nice and tastes so sweet. Almost everyonelikes it. And it's also very cheap. We can buy it everywhere.
Apple is not only delicious, but also nutritious, because it contains thevitamins we need. Having apples everyday can make us healthy and wise. Just assaying goes," An apple a day keeps the doctors away.
What's more, apple can be made into many kinds of foods and drinks. Forexample, apple milk shake is so popular among people. It's so easy to make. Hereis the list: First, peel three apples and cut them into pieces. Second, put theapples and ice cream into a blender, and then pour some milk into the blender.Next, turn on the blender, and the milk shake will be ready in two minutes.Finally, drink the milk shake. This is the last but the most delightfulstep.
i am li ming, a second year student in the education department of oufuniversity. i'm writing to inform you of the true conditions of our canteenservice.
i don't know how to begin my account because the service is really bad.please read my letter patiently and do something about it. we would be gratefulfor whatever you do for us students.
firstly, the quality of the food is bad. for instance, the rice is toohard. what's more, some dishes are not fresh sometimes. as a matter of fact, thepoor food has already caused some stomach problems among the students.
secondly, the service is not good enough. some staff members give us shortmeasure when they are in a bad mood. now and then they behave like robbers,robbing you of your appetite. worst of alit they never smile.
thirdly, the price is too high. a small cake made from rice and dates costas much as 0.6 yuan! it will cost us a good 6 yuan to fill our stomach with suchcakes. after all we are poor students.
i wish my opinion would call your attention to the canteen service oncampus. we are badly in need of your help.
looking forward to an early reply.
in recent years, more and more migrant workers have moved into big citiesand they have been making great contributions to the development of cities. newbuildings need them, roads can't be repaired without them, and the planting andprotecting of trees and flowers depend on them. indeed, they play an importantrole in the construction of cities in china today.
however, they have brought about some problems. the biggest one is theincrease of the city population. the once crowded cities have now become morecrowded. and their arrival may cause a serious crisis in housing, water andother resources. in addition, they have taken so many jobs that the labor marketin cities has become even weaker. what's more, some of the farmland is leftuncultivated as a result of the farmers' emigration.
in my opinion, migrant workers' contributions outweigh the inconveniencesthey bring us. on the whole, they have become an important part of our socialistbuilders. nevertheless, the government should work out new policies to controlthe emigration of farmers on the one hand and to protect migrant workers' rightsand interests on the other hand.
with the increase of china's population, housing problems are becoming moreand more apparent. many people complain that their houses are too small to livein, and we can see in some pool families, six or seven family members live inone room. therefore, the living conditions can't meet their-needs.
there are many difficulties in solving housing problems. first, it'simpossible to put all the space into building houses. secondly, the populationof china increases year by year and with the improvement of our living standard,we need more room to relax ourselves in.
various solutions have been put forwvard. i think the most important andefficient way is to control the population. also, we can build more highbuildings to provide more living space. i believe the housing problems will besolved.
suppose fudan is to choose the hottest newsmakers through public appraisalof the past year, two prodigies, man zhou and han han, will certainly standbeside the celebrities in scientific domain. still being controversy, however,their appearances in prestigious fudan challenge the conventional attitudestoward children cultivation. these two fortune's favorites exemplify sometalents who successfully make their own decisions and achieve preliminaryaccomplishments.
there is no skepticism that our society is experiencing a profoundreformation. as most sociologists indicate, children are a more sensitive andparticular group that deserves intensive attention. people readily witness theconstruction development while the distinct shifts that children confront areneglected. decades ago, people usually need not, or to some extent, could notmake their own decisions because the so called "screw spirit" was adrotatedgreatly. one has no choice but to conform and adjust to the arrangement.compared to their predecessors, present freedom and choices are more readilyavailable to children. almost everything ranging from education to career,religion to marriage is up to one's own wills. as a consequence, more emphasisshould be attached to cultivating children's ability to make their own decisionsindependently. in this way they will adjust better future's fiercecompetitions.
given that children should be entitled to make decisions,there emergesanother problem how to make them efficiently.creativity and talent of childrenare not new. it is just that their personalities and characteristics arebecoming more pronounced.unfortunately, it frequently happens that one born tobe movie star who may probably win oscar award someday is excluded in a dramaclub in school;an innate business elite is dismissed only in the name ofviolating the rules by selling christmas cards on campus; a more universal storyis that the vast majority of children are merely ordinary people whose requestsrefer to leading a pacific life. how can parents or teachers impose their valuesof becoming someone on a child whose propensity is devouring a bestseller duringspare time and going to movies with his or her spouse on weekends and refusingto working on additional hours in the unreasonable excuse of a boss. althoughone is supposed to exert his utmost in some field, he also possesses the rightto choose his or her own life style.
the intricacy of children issue lies not only in the lack of decisionmaking opportunities, but also in being overlooked their essence children,meaning naive and credulous. it grieves us that the rate of adolescent crimeshas been spiraling continuously. the number of teenagers involved in illegalsex, violent hooliganism and drug abuse is still shockingly spiraling. somepeople often boast that the new generation are the best one ever before, but fewof them are aware of the tough situation. we should not be overoptimistic and itis high time we took some substantial actions to cope with it. it is notlawmakers' job, but the entire society's responsibility.
the ongoing debate concerning children will remain an eternal topic and wemust call on more concerns toward them. it is generally accepted that thechildren nowadays determine future rivals among countries. consequently, it isworth our enthusiasm and wisdom to resolve this problem.