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Have a lovely little rabbit, heard that the sun is red, round to find thesun. It came to the house, carrying two red, round lantern ask a mother: "mom,this is the sun?" Mother said: "no, this is the two red lanterns, the sunoutside the room!" Little rabbit came to the garden, saw three red, roundradish, ask a mother: "mom, this is the sun?" Mother said: "no, this is thethree red turnip, the sun in the sky!" Little rabbit glanced up and saw the skyfloating red, round balloons, ask a mother: "mom, this is the sun?" Mother said:"no, this is the red balloons · · · · · · ·" rabbit shouted anxiously: "reallynasty people, where the hell is the sun?" Mother said: "look, the sun is onlyone, still shine!" Little rabbit down the mother the direction of the finger,looked up and called out: "mom, I found, the sun was red, round, bright,according to the body warm.



A shoemaker, through no fault of his own, had become so poor that he hadonly leather enough for a single pair of shoes. He cut them out one evening,then went to bed, intending to finish them the next morning. Having a clearconscience, he went to bed peacefully, commended himself to God, and fellasleep.从前有个平凡的鞋匠,家里穷得只剩做一双鞋子用的皮革了。晚上他把皮革裁剪好,就去睡觉了,打算第二天一早做完它们。他在床上怀着一颗纯洁而宁静的心祈求完上帝便睡着了。

The next morning, after saying his prayers, he was about to return to hiswork when he found the shoes on his workbench, completely finished. Amazed, hedid not know what to say. He picked up the shoes in order to examine them moreclosely. They were so well made that not a single stitch was out of place, justas if they were intended as a masterpiece. A customer soon came by, and he likedthe shoes so much that he paid more than the usual price for them.第二天早上他做完祷告,打算继续工作,但他发现.在工作台上的那双鞋子已经做好了.天啦!鞋匠惊讶得说不出话来.他把鞋子拿起来检查了一下,做工非常棒,缝接处没有丝毫偏差.就在这时,一位顾客进来了,他非常喜欢这双鞋并用高价买下了它们.

The shoemaker now had enough money to buy leather for two pairs of shoes.That evening he cut them out, intending to continue his work the next morningwith good cheer. But he did not need to do so, because when he got up they werealready finished. Customers soon bought them, paying him enough that he nowcould buy leather for four pairs of shoes. Early the next morning he found thefour pairs finished. And so it continued; whatever he cut out in the evening wasalways finished the following morning. He now had a respectable income and withtime became a wealthy man.鞋匠现在有足够的钱买做两双鞋的皮革了.晚上他兴高彩烈地裁剪好,打算第二天早上做好它们.但是他起床的时候鞋已经做好了.很快又有顾客买走了,并付给他很多钱,这下,鞋匠可以买做四双鞋子的皮革了。而且和以前一样,第二天早晨他发现鞋子已经做好了。这样过了一段时间,随着越来越多的鞋子做好了,卖出去,鞋匠很快就富了起来。

One evening shortly before Christmas, just before going to bed, and havingalready cut out a number of shoes, he said to his wife, "Why don't we stay uptonight and see who is giving us this helping hand."圣诞节前的某天晚上,鞋匠一边忙着裁剪皮革,一边对妻子说:“不如我们整夜不睡,看看究竟是谁在帮助我们?”

His wife agreed to this and lit a candle. Then they hid themselves behindsome clothes that were hanging in a corner of the room. At midnight two cutelittle naked men appeared. Sitting down at the workbench, they picked up thecut-out pieces and worked so unbelievable quickly and nimbly that the amazedshoemaker could not take his eyes from them. They did not stop until they hadfinished everything. They placed the completed shoes on the workbench, thenquickly ran away.他的妻子非常赞同,于是他们点了一根蜡烛,悄悄地藏在房间衣服的后面。半夜时分,两个小小的光着身子的小精灵出现了。他们坐在工作台上捡起裁剪好的皮革飞快的做了起来,鞋匠简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。它们直到全部做好才停下来把鞋放在工作台上,然后迅速跑走了.

The next morning the wife said, "The little men have made us wealthy. Wemust show them our thanks. They are running around with nothing on, freezing. Doyou know what? I want to sew some shirts, jackets, undershirts, and trousers forthem, and knit a pair of stockings for each of them, and you should make a pairof shoes for each of them."第二天早上,鞋匠的妻子:“这些小精灵让我们生活这么富裕。我们应该报答他们,他们光着身子东奔西跑一定很冷。知道吗?我可以缝制一些衬衫,短外套,汗衫,还有裤子和长袜,而你可以给他们做一双鞋子.”

The husband said, "I agree," and that evening, when everything wasfinished, they set the presents out instead of the unfinished work. Then theyhid themselves in order to see what the little men would do. At midnight theycame skipping up, intending to start work immediately. When they saw the littleclothes instead of the cut-out leather, they at first seemed puzzled, but thendelighted. They quickly put them on, then stroking the beautiful clothes ontheir bodies they sang: Sind wir nicht Knaben glatt und fein? Was sollen wirlinger Schuster sein! Are we not boys, neat and fine? No longer cobblers shallwe be! 鞋匠说:"完全同意,"那天晚上, 鞋匠夫妇没有把裁剪好的皮革放在工作台上,而是把做好的小礼物放在上面。然后,他们又悄悄的躲了起来看小人会做什么.半夜里,小精灵们来了,并立刻准备把东西腾空开始工作,但他们刚看见那些小衣服的时候很迷惑,然后马上欣喜的把它们穿在身上,用手摸着漂亮的衣服唱起歌来:“快来看看我,我是多么漂亮!我是一个英俊潇洒的帅小伙,没有比干制鞋的活更使我们快乐。”

Then they hopped and danced about, jumping over chairs and benches. Finallythey danced out of the house. They never returned, but the shoemaker prospered,succeeding in everything that he did.他们神气活现地蹦着、舞着、跳过椅子和长凳,最后跳出了房子再也没有回来。但是鞋匠仍然生意兴隆,万事如意。


A Selfish Giant自私的巨人

Every afternoon, as the children were coming back from school, they used togo and play in the giant's garden.


It was a beautiful large garden. Beautiful flowers grew in the grass. Therewere twelve fruit trees. In the spring the fruit trees were covered with red andwhite flowers, and later in the year they bore rich fruit. The birds sang in thetrees so sweetly that sometimes the children stopped their games and listened tothem. "How happy we are here!" they cried to each other.

One day the giant came back. He had been away for seven years. When hearrived, he saw the children playing in his garden. "What are you doing here?"he cried in a very loud voice. The children ran away.


"My own garden is my own garden," said the giant. "I will allow no one toplay in it but myself. "So he built a high wall round it and put up a notice:Keep out. He was a very selfish giant.

So the children had nowhere to play. They tried to play on the road, butthe road was dusty and full of hard stone, and they did not like it. Theywandered round the high walls when their lessons were finished and talked aboutthe beautiful garden inside. "How happy we were there!" they said to eachother.


The spring came, and there were flowers and little birds all over thecountry. But in the garden of the Selfish Giant it was till winter the birds didnot like to sing in it because there were no children, and the trees forgot tobear flowers. Snow covered up the grass, and ice covered all the trees withsilver. The north wind came, and driving rain.


"I can't understand why the spring is so late in coming," said the SelfishGiant as he sat at the window of his house and looked out at his cold whitegarden. "I hope that there will be a change in the weather."


But the spring never came, nor the summer. When there was golden fruit inevery other garden, there was no fruit in the the giant's garden. It was alwayswinter there with the north wind, and snow, and ice, and driving rain.


The giant was lying in bed one morning when he heard some beautiful music.It was a little bird singing outside his window. It was so long since he hadheard the song of a bird that it seemed to him the most beautiful music in theworld. Then the north wind and the rain stopped.


"I believe that spring has come at last!" said the giant. He jumped out ofbed and looked out.


What did he see?


He saw a most wonderful sight. The children had come in though a hole inthe wall and were sitting in the branches of the trees. There was a little childin every tree that he could see. The trees were so glad to have the childrenback that they had covered themselves with flowers: the birds were flying aboutand singing with joy, and flowers were looking up through the green grass.


A little boy was standing in the farthest corner of the garden. He was sosmall that he could not reach up to the branches of the tree, but was wanderinground it and weeping. That tree was still covered with ice and snow.


"How selfish I have been!" said the giant. "Now I know why the spring wouldnot come here. I'll put the little boy on the top of the tree. Then I'll pulldown the wall and my garden shall be a children's playground for ever." He wasreally sorry for what he had done.


So he went down: he opened the door very quietly, and went out into thegarden. But, when the children saw him, they were afraid and ran away. Only thelittle boy did not run: his eyes were so full of tears that he did not see thegiant coming. The giant came quietly behind him. He took the little boy gentlyin his hand and put him up into the tree. Then the tree was suddenly coveredwith flowers, and the birds came and sang in it, and the little boy put his armsround the giant's neck and kissed him.


The other children saw that giant was not bad and selfish now, so they camerunning back.


"It's your garden now, little children," said the giant, and he pulled downthe wall. When the people were going along the road to the town, they found thegiant playing with the children in the most beautiful garden they had everseen.


The children played all day, and in the evening they came to the giant tosay goodbye to him.


"But where is your little friend?" he said. "Where is the little boy I putin the tree?" The giant loved him best because the little boy had kissedhim.


"We don't know," answered the children. "he has gone away."


"You must tell him to come tomorrow, he must come tomorrow." "We don't knowwhere he lives. We had never seen him before." The giant felt very sad. Everyafternoon when school ended, the children came and played with the giant. Butthe little boy whom the giant loved was never seen again. The giant was verykind to all the children, but he did want to see his first little friend. "Howmuch I would like to see him!" he said.


Years went by, and the giant became very old and weak. He could not play inthe garden now; so he sat in a big chair and watched the children at their gamesand looked at his beautiful garden. "I have many beautiful flowers," he said,"but the children are the most beautiful flowers of all."


One morning, when he was dressing himself, he looked out of the window. Hedid not hate the winter now, because he knew that the spring was sleeping andthe flowers were resting: he knew that they would come again.


Suddenly he rubbed his eyes; he looked again at the wonderful sight! In thefarthest corner of the garden there was a tree quite covered with beautifulwhite flowers. Its branches were golden, and silver fruit hung down from them.And the little boy whom he loved was standing under the tree.


He ran out into the garden: he hurried across the grass and came near thechild. When he came quite close, his face became red with anger and he said,"Who has dared to wound you?" There were marks on the child's hands, and on thelittle feet.


"Who had dared to wound you?" cried the giant. "Tell me and I will take mysword and kill him!"


"No," said the child, "These are the wounds of love."


"Who are you?" said the giant. He was afraid, and knelt before the littlechild.


"You once let me play in your garden," said the child. "Today you'll comewith me into my garden in heaven."


When the children came into the garden on that afternoon, they found thegiant lying dead under the tree, covered with white flowers.



A man carves an idol and takes it to the fair. No one buys it, so he beginsto shout in order to canvass the customer.


He says that this idol can bring in wealth and good luck. One man says tothe seller, “Hello, My friend, if this is so, you should have the advantagesthat the idol can bring, why do you want to sell it?” The seller says, “What Iwant is that I can get cash in at once. The profit from the idol is so slow.


This story means: God will never respect people who make a profit by hookor crook.




Once upon a time, there were two very good friends who lived together inthe shade of a rock. Strange as it may seem, one was a lion and one was a tiger.They had met when they were too young to know the difference between lions andtigers. So they did not think their friendship was at all unusual. Besides, itwas a peaceful part of the mountains, possibly due to the influence of a gentleforest monk who lived nearby. He was a hermit , one who lives far away fromother people.

For some unknown reason, one day the two friends got into a silly argument.The tiger said, ;Everyone knows the cold netes when the moon wanes from full tonew!; The lion said, ;Where did you hear such nonsense ? Everyone knows the coldnetes when the moon waxes from new to full!;

The argument got stronger and stronger. Neither could convince the other.They could not reach any conclusion to resolve the growing dispute. They evenstarted calling each other names! Fearing for their friendship, they decided togo ask the learned forest monk, who would surely know about such things.

Visiting the peaceful hermit, the lion and tiger bowed respectfully and puttheir question to him. The friendly monk thought for a while and then gave hisanswer. ;It can be cold in any phase of the moon, from new to full and back tonew again. It is the wind that brings the cold, whether from west or north oreast. Therefore, in a way, you are both right! And neither of you is defeated bythe other. The most important thing is to live without conflict, to remainunited. Unity is best by all means.;

The lion and tiger thanked the wise hermit. They were happy to still befriends.





